The Macon County Board of Education had a special called meeting yesterday afternoon. They voted 5-0, after a lengthy discussion, to join the North Carolina School Board Association lawsuit against vouchers. Superintendent Dr. Chris Baldwin provided an update on Caital Outlay priorities for the coming budget discussion for the 2014-2015 budget.
There was a prolonged dicussion on "Flexibility of Testing" and ramifications of opting out on certain testing would have on future student performance on future tests and the potential imapct on the careers of teachers. The board also discussing the merit pay program for 25% of teachers. All of them are opposed to the idea and the board spent a good deal of time criticizing the NC Legislature.
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be at 6pm on Monday, January 27th at the same location. Dr Baldwin and the Finance Officer have been invited to the January 21st meeting of the Macon County Board of Commissioners.
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