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Saturday, December 2, 2006

Tell Me Again Who Respects Free Speech

Violence erupted at a Michigan law school
Thursday when protestors tried to block a speech by Colorado Congressman Tom

Police were called after protestors pulled a fire alarm prior
to the speech on immigration policies. There were at least three violent
incidents with protestors targeting student backers of the event, Tancredo,
R-Littleton, said today.

"One was spit on, one was kicked, and one was
punched," Tancredo said in an e-mail. "Tires were also slashed."

Michigan State University College Republicans and Young Americans for
Freedom sponsored the event.

Tancredo went to Michigan State University
College of Law as part of a visit to the state to talk about immigration. He
leads the group that opposes legal status for illegal immigrants.

Protestors interrupted the speech with loud shouting.


Hat Tip to The Drudge Report

Liberals and "Progressives" always show their true colors as they deny others the right to free speech, in all areas, whether they do it in the forms illustrated in the story, or behind the scenes pressure, as this blogger recently experienced.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Bullshit. Why would you assume that liberals or progressives did this? Sounds like eejits, but progressives? Hardly. As a liberal and progressive, I can assure you that we're more likely to taunt you than attack you.

    2. Tancredo, supported by a half-dozen white-supremacist organizations for a Presidential run in 2008, is going to have to expect that his vitriolic, extremist viewpoint will bring out the crazy.

    3. Free speech? He's got it. What he doesn't have is the right to speak without consequences. If he's going to use his racist code words like "radical multiculturalism", he ought to expect to raise a reaction.

    Tancredo's a menace. And the people who (a) go to hear him speak; or (b) react childishly and give Tancredo free headlines need to take some deep breaths and stop being so crazy.


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