The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen will be meeting tonight at 7pm for their regular January meeting.
I will be posting a play by play of the meeting on Facebook and will upload the video sometime tomorrow (or the day after if I decide it is too cold to go into in town).
I have the agenda and press kit embedded below, for the purpose of transparency, along with a couple of attachments. Feel free to download them and add them to your records.
JANUARY 6, 2014
7:00 PM
l. Call to order Mayor Bob Scott
2. Adoption of January 6, 20l4 proposed agenda
3. Approval of the December2, 2, 20l3 board minutes
4. Public session
5. New business
A.) Presentation of the 0rder of the Long Leaf Pine to Joe Collins- Mayor Bob Scott
B.) Presentation on Nikwasi Mound- Chief Michell Hicks. Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation
C.) Presentation by Venture Local of Franklin- Mayor Bob Scott
D.) Presentation on Fiscal Year 2012-2013 audit- Martin Starnes Associate
E.) Appointment to the Economic Development Commission- Town Manager Warren Cabe
F.) Appointment the Macon Program for Proposed Board- Town Manager Warren Cabe
G.) Liaisons/Committee Assignments- Mayor Bob Scott
H.) Mayors Town Hall Meetings- Mayor Bob Scott
I.) Road Name request for Technology Drive- Town Manager Warren Cabe
J.) Annexation Request For Macon Program for Progress- Town Manager Warren Cabe
K.) Fire Protection Contract between Macon County and the Town of Franklin- Town Manager Warren Cabe
6. Legal
A.) Application to Amend Text only of the Unified Development Ordinance to add additional permitted uses in Commercial (C-2) zones- Town Attorney John Henning Jr.
B.) Application to Amend Text only of the Uni?ed Development Ordinance for the Board of Adjustment- Town Attorney John Henning Jr.
C.) Closed Session "N.C.G.S. §l43~318.1l(a)(3): To consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged."- Town Attorney John Henning Jr.
7. Announcements
A.) Town Board Retreat will be Saturday January 18, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. in the Town Hall Board Room.
B.) Town Hall O?ces will be closed Monday January 20. 20l4 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
8. Adjourn
Press Kit Jan 6, 2014 Franklin Aldermen
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