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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Franklin Town Planning Board August 2016 Meeting
Elections and Special Use Permit for Ingles Markets

The Franklin Planning Board met yesterday afternoon in the lower level of town hall. All members except Peter Mosco and Dave Jones were present. The full video, photos and meeting notes are posted below.

The board elected Tom Harris as Chairman and Janet Greene as Vice Chairman for one year terms. The board then took up the Special Use Permit for 1281 Georgia Road. Ingles Markets has proposed an Ingles Markets Grocery Store, Retail Shops and an I-Market with eight gas pumps for the 13.03 acre property.

The building Ingles wants to place a building 88,928 square feet in size, which is larger than the 30,000 square foot allowed by the current c-3 Zoning District.

Engineers have calculated the site will need 3500 gallons of water per day and will produce 3500 gallons per day for sewer services.

STAFF COMMENTS (taken from planning board documents)

Ingles Markets has applied for a special use permit for a 1303 acres off of Georgia Road. The development is to build a 72,128 square foot grocery store, 14,000 square feet of retail shops and an 8 pump gas station on the site. Because of the development size the UDO (Unified Development Ordinance) requires developments of 30,000 square feet to be rezoned to PCD (Planned Commercial Development).

Ingles Markets have submitted all required plans as required and have included a traffic impact study has also been included by the request of the Land Use Administrator. Parking on the site under strict enforcement would require 461 spaces per the UDO. Ingles Markets has stated this is too many spaces for this site and has requested that number be relaxed. Under section 152.093 (F) Off-street parking parking in the UDO Flexible Administration states that parking standards can be relaxed it it deemed to be far in excess of the need. Ingles Markets has provided data from other stores comparable to the size of this store with peak parking totals. Ingles would like to provide 341 parking spaces for the development. Staff feels this is in reason and can be accepted.

The site has a landscape plan, storm water plan, utility plan, grading plan and lightning plan. A portion of the site is located in the floodplain for Cartoogechaye Creek which they will be requesting to place fill dirt for the parking areas but will not be affecting the floodway for the creek.

Ingles has approached the NCDOT to install a full movement traffic light on the Georgia Road for main access to the site. The NCDOT has stated they will be installing a light to assist with the exiting of the Robert C Carpenter Community Building as well.

A town water line will need to be relocated since the new structure will be built over the current path of the line.


Town Staff has reviewed the preliminary plans and believes it has met all requirements per Town of Franklin UDO


08-08-2016 Neighborhood Compatibility Meeting
08-15-2016 Special Use Permit
09-06-2016 Sept 2016 Town Board Meeting
09-15-2016 Sept 2016 Town Planning Board Meeting
10-03-2016 Oct 2016 Town Board Meeting


The planning board found that the special use permit met all requirements in the UDO. A copy of the Findings of Fact is posted below for your convenience:

In accordance with Section 153.053 (m) Findings of Fact for Special Use Review in the UDO. No special use permit shall be approved by the Board of Aldermen unless each of the following findings is made.

(a) the use or development is located, designed and proposed to be operated so as to maintain or promote the public health, safety and general welfare.

Members voted 5-0 with 2 absent.

(b) There are, or will be at the time they are required, adequate public facilities to serve the use or development as specified in §152.00, below.

Members voted 5-0 with 2 absent.

(c) The use or development complies with all required regulations and standards of this chapter or with variances thereto, if any, granted pursuant to division (8), below, and with all other applicable regulations.

Members voted 5-0 with 2 absent.

(d) The use or development is located, designed, and proposed to be operated so as to be compatible with the particular neighborhood in which it is to be located.

Members voted 5-0 with 2 absent.

(e) The use or development conforms with the general plans for the physical development of the town as embodied in this chapter, the Principles of Growth, the Thoroughfare Plan, and any other duly adopted plans of the town.

Members voted 5-0 with 2 absent.


The Town Board of Aldermen will hold a public hearing on this special use permit to hear from the public and the developer and hear the recommendation of staff and the planning board. When the date is set, Macon Media will post a notice.

(media outlets with employees at the meeting)

Macon Media
The Macon County News and Shopping Guide
The Franklin Press


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