
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Friday, September 30, 2016

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Recipient Dania Yadago Will Be Telling Her Story in Franklin and Sylva

Thursday, October 6th, 6:30 pm        Friday, October 7th, 6:00 pm Cowee Baptist Church                                     Faith Baptist Church 6301 Bryson City Road (Highway 28 North)                  714 Webster Road Franklin, North Carolina    ...

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Macon County Board of Education
Special Called Meeting
September 29, 2016

The Macon County Board of Education met this morning, September 29, 2016, to discuss changes to board policies. The board met in closed session for about 9 minutes and the open portion of the meeting lasted less than 5 minutes. The video of the open portion of the meeting is embedded below for you to watch. A brief summary as to why this meeting was necessary: the General Assembly passed a requirement at the end of the 2016 session that requires...

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Fire Departments Extinguish Loose Fires on Cowee Mountain

Mountain Valley Fire Department responded to a series of loose fires along Highway US-441 on Cowee Mountain this afternoon. The North Carolina Forest Service and Franklin Fire Department assisted and the Macon County Sheriff Office assisted in traffic control, encouraging motorists to slow down and move over one lane while firefighters were engaged in fire suppression activities. The fires were along the northbound side of the road from above...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Colonial Pipeline Completes Pipeline Bypass
Shipments Expected to Resume Tomorrow

According to this press release from Colonial Pipeline, construction of a bypass line has been completed and testing will be taking place later today and regular shipments of fuel is expected to resume tomorrow. Helena, Alabama Incident Update – September 20, 9:15 a.m., CDT Update #19 Posted on September 20, 2016  SHELBY COUNTY, Ala. – Colonial Pipeline issued the following update this morning regarding its response...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Update on Gas Crunch Situation Locally and from Colonial Pipeline

Some gas stations in the Franklin area continue to experience delays in getting fuel in wake of a leaking pipeline in Alabama [read more here]. Colonial Pipeline is working to construct a section of pipe that will move fuel around the leak and is working on getting fuel delivered to its customers. Macon Media surveyed most gas stations in the Franklin area this morning and while a few were completely out, others still has some and many were...

Gas Shortage Hits Macon County Due to Leak in Alabama

GAS SHORTAGE OPEN THREAD #1 September 19, 2016 We're all aware that there is a gas shortage in the region due to a combination of factors. On September 9th, a pipeline leak was discovered in rural Shelby County in Alabama. The pipeline that supplies over 100 million gallons of fuel to the eastern United States and it had to be shut until repaired or replaced. Right now, efforts are underway to bypass the damaged section. Until that can...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

League of Women Voters Host Forum for NC Senate and NC House

The Macon County League of Women Voters hosted a forum today for candidates who are running for seats in the North Carolina Senate and North Carolina House of Representatives.  Over the course of the forum, each candidate was asked to speak on five topics. They were: Introduction of candidate and qualifications for office Infrastructure improvements for WNC, including high speed Internet Education Gun Control An opportunity to revisit...

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Macon County Commissioners
Regular Sept 2016 Meeting

The Macon County Commissioners will be meeting tonight at 6 pm. You can watch the meeting live at Livestream. After the meeting is over, a recorded version will be added in the morning. Here is the agenda for the meeting: MACON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 AGENDA 1. Call to order and welcome by Chairman Corbin 2. Announcements A. NCACC Annual Report Video 3. Moment of Silence 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Public Hearing(s)...

30 Second News Update - Minor Fire at Shaw Industries

A 30 second news update on the minor fire at Shaw Industries this morning. There was a minor fire in the exhaust system at Shaw Industries and Franklin Fire Department responded, with Macon County EMS staging nearby and Clarks Chapel and Cullasaja Fire Departments providing mutual aid. After a few minutes of investigation, Command released the mutual aid departments with appreciation for their assistance. After about an hour on the scene,...

Sunday, September 11, 2016

9/11 Commemoration Ceremony from Ground Zero
Video of Pentagon and Flight 93 Ceremonies added

The 9/11 Memorial & Museum will be hosting a commemoration of the events of 9/11/2001 beginning at 8:40 am today. You may watch on the video player that has been embedded below. If a recorded version is made available, it will be added here in the future. The event is over and CBS New York is adding video of the ceremony. As the parts are added, they will be embedded below. Part 1 Here is video of the ceremony that took place at the...