**9.40pm** My camera quit recording before the meeting started (while I was covering the selection of a new county commissioner across town), so there will be no video of this meeting.
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The Executive Committee of the Macon County Republican Party selected Jimmy Tate to fill the vacancy on the Macon County Board of Commissioners as the District I (Highlands area) representative.

I will be at the meeting, tweeting the proceedings via my @WPIG twitter account and will post audio and video as soon as I can.
- Call to order -Mayor Collins
- Approval of November 3 and November 7, 2011 meeting minutes
- Oath of office for Mayor and the Aldermen- Vic Perry, Macon County Clerk of Court
- Selection of mayor pro tempore
- Public hearing 7:05 p.m. for Truck route
- Board consideration on the following item: Truck route
- Public Session
- Presentation on the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 audit- Martin Starnes associate
- Forward petition for re-zoning on William Knief property to planning board for recommendation
- Budget amendment for Fish and Wildlife contract- Janet Anderson
- Mill Creek utility service contract- John Henning Jr.
- Approval for financing package for police vehicles- Sam Greenwood
- Adoption of the 2012 Town Board Regular Meeting Schedule
- Adoption of the 2012 Holiday Schedule
- Adjourn

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