The Macon County Commissioners met on May 14, 2013. Here is the video, public agenda and the press kit packet for the meeting. I was unable to post a play by play of the meeting.
Macon County Board of Commissioners
May 14, 2013
1. Call to order and welcome by Vice-Chairman Beale
2. Announcements
3. Designation of authorized signers for the Macon County Inmate Account -- Finance Director
4. Consideration of Budget Admendment #168 -- Finance Director
5. Reports/Presentations (moved from May 20th meeting to the 14th)
A. Little Tennessee River Greenway restoration project – Sunny Himes
6. Closed Session Per G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3) - To consult with the attorney
7. Recess until Monday, May 20, 2013 at 7pm at the Highlands Civic Center, located at 600 North 4th Street, Highlands, NC 28741
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