Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Images of mohammad...Zombie TimeDanish Food FightIslam's Nancy BoysGlenn Reynolds I ain't.I will be so happy when my place is repaired and I can live like normal people again. This boarding house thing really, really sucks. Unless I use a public terminal, my internet access is limited to when everyone else is asleep...forget about extra phonelines or satellite dishes, as they are forbidden. Oh, and did I mention that cell phones won't work until you travel two miles down the road.Sorry for the rant, had to get that off my chest...at least I convinced...
Monday, January 30, 2006
An interesting post...
A local blogger has an interesting post that is very well thought out and has handy links. The post concerns Arcata, California and the newly minted Sandy Springs, Georgia. Keep an eye on these two experiments in local government. And thanks to Tim Peck for noticing and caring enough to write about i...
Monday Links
Monday's Winds of War: 30 Jan 2006by WoW Team Monday at January 30, 2006 05:47 AM Welcome! Our goal at Winds of Change.NET is to give you one power-packed briefing of insights, news and trends from the global War on Terror that leaves you stimulated, informed, and occasionally amused every Monday & Thursday. Monday's Winds of War briefings are given by Peace Like a River and Security Watchtower...Grab a cup of Joe and read the rest.Have you ever wondered what the neocons are up to? Go here for a taste of what some people are thinking. Full...
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Battlestar Galactica episode "Black Market"
No content spoilers, psychological spoilers only.I hope this was an aberration. My personal nickname for this episode is "Saigon on a Freighter" and just, well, I dunno. Threw me for such a loop I forgot to continue recording after the 2nd commercial break. The deleted scenes for this episode better show an editing problem of biblical proportions. Too much new material to absorb at once, I guess I'll have to record again Monday night and watch it a few times.Note to Ron Moore:Please don't pull a "V"-style Elizardbeth with the hybrid Homo sapiens...
Saturday, January 28, 2006
A Question for The Legacy Media

Imagine these guys were Americans celebrating an election win.Would the Legacy Media approach their coverage the same wa...
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Hamas wins elections?
I guess the old adage that says the Palestinians don't miss an opportunity to mess up IS true.I hope this finally beats it into some thick skulls in the Israeli electorate that the Palestinians are so driven by hate that they have forfeited any right (if they ever had any) to be regarded as rational people.I heard the news from the BBC this morning, but didn't give any credence to it because of the Beeb's bias against Israel. Later, as I checked out the Top Stories on FOX, I saw a promo for the rebroadcast of Cavuto talking about a Hamas win....
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Strike Three for the Unfit Nations
What? A Scandal at the UN involving money? The boys in Powder Blue ran away while people were being killed?Wretchard has the details.I just wish i could meet someone who works for the UN face-to-face, just one time, I'd laugh at him/her/it until it hurt.I find myself beginning to believe they are far more dangerous to us than all our oher enemies because they provide shelter for them.I guess the prefix their acronym spells out was a Freudian slip after all, at least The League of Nations had a ring to it, even if they were just as an incompetent...
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Why did Canada vote Conservative?
Because they didn't want our liberals moving there!Since I didn't work yesterday (it was raining), I was fortunate enough to be ensconced in Hunter Library at WCU all day.I got to hear the last few minutes of Ken Bagwell before 9 am on WZNNWZGM. Later, I listened to a little Rush and then Take A Stand with Matt Mittan. Visited my very first Chat Room also during the show. It was different, hearing the host on the radio and seeing his words typed on the screen as he carried on conversations with the "Cave Dwellers". Found out wb means welcome back....
Monday, January 23, 2006
Monday Briefing 01-23

Monday's Winds of War: 23 Jan 2006by WoW Team Monday on January 23, 2006 05:21 AMWelcome! Our goal at Winds of Change.NET is to give you one power-packed briefing of insights, news and trends from the global War on Terror that leaves you stimulated, informed, and occasionally amused...read the rest.No work today...more rai...
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Sunday Blogger for 01-22-006
I found this blog whilst surfing. In particular, this article was my landing spot. Very nicely done, Ed. Oh, and he is located in NC as well. Add him to your favorites, or use my sidebar to visit him, you'll be glad you di...
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Fire on the Mountain

Yesterday, some contract workers tried to burn a brush pile without raking around it, and even worse, had no rakes or shovels with which they could've combated a breakout. WoW ! And to think we had a hard time keeping our piles going. Go Figure. Anyhow here are some photos I shot of the fire and the response...About four brush trucks from the NC Forest Service and a truck from the Maggie Valley Volunteer Fire Department responded. They all left...
Friday, January 20, 2006
Blue Screen of Death

