There is an article in today's Asheville Citizen-Times which, to me, reflect a calculated portrayal of anti-zoning advocates as ignorant hillbillies who live in the past.
Here is an excerpt:
When Buncombe County asked residents in 1999 whether they favored countywide zoning, Beth Woody was among the majority opposed to the idea.
But now that a developer wants to put more than 100 houses above her home in Britain Cove northeast of Weaverville, she feels differently.
“I did cut my nose off to spite my face, and I guess I’m paying the price,” Woody said. “I don’t think any of us realized … what the future was going to be.”
Recent conversations with county residents indicate a growing concern about the pace of development in the county’s rural areas and some new attitudes about land use controls that may result in adoption of a countywide zoning ordinance in 2007.
There are also other portions of the article which lay more weight on the zoning side of the issue from demographic data, along with "victims" of the fact that the government cannot protect them from other people practicing their Property Rights and ruining their view of the mountains.
Fellow Property Rights Advocates: Go read the article, and start your opposition now. They have already started their Campaign For Zoning, and they have more money, resources, and they are organized.
I will let you know about organizations I am aware of who are opposed to zoning, where you can go to help keep the government off your property, and your neighbors property.
If your group is opposed to this Property Rights Grab, drop me a line in the comments of this post, or send me an email.
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