Monday, October 31, 2005
Introducing...Armchair General Thunder Pig?!?
Baron, I accept your invitation!Directing administration policy is a very complicated affair, and not much gets done overnight, which is probably a good thing.We must first put persons, groups, and nations into appropriate categories: (Understanding that this is a sweeping generalization)Enemy: Actively Opposed to us. Leaning Hostile: opposing us, but not willing to openly bear arms against us. Would benefit from our failure.Neutral: Want no part of us or anyone else involved in the conflict.Leaning Friendly: Willing to provide some measure of...
The Truth Laid Bear
I've rediscovered the ecosystem!!!I guess i'll have to fix my broken site counter so everyone can laugh at my inane post...
Changes to the Sidebar
I've tried to clean up my sidebar. It looked cluttered to me, and it allows me to list more stuff. My categories might not be exact, and I tried to list the ones with the best material to fit the category (although there is a lot of overlap), and had lots of good links.If you see websites that are listed again and again on these sites, that indicates it is a good site.Please leave a comment in the comments section if I've made a glaring error of ommission.Bob...
Blog Roll
Here is my Blog RollOne Hand ClappingThe Belmont ClubCold FuryThe Anti-Idiotarian RottweilerIMAODavid BrinIntel DumpFjordmanGateway Pund...
Blogs To Watch
Here are some blogs that bear watching:Gates of ViennaPolitics of CPCDR SalamanderWWIV DailyNorthern Virginiast...
Terror Watch Groups
Here are links to some Terror Watch Websites:United States ActionNortheast Intelligence NetworkWinds of ChangeJihad WatchThe Counter Terrorism BlogLittle Green FootballsEurabian TimesSilent RunningIndepunditAdded on 11-21-2005Threats WatchSecurity Watchtow...
Local Media
Here are some links to Local Media OutletsWZNNNC NewspapersWNC TelevisionWNC RadioUpstate SC Rad...
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
North Carolina States Issues On Radio
Earlier this week, No Apologies moved from Saturdays to every weeday at noon. Good move. I covered it in this post. So g...
Saturday, October 22, 2005
My day off work. Woo Hoo!!!
You know you are a redneck if you have to use a shovel to clean out the back of your pick up truck! (And it took 2 hours!)I went to the Jackson Co. public library and posted, and also to a car wash and cleaned out the truck...yes, I cleaned out the stall when I was done!I then headed to Waynesville to look around and listen to the radio. I missed Brian's show, but caught Bill's and Ken's.Baron Bodissey of Gates of Vienna was on Heads Up America yesterday. I thought he did very well.Then I went home and cooked supper, listened to some shortwave...
Friday, October 21, 2005
WZNN Schedule change announced
My favorite radio station is maling another schedule change. Here they are according to my notes copied from my palm pilot (the palm of my hand) to clipboard in the truