This is video of the public comment period and the Review of Animal Control Policies and Procedures from the May 12th, 2015 meeting of the Macon County Commissioners. The Macon County Commissioners recessed so the Dangerous Dog Board could meet to determine if the dogs involved in an attack on two dogs and a display of threatening behavior toward a person that was captured in photographs and video. A few of the photos are included in this post.
The Dangerous Dog Board consists of Sheriff Robbie Holland, Macon County Health Department Director Jim Bruckner and Macon County Commissioner Gary Shields. The board met and classified the dogs as dangerous and the dogs were ordered to be picked up. The dogs were picked up by the end of the county commissioner meeting.
The discussion that took place was very informative. I was not aware that a Dangerous Dog Board even existed in the county.
*note* I have accidentally included more of the meeting than I intended. After the public comment section finishes, fast forward to the 26 minutes and 30 second mark. I apologize for the mistake, and will correct it in a couple of days.
**1:18 pm** It has been corrected. I apologize for the mistake in the original editing. ~Bobby.
The complete meeting, including all supporting documents that were made available to the press, of the Board of County Commissioners can be seen at this link.

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