I've restored emergency life-support and may have to abanbon ship.I have demanded too much for too long from a 300 MHz chipset and cheated death with 32 Meg of RAM and under 4Gb of Hard Drive space.This episode has beaten into my thick skull that perhaps it is time to get another ship. Maybe even leave Windows 98SE behind and switch to XP...I have much to say this weekend, and will leave you a photo (should my system remain stable long enough) to...
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
American Civil Liberties Union
Does the ACLU stand for American Civil Liberties Union, or does it stand for All Criminal Liberties Union? (Google Search) ACLU files lawsuit(Google Search) ACLU files lawsuit against Bush I think they stand with our enemies. I just haven't really decided if it is naive, stupid, or maliciou...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Ha !!! Take THAT Lefties !
I found this post recently on Western World Politics: emphasis mine10 ways Nazis and Communist are both far left "There is more that binds us to Bolshevism that separates us from it...I have given orders that...Communists are to be recruited into the party at once. The petite bourgeois Social Democrat and the trade union boss will never make a Nazi, but the communist always will" - Adolf Hitler Read the rest her...
Blame Me...
They serve for me — blame me.They were wounded for me — blame me.They died for my freedom — blame me.In my heart, every day is Memorial Day.There is a lot of contention regarding the war on terror recently. I don't understand why. We're at war with people who would destroy us without thinking twice. I certainly respect the feelings of mothers who have lost children in the service of our country. In another way I also thank people like them, because the precious sacrifices of their children keep me free. God bless them, for they have offered up...
Death of a Friend

My favorite radio station is changing its format to Fox Sports, and will change its call letters as well.A brief Roll Call:Local Show Top of the Morning with Brian O'Brien and Betsy O'BetsyNational Laura IngrahamLocal Shows No Apologies Radio (Brandon Randolph)Mountain Guardian with Peter Dawes and Carri HudsonEntrepreneurs' Edge with Elaine RobinsonLifestyles Food and Wine with April AdamsThe Tech Know Dude (Matthew Ledford)The History Guy (Dr...
New Terror Tactics spread to Nigeria
John Robb, of Global Guerrillas, reports on new tactics used by MEND of Nigeria. An excerpt from the article follows: Monday, January 16, 2006NIGERIAN EVOLUTION"Our aim is to totally destroy the capacity of the Nigerian government to export oil..." from an e-mail sent by the new Nigerian guerrilla group, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Nigerian Delta (MEND), that claimed the recent attacks.A series of high tempo attacks (four in the last five days) have deeply disrupted Nigeria's oil production -- attacks on oil platforms, a pumping station,...
Monday, January 16, 2006
Monday Morning Briefing
Every Monday morning, I get my briefing at Winds of Change. This morning's article is entitled: Monday's Winds of War: 16 Jan 2006, and it is good reading over a couple cups of coffe...
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Alito Poll from local ISP
If you had a vote, would you vote to confirm Judge Alito?Yes 76.11%No 23.88%Go here to participate. No telling when they'll put another question up, so haste is of the essence.We got snow!!! Ya Hoo! But, I'll still have to go to work tomorrow. Bummer. No MLK observation in the construction industr...
Friday, January 13, 2006
The Idiots' Guide To the Alito Confirmation, part one
Chair...The purpose of this hearing is to determine whether my colleages can trick you into taking their rope, tying a noose in it, then placing it around your neck and jumping off your chair on live television.Alito...I'll try not to do that, sir.Sen D...Here is some pretty rope. Do you want to hold it?Alito...It sure is pretty. I'll pass.Sen R...That was a bad rope Sen D tried to offer you. I am sure you know how to handle that kind of rope, and am glad you left it alone.Alito...I know a bad rope when I see it.Sen D...My rope is pretty. Far...
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Political Quiz Results
Forgive me for posting two quizes so close together. I took this one last fall and lost the address. Thanks to the wonders of Google, I found it again. I plan on adding this to my sidebar AND in my bookmarks site. Here are my results, which are the same as what they were earlier. (No flip-flopper am I!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EnterpriserBased on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Enterpriser typology group. This does not mean that...
What has happened to Thunder Pig ???
I have intended for this blog to be secular. That is not working out for me.I won't push my faith on anyone.There has been self-censorship on my postings, being that I have conciously not posted things I have run across that are Christian-related.No longer.I found an interesting post here.Here is an excerpt to get a taste to help you decide whether of not to follow the link:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECURITY BREACHES IN THE UNITED STATES Shortly after 9/11, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin...
Monday, January 9, 2006
I never heard of this character !

