**update 12:18 am June 2nd** Here is the video of the meeting. Supporting documents are embedded below.

The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen will be meeting tonight for their regular June 2015 meeting. Among the items on the agenda is a public hearing and vote on the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget for the Town of Franklin. You can see a copy of the proposed budget and a video of the complete work session held by the town board to review the budget at this link.
A copy of the 1 page public agenda and the 59 page agenda packet that the Town of Franklin shares with the members of the media are posted below. Currently, Macon Media is the only organization that shares the larger packet with the public.
After the meeting, a full video of the proceedings will be added to this post at the top of the page, so please bookmark it and come back to see exactly what happened and who said what at the meeting.
1. Call to Order- Mayor Bob Scott
2. Pledge of Allegiance- Vice Mayor Verlin Curtis
3. Adoption of June 1, 2015 Proposed Agenda
4. Approval of the May 4, May 16 and May 18, 2015 Board Minutes
5. Public Hearing 7:05 p.m. for Re-Zoning Request for Dan Street and Watauga Street
6. Public Hearing 7:10 p.m. for Proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Town of Franklin Budget
7. Public Hearing 7:15 p.m. for Text Amendment to the Sign Ordinance Regarding Banners
8. Public Session
9. New Business
A.) Board Action on Re-Zoning Request for Dan Street and Watauga Street
B.) Board Action on Proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Town of Franklin Budget
C.) Board Action on Text Amendment to the Sign Ordinance Regarding Banners
D.) AT&T Wireless Telecommunications Eligible Facilities Request- Land Use Administrator Justin Sester
E.) Budget Amendments- Finance Officer Kyra Doster
F.) Request for Indoor Gun Range at 245 Carolina Mountain Drive- Land Use Administrator Justin Sester & Town Manager Summer Woodard
G.) Re-Appointment of Cheryl Pullium to the Tourism Development Authority Board- Town Manager Summer Woodard
H.) Re-Appointment of Josh Drake to the Tourism Development Authority Board- Town Manager Summer Woodard
10. Legal
A.) Amendment to Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance Permitting Banners- Town Attorney John Henning Jr
11. Announcements
A.) Town of Franklin Employee Luncheon will be July 2, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. at Fat Buddies
B.) The Town Hall Offices will be closed Friday July 3, 2015 in observance of this holiday
12. Adjourn
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