
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Sunday, December 31, 2006

Thoughts on 2006

The events of the past few days seem to have pushed a whole year's worth of events aside, as if to say they didn't matter.I won't cheat, and pore through my posts of 2006 to refresh my memory. I'll do that later, when I am in a reflective mood.I think the execution of Saddam will live as the most important event of the year, despite my closeness to it in time that may obscure my view.My view is that the display by the Islamopithecines who chanted and disrupted Saddam's attempt to say the Shahada was contemptible. I daresay that sort of scene would...

Media Bias in Portraying Those Opposed To Zoning

There is an article in today's Asheville Citizen-Times which, to me, reflect a calculated portrayal of anti-zoning advocates as ignorant hillbillies who live in the past.Here is an excerpt:When Buncombe County asked residents in 1999 whether they favored countywide zoning, Beth Woody was among the majority opposed to the idea.But now that a developer wants to put more than 100 houses above her home in Britain Cove northeast of Weaverville, she feels differently.“I did cut my nose off to spite my face, and I guess I’m paying the price,” Woody said....

Saturday, December 30, 2006

As Expected, The Jawas Have The Money Shot

Of Saddam Dancing With The DevilGo check out the cellphone video at The Jawa Report. Be patient with the cerebral palsy suffering video-phone operator, and wait until the end, when the guy gets a close up of Saddam hanging by his neck.The crowd chants, "Muhammad" some before and after Saddam is sent to await final judgment.I've been patrolling several leftist blogs and message boards over the weekend, and my belief that we will be forced to fight another civil war in this country was only strengthened by the vitriolic hatred for Truth, Justice,...

Pig Races Start in Katy, Texas

Read about it at The Gates of Vien...

Leftists Resist Wealth Creation in Favor of Theft

A Dangerous ObsessionA Dangerous Obsession, Part IIA Dangerous Obsession, Part IIIA Dangerous Obsession, Part IV Many poverty-stricken people in the Third World work harder than most Americans work but, for a number of reasons, they don't produce as much. That is why these countries are poor.Transferring wealth from 300 million Americans and spreading it out over more than two billion people in India and China is not going to do much. But enabling more people in India or China to become more productive can help them and us -- and has.Multinational...

Friday, December 29, 2006

It's Official: Saddam Is In Hell

Arab TV Reports Saddam Is Dead!!!! (heard via Fox News)Update#1 10.33pmMy Neighbors were better prepared than I for the celebration!!!Update#2 11.12 Drudge posts times the story broke...CNN Broke at 10:06... NBC first broadcast net to report execution of Hussein at 10:14 pm, ET -- CBS went up at 10:18 -- ABC up at 10:25...My time 10.07pm even with dial up!...

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Thus Ever To Tyrants!!!Saddam Hussein is expected to be executed by hanging before 10pm tonight EST.Oh, and one last poke at Saddam before his en...

Fire at Summit Inn Kills Innkeeper

I just found this story about a fire in a local Inn, not more than 4 miles away from my place:FRANKLIN – Rhonda Lampright woke Thursday morning to the piercing sounds of smoke alarms and screams of “get out, get out.”She and fiancé Robert Marek of Beaufort, S.C., and six other guests were staying in rooms on the second floor at the back of the historic Summit Inn overlooking downtown Franklin.Flames cut off any chance for escape down the staircase. Instead, the guests climbed through windows to the roof.In the front part of the inn, owners Charles...

FEC Admonishes Kirk Shelmerdine For Bush Sticker in '04

I am fixing to go into a full-scale rant over this piece of retardedness. I know retardedness is not a word, but I hereby christen it for use as follows: The State of Being accomplished by years of Insensibility to Free Speech, and the Act of Attempting to Deny Free Speech as It Applies to Politics.Here is what set me off:NASCAR driver is rebuked for Bush stickerIt’s no secret that NASCAR drivers skew Republican, which is fine with the Federal Election Commission, just so long as they don’t display their preferences where anyone can see them.In...

