The filing for the 2015 Municipal election season began yesterday. Here is the list of candidates by office and order of filing:
Town of Franklin:
Bob Scott
Franklin Alderman
Angela Moore
Joyce Handley
Adam Kimsey
So far, no one has filed to run for offices in the Town of Highlands.
If you wish to keep up with the list of candidates, you can visit the Macon County Board of Elections website, which will be updated daily at the end of the day. [Candidate list maintained by Macon County Board of Elections]
A copy of the 2015 Election Calendar, courtest of the Macon County Board of Elections is posted below for your convenience:
Candidate filing opens for the Town of Franklin and the Town of Highlands Monday, July 6, 2015 at 8:00 am
Candidate filing closes Friday, July 17, 2015 at Noon
Filing fee for Town of Franklin:
Mayor $72.00
Alderman $36.00
Filing fee for Town of Highlands:
Town Commissioner $5.00
Absentee by Mail begins October 2, 2015
[Click this link for an Absentee_Ballot_Request_Form]
Registration Deadline: October 9, 2015 at 5:00 pm
[Click this link for a NC Voter Registration Form]
One Stop Voting will begin October 22, 2015
Absentee by Mail ends October 27, 2015
One Stop Voting will end October 31, 2015 at 1:00 pm
Municipal Election Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Seats open for the Town of Franklin
Mayor: Bob Scott
Alderman: Verlin L. Curtis
Alderman: Joyce Handley
Alderman: Farrell Jamison
Seats open for the Town of Highlands
Town Commissioner: John (Buz) Dotson
Town Commissioner: Eric Pierson
Town Commissioner: Brian J. Stiehler
Mayors, Town Aldermen and Town Commissioners are chosen in municipal elections. Municipal elections are held in November during odd-numbered years and are non-partisan. Registered voters living within the city limits are eligible to vote in municipal elections. Only candidates that live within the city limits are eligible to file for office.
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