The next meeting of the board will be Tuesday, June 18th at 5.30pm.
**note** This conflicts with the previously scheduled meeting of the Macon County Commissioners. I'll try to arrange to have cameras at both events. I may need a volunteer who is willing to sit with the camera I leave at the TDA meeting to ensure that Mike Gruberman does not shut it down prior to the start of the meeting like he did the last time I had two meetings that conflicted.
Here is a copy of the agenda (I've corrected some formatting errors that were present in the official copy), minutes the financial report, which was only included with the printed version of the document. I'll try to transcribe it if I have time...but I am very busy this week and may forget.
Town of Franklin Tourism Development Authority
Monday June 10, 2013
5.30pm Town Hall Board Room
1.) Call to order - CHair Candy Pressley
2.) Approval of the May 8 and May 13, 2013 minutes
3.) Financial Report - Summer Woodard
4.) Sub-Committee Reports
a. Finance.Budget Chair report - Mike Gruberman
b. Policy and Rules of Procedure Report - Vickie Springer
c. Application and Review Chair report - Summer Woodard
5.) New Business
a. Presentation by Premier Marketing
b. Discussion on Marketing Plan for FY 2013-2014
6.) Items from the board
7.) Announcements - The next regularly scheduled TDA meeting is Monday, July 8, 2013 at 5.30pm in the Town Hall Boardroom.
8.) Adjourn
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