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Clinton Had This Guy In The White House How Many Times???

Thirty-three years after the fact, the US State Department has finally declassified a document that admits that Yasser Arafat ordered the murder of two US diplomats and a Belgian diplomat in Khartoum in 1973.Source: Israel MatzavHat Tip: Pajamas MediaAnd they sat on the fact for 33 years!!! I believe it is time for the citizens of this country to use their sovereignty again, and start casting some vetoes on the Foreign Policy of Foggy Bottom. Every last unelected civil servant should be cleared out of the State Department every five years, and...

Traffic Cam Catches Double Suicide Car Bombing

The video below show two cars self-destructing in a parking lot at the entrance to Bagdad International Airpor...

Tomorrow Begins Today

John Edwards is going to run again. Details below: Former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards is running for president for a second time, his campaign said Wednesday.The former North Carolina senator plans to formally announce his candidacy Thursday from New Orleans' 9th Ward, which was hard hit by Hurricane Katrina. But his campaign got a little ahead of itself Wednesday and announced his intentions online."Better a day earlier than...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

President Gerald Ford 1913-2006

By now, you've undoubtedly heard that the former President has passed on to his reward.Here is a press release by President George W Bush:Laura and I are greatly saddened by the passing of formerPresident Gerald R. Ford.President Ford was a great American who gave manyyears of dedicated service to our country. On Aug. 9, 1974, after a long careerin the House of Representatives and service as vice president, he assumed thepresidency in an hour of national turmoil and division. With his quietintegrity, commonsense and kind instincts, President...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Nancy D'Alesandro's Culture of Corruption
A Guest Commentary by John Armor

Most of you know her as Nancy Pelosi. When I first met my one-time neighbor, she was daughter to one Mayor of Baltimore, Tommy D’Alesandro, Jr., and sister to Tommy, III, who’d later become Mayor. Some of the stories about her, as she prepares to become Speaker of the House, have mentioned her past, but not honestly. At most, the glowing stories refer to the Baltimore City politics she grew up in as “rough and tumble.” Politics there and...

Virtual Hanging Party For Saddam Hussein

Well, well, well. Looks like Saddam's gonna be dancing at the end of a short rope in about thirty days!Guess I'll have a Virtual Hanging Party to send the old boy off to his eternal punishment. Can you imagine the look on my employers face when I try to explain that I want the day off so I can hold a Virtual Hanging Party?It's BYOT (Bring Your Own Treats) as I try to find a live feed that will at least lemme know when the deed is done!!! Rope-like treats (Slim Jims, Beef Jerky, Gizzards, Cow Tails) to celebrate the rope, and Hot and Spicy Treats...

Monday, December 25, 2006

Do You Want To Fly?

Read More at Blogs of W...

Merry Christmas


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Karl Marx Comes To Macon County

The following article comes from the Franklin Press Online:Moratorium on high rises passes, 5-0By Colin McCandless, Staff writerThe Macon County Board of Commissioners unanimously passed a resolution at Monday's continuation meeting to enact a moratorium on the issuance of building permits for high-rise construction in the county.Motivated by a proposed a 10-story high rise condominium off U.S. Highway 64 in Highlands, Macon County residents have packed commissioner's meetings and planning board meetings since October to voice their opposition.Citizens...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Podcast: Kofi Annan on Iraq, Africa, and Retirement

This took far longer than it should have, but I cleaned it up the best I could.I downloaded an interview Kofi did with UN Radio here, and excerpted a couple of his remarks, and answered him to the best of my ability in my first self-produced podcast.I hope you enjoy it, and I would appreciate constructive criticism, and hope to cut down on the production time, which took about four hours from conception to upload. (That's 30 minutes per minute of broadcast time..Sheesh!!!CLick here to download the 7.12 Meg MP3 file that runs 7minutes and 46 s...

