I think while the Dhimmicrats and RINOs attempt to burn Judge Alito on the altar of abortion, I will ignore it today and post on the lighter side.
Which Winnie The Pooh character are you?
I took another quiz, and this result has me puzzled:

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
Who is kanga?
Oh, I get it, she is Kanga, and her child is Roo. I guess me forgetting all bout Pooh HAS been a blessing after all...
Well, well, well. I have decided to take the quiz and sure enough I was a 49% match to Kanga as well. Is this accurate?
As far as I know...given that we aren't children anymore, I suspect most "normal" adults would fit in this category.
It kinda bothers me to be most like a female, even if it is a fictional character.
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