Friday, February 19, 2016
Macon County Republican Party Holds Candidate Forum
2/19/2016 09:56:00 AM
Election 2016
Local News
Macon Media
NCGA Project
Republican Party
On Saturday, February 6, 206, the Macon County Republican Party hosted a forum for candidates. Headlining the forum was Buck Newton, a Republican candidate for North Carolina Attorney General. Other candidates included NC Senator Jim Davis (running for re-election to the 50th District NC Senate seat), Commissioner Kevin Corbin and Elliott Southworth (both running for the NC House 120th District seat of the retiring Roger West), Karl Gillespie...
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Dollar-A-Day Boys at the Macon County Library

Press Release
Contact: Karen Wallace
Phone: (828) 524-3600
On May 28, 1933 a CCC Camp Neorakada opened 2 miles south of Franklin. The men came into town on weekends, and patronized stores, movie theatres, billiard rooms, dance halls, churches and restaurants. Many enrollees met their wives while in camp. The C’s also helped out during emergencies, such as fires or floods. The enrollees spent...
Monday, February 8, 2016
Franklin TDA - Feb 2016 Meeting
The Franklin Tourism Development Authority met today, February 8, 2016 in the lower level of town hall. The video and agenda packet that is share with members of the press are posted below. The next meeting will be on Monday, March 14, 2016.
(Members of the local media present at the meeting)
Macon Media (me)
Macon County News and Shopping Guide
The Franklin Press
Feb 2016 Franklin TDA Agenda Packe...
Governor Proclaims School Bus Driver Appreciation Week

North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory has proclaimed the week of Feb 8-12, 2016 as 'School Bus Driver Appreciation Week." A copy of the proclamation is below.
2016 Proclamation School Bus Driver Week...
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Landslide Temporarily Closes Ellijay Road
A small landslide has closed Ellijay road for a day or two just past Rocky Branch Road in the 3200 block. The Supervisor at the scene expects the road to be closed most of the day and may not be re-opened until tomorrow. The overall cleanup at the slide location will take longer. You can check whether or not the road has been opened to traffic at the NCDOT TIMS website.
The NCDOT detour is as follows: Slide is 1 mile south of SR 1528 (Little...
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
US Action Committee Installs US Motto on Macon County Courthouse
2/02/2016 05:30:00 PM
Local News
Macon County Commissioners
US Motto
US Motto Action Committee

The US Motto Action Committee installed the US Motto on the outside of the Macon County Courthouse on the Iotla Street and Main Street entrances, and thanks to members of the public who messaged Macon Media about it, I was able to capture some photos and video of the event and have put the video to music and sped it up.
The Macon County Commissioners heard a presentation from Rick Lanier in September 2015 and approved the request to put...
Monday, February 1, 2016
Franklin Aldermen Attend 2016 Retreat
The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen and Staff held a retreat in the lower level of town hall on Saturday, January 30, 2016. A copy of the agenda and the full video of the retreat are posted below.
Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen
Agenda Saturday January 30, 2016 9:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order- Mayor Bob Scott
2. Adoption of the January 30, 2016 Retreat Agenda
3. Public Comment Session
4. Upgrade Existing...