Friday, December 22, 2006

McCain-Feingold Takes Hit

Eat this, McCain!!!By Stephen DinanTHE WASHINGTON TIMESDecember 22, 2006Political groups have a constitutional right to run issue ads thatinclude the name of a candidate for office even in the contentious daysbefore an election, a panel of federal judges ruled yesterday in the firstmajor dent in the 2002 McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law.Under that law, ads that interest groups ran 60 days before an electionor 30 days before a primary were assumed to be aimed at influencingvoters if they mentioned a candidate for federal office.But in a 2-1...

Race-Baiting Mike Nifong Drops Charges Against Duke Lacrosse Players

BREAKING NEWS...Just heard the news on Rush Limbaugh, who found it on the WRAL website in Raleigh, NC. Updates as they become available.1pm...That would read "rape charges dropped, other charges remain."...

Bill Clinton First Pardoned Felon To Serve As President

The following was found in my inbox this moring, and I thought I would pass it along.Thought you would enjoy reading this...Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 8, 1964, accepting allcontractual conditions of registering for the draft.Selective Service Number 326 46 228.Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969.Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting...

Creed of the Anti-Jihadists

Every Movement needs a Creed to set itself apart from the rabble. I found this at The Politics of CP this morning:Anti-Jihadist CreedI am a citizen-soldier in a new warHere to defend my land, my people, my heart, my mind, my faith, my civilization.I am a defender of Truth –At times, before men;At times, in secret struggleAllied with a coalition of the willing.I am a revolutionary engaged in an information war –A counter-propagandist, counter-jihadist, et contra tyrannum.I will not be deceived;I will not bow down to oppressionOr be bested by those...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Another Lie of the Left Exposed:

Illegal Aliens Take Jobs Americans Won't DoYou remember hearing that Illegal Aliens take jobs that Americans won't take?Well, that is a lie. They take jobs for wages that Americans won't, thereby depressing the wages for everyone else (the people here legally, that is), and they commit serious crimes in this country, crimes for which you or me would spend time in prison for, like Identity Theft, Social Security Fraud, Tax Evasion just to name a few.There is a long line of people wanting the jobs recently vacated by Illegal Aliens captured in a...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Things Are Coming To A Head in Iraq

Victor Davis Hanson has another essay out on the Iraqi Theater of WW IV, an excerpt of which is below:Why then has the United States become unhinged?A variety of reasons.A media that makes Cindy Sheehan, Valerie Plame, Mark Foley’s email, or lies about flushed Korans in Guantanamo into headline stories is itself nearly lunatic.The once quick victories in Afghanistan (8 weeks) and Iraq (3 weeks), following the easy wins over Noriega and Milosevic, unrealistically sent the message that the United States could almost simultaneously win wars without...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Migrating to Blogger Beta

I'll be migrating Thunder Pig to Blogger Beta over the Christmas break now that I've found a three column template that works. I have used it on a three column blog I will be introducing sometime in early 2007...the revolution might not be televised, but it sure will be blogged!...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Side by Side: The Breck Girl and W

Hat Tip: My Vast Right Wing ConspiracySince Edwards will be announcing his next run for President, I decided I should let you know how he is prepping for the big even...

A River of Fog

One of the perks of working outsid...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

TIME Magazine Person of the Year Named

Due to a clerical error, TIME Magazine shipped with the wrong cover, and this is the intended original cover.I'm sorry, I couldn't resist hamming it up!!! Now, on to the "real story."NEW YORK (AP) - Congratulations! You are the Time magazine "Person of the Year."The annual honor for 2006 went to each and every one of us, as Time cited the shift from institutions to individuals - citizens of the new digital democracy, as the magazine put it. The...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Prosecutorial Misconduct

I found a link to this story on Drudge. The Duke Lacrosse Case has been noticed, but not commented upon me because I have found the whole sordid affair distasteful. Recent events have brought it home to me that what a D.A. does in Durham, N.C. does concern me in West Carolina, and I am correcting that mistake now:The head of a private DNA laboratory said under oath today that he and District Attorney Mike Nifong agreed not to report DNA results...

