Friday, October 30, 2015
Franklin Wins Contest in Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine
Voted Top Town in the Small Town Category
10/30/2015 08:14:00 PM
citizen journalism
Franklin TDA
Macon Media
Franklin has won a contest in the small town category run by Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine. The contest consisted of people rallying others via social media to vote in the contest. People were allowed multiple votes from multiple machines in a day. The contest webpage.
Winners by category:
Small Town: Franklin, NC
Medium town: Roanoke, VA
Large town: Knoxville, TN
The article featuring Franklin can be seen on Blue Ridge Outdoors.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
59 People Cast ballots on First 4 Days of Early Voting
55 in Franklin and 4 in Highlands
Only 59 voters have cast ballots in Franklin and Highlands on the first four days of early voting in the 20156 Municipal Election, 55 in Franklin and 4 in Highlands. Early voting began on Thursday, October 22nd.
Here are the stats:
By party registration: 27 Democrats, 14 Republicans, 14 Unaffiliated and 0 Libertarians
By sex: 28 Females and 27 Males
By party registration: 1 Democrat and 3 Republicans.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Entrepreneur Networking Night VI and
Release Party for CEC Promotional Video

The Macon County EDC [website] and the Macon County CEC Leadership Team hosted the Entrepreneur Night VI and Release Party for a promotional video designed to entice entrepreneurs to relocate their businesses to Macon County. This event was held at The Lazy Hiker Brewing Company in the former Franklin Town Hall. A video of the launch party and the promotional video are embedded in this article.
The vieo was funded by a public-private partnership...
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Regular October 2015 Meeting
Macon County Commissioners
The Macon County Commissioners met for their regular October 2015 meeting, and it was a marathon session. The meeting started at 6:00 pm and ended shortly before 11:00 pm.
The video of the meeting has been divided into three parts and various supporting documents are posted below. There will also be other videos released and posted in separate articles, each with supporting documents embedded that relate to that segment of the meeting.
National Forests in North Carolina:
Hunting is permitted on all National Forests in North Carolina
National Forests in North Carolina
160A Zillicoa St.
Asheville, N.C. 28801
Be Aware - Hunting is permitted on all National Forests in North Carolina
Outside of developed recreation areas, hunting is permitted throughout the National Forests in North Carolina. Hunters must have the proper licenses, or permits needed to hunt. Hunting is a seasonal activity and state regulations for seasons, dates and licensing apply on national forest land. For information about specific dates and times,...
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Recognitions of Valor Presented at County Commissioner Meeting
10/14/2015 08:38:00 AM
citizen journalism
Local News
Macon County Sheriff Office
Public Safety
Pictured (L-R) Macon County Sheriff Robert Holland, School Bus Driver Alice Bradley,
Deputy Audrey B. Parrish, Deputy Anthony Hopkins, Deputy Blake Buchanan,
Sgt Mike Langley, Corporal Jonathan Phillips and
Deputy Director of the NC Center for Safer Schools Mike Anderson
Last night, at the October 13th meeting of the Macon County Commissioners, Alice Bradley and several members of the Macon County Sheriff's Office were...
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Local Candidate Forum Held at Lazy Hiker Brewing
10/13/2015 10:17:00 AM
citizen journalism
Election 2015
Macon Media
Last night, at The Lazy Hiker Brewing Company, six candidates participated in a forum where the questions were solicited via Social Media by David Linn. Linn organized the event to appeal to younger voters in Franklin and arranged for The Lazy Hiker Brewing Company to host the forum on their property.
About 30 or so people attended the forum and these people mingled with the candidates before and after the event.
A video of the entire forum...
Friday, October 9, 2015
League of Women Voters Host Candidate Forum
10/09/2015 08:47:00 AM
Election 2015
Franklin Aldermen
League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters hosted a forum for candidates in the 2015 Municipal elections in Franklin, NC. Five of the six Alderman candidates showed up. Susan Irvin read a statement from Joe Collins, who had a previous engagement and could not attend the forum. Mayor Bob Scott, who is running unopposed, also made a brief statement.
The full forum has been embedded below so you can see and hear what the candidates said without filtering...