Yesterday, the SECU Foundation awarded the Hospice House Foundation of WNC a million dollar challenge grant to help with the $3.8 million dollar project of establishing a six bed hospice facility in the old Dryman HOuse on Maple Street. The Hospice House Foundation is challenged to promptly raise $2.2 million before actually receiving the funds. The
House will include six spacious private patient suites, residential style living areas and other amenities including a family kitchen, dining room, chapel and exterior gardens. In honor of SECU Foundation’s challenge grant to HHF’s Capital Campaign, the facility will be named SECU Hospice House of Western North Carolina.
The Hospice House will need your help to raise the additional $2.2 million. If you are interested, please send your tax deductible donations to:
Hospice House Foundation of WNC
PO Box 815
Franklin, NC 28744
You can visit the Hospice House website at hhfwnc.org to learn more about their mission and even see their event calendar.
To learn more about the SECU Foundation, please visit their website at www.ncsecufoundation.org
Here is video taken at the event.
Here are some photos from the event:

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