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Twelve Days of Christmas

I've always thought that "The Twelve Days of Christmas" was just a silly Christmas Carol.Silly me! It has a religious meaning, and a hometown blogger, Pat in NC has the details.Thanks, Pa...

IED Hunters

I'm late to this party, but I'm posting it anyway. Who says Marines don't have a sense of humor?Hat Tip: OpF...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Problem With The War

The Gathering Storm has an interesting series of links and analysis about this war we can't even name yet. I vote for World War IV....

Superhero Politics and The Coming Genocide

I found an entertaining post on Superhero Politics via The Freedom Folks blog. Check them both out, and especially the Freedom Folks post on the bomb threats against Tom Tancredo, further proof that the Miami area has degenerated into third world status.Now, to the Main Course, a post from The Gates of Vienna :Coupled with Iran’s repeated assertions that Israel should be wiped off the map - evidently as long as one Jew remains, the 12th Imam can’t come up for air - the highly publicized Holocaust Denial Conference in Tehran is evidence enough...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Mitt Romney and Mormonism

I found an interesting video that is more about Mormonism than Mitt Romney, and uses his potential candidacy for President as a springboard to discuss Mormon Doctrine.It is about 33 minutes long, so don't say you weren't warned!CommentaryFood for thought. Consider the vetting process for all candidates underwa...

More Proof Senator McCain Has Lost His Ever Loving Mind

*update* Millions of commercial Web sites and personal blogs would be required to report illegal images or videos posted by their users or pay fines of up to $300,000, if a new proposal in the U.S. Senate came into law. The legislation, drafted by Sen. John McCain and obtained by CNET, would also require Web sites that offer user profiles to delete pages posted by sex offenders. In a speech on the Senate floor Wednesday, the Arizona Republican and former presidential candidate warned that "technology has contributed...

Seeds of Intellectual Destruction

I first posted this at my Alpha Site (Nod to Stargate Atlantis).I hope this is not how the people at blogger intend to move everyone over to the beta site. I use three columns on my original site, Thunder Pig, and beta does not support three columns. Ok, enough whining. Time to post.I found an interesting article on The American Thinker called "Seeds of Intellectual Destruction'" by J.R. Dunn.Here are some interesting tidbits: It's always amazed me how quickly the American left managed to twist the 9/11 attacks into a club with which to beat...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Don't Mess With Texas

On December 2, I posted on a Texan, Craig Barker, who had been told by Muslims planning on building a mosque nearby, that it was time to move on. He did not take very kindly to that "proposal." He decided to start Friday Night pig racing on his property.This morning, I found an anonymous comment directing me to American Pig Race, a website set up to tell Craig Barker's story. In the spirit of Texans past, he titles his story, "Take A Stand." I have excerpts below:On September 29,2006 at 11:30 AM, Mr. Yousuf N. Shaikh & Mr. Kamel H. Fotough...

Monday, December 11, 2006

Things I Wanted To Post About, But...

Never got around to until now.Found at Cox and Forkum:Found on IsraPundit:How UN and NGO’s demonize IsraelThere It couldn’t be a more perfect timeGERALD M. STEINBERG, THE JERUSALEM POST Dec. 10, 2006Today, December 10, marks International Human Rights Day, and the presence in Israel of Irene Khan, head of Amnesty International, highlights the demise of once-lofty goals. Amnesty International is a superpower with an annual budget of almost $200 million,...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Until The Cows Come Home

Cow 'emissions' more damaging to planet than CO2 from carsBy Geoffrey Lean, Environment EditorPublished: 10 December 2006Meet the world's top destroyer of the environment. It is not the car, or the plane,or even George Bush: it is the cow.A United Nations report has identified the world's rapidly growing herds of cattle as the greatest threat to the climate, forests and wildlife. And they are blamed for a host of other environmental crimes, from...