I think while the Dhimmicrats and RINOs attempt to burn Judge Alito on the altar of abortion, I will ignore it today and post on the lighter side.Which Winnie The Pooh character are you?I took another quiz, and this result has me puzzled:Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!Who is kanga?Oh, I get it, she is Kanga, and her child is Roo. I guess me forgetting all bout Pooh HAS been a blessing after all....
Sunday, January 8, 2006
NewsMax Poll on NSA "Comm Intercepts"
NewsMax continues to update its online poll. You can still vote - just Go Here Now. NewsMax Poll: Bush Justified in Wiretapping Americans overwhelmingly support President Bush's authorization to the National Security Agency to tap the private conversations of U.S. citizens to search for evidence of terrorist activity, an exclusive NewsMax.com poll reveals. In one of the largest responses to a NewsMax poll ever, more than 150,000 people across the Internet have made their opinions known about this controversy. And they resoundingly say that the...
Saturday, January 7, 2006
Saddams' Terror Training Camps?
Pat Campbell of AM540 WFLA has blogged on PC540: Saddam's Terror Training Camps. it is worth a look.BobbyP.S. President Roslin Rocks!!! (BSG inside commen...
Friday, January 6, 2006
Battlestar Galactica Returns !!!
I promise this will be the last post of the day!!! (...and the crowd roars)The last half of seaoson two of Battlestar galectica airs tonight at 10pm for most, 1am for me. (long story)SciFi Channel SiteBulletin BoardAnother Si...
Heads Up America guest schedule for next week
I just heard Ken give a list of expected guests next week on his show.His Guest Page is here for more current updates.I hope he doesn't get mad, but I'm gonna post it here:Monday Thomas Woods The Politically Incorrect Guide to HistoryTuesday Bob Terrell Local Writer (You don't want to miss this !!!)Wednesday (was interupted) something about the ACLU Thursday Richard Weikart From Darwin to Hitler Friday Charles Liebert sixdaycreation.comMonday linkTuesday linkThursday linkFriday li...
Sharon not dead
Well, I guess I just got bit by rushing to publish instead of trying to get multiple sources to confirm. This is definitely a case I am glad to be wron...
FLASH...Drudge Report says Ariel Sharon dead
DrudgeWorld Tribune ArticleIn the time it took to type this...Drudge steps back and says reports are conflicting. I hope Sharon makes it. My prayers are with him and his family, and his nation.BobbyText of article follows:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ariel Sharon dies SPECIAL TO WORLD TRIBUNE.COMFriday, January 6, 2006 JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the most powerful Israeli leader in 50 years, has died. He was 77.Sharon was declared dead by physicians at Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital...
Congressman Taylor responds
I recently e-mailed Congressman Charles Taylor supporting his stance on denying citizenship rights to children born to illegal immigrations after I posted about it here.You may e-mail him here.I know it is a generic response, but hey, here goes!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for your kind words of support for my representation of the Eleventh District of North Carolina. I appreciate hearing from you and having the benefit of your views.As your Member in Congress, I do my best to represent...
Miscellaneous links while away from work
WW IV Daily returns!Northern Virginiastan remebers TWA 847 and murdered Navy DiverTrackback test because I don't really understand how to use it yet and am conducting an experimen...
Friday Morning Links
Dymphna has an excellent post on the "youth problem" in the land of the lilly-livered...France.Given my love of Science and Science Fictionn, this post over at Defense Tech on an apparently theoretically workable Hyperdrive. While I don't have schooling on the subject, I suspect it'll end up panning out like this: Workable only for vessels that are really really tiny on a microscopic or nanoscopic scale. Although that would make for a fast comm network with tiny "ships" delivering packets of info on an interplanetary or interstellar scale.Wish...
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Illegal Immigration: Charles Taylor
.U.S. House Representative Charles Taylor is supporting a bill to deny citizenship to children born to illegal immigrants. Please follow this link to let him know you support him in this issue.Here are a couple of links on the issue:Asheville Citizen-TimesThe OlympianBTW, Tom Bethell, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science will be on Heads Up America at 3pm on WZNN at 3pm today.Last Link before work:Largest Prime number discovered.Story Warning! first link is a 9 Meg download file containing all the digits of the number. For folks...
The Phone Game in Real Life
.The tragic death of 12 of 13 Miners, and the communications mixup which ensued reminds me of a somthing I learned right after becoming a volunteer firefighter in the late eighties, the phone game.I believe we were in a communications class, and our instructor told all of us rookies to line up in a semi-circle. He had a message to deliver to the last person in line. There were between twenty and thirty of us betwwen him and the last person in line. He whispered his message, that person then whispered it to the next, and so on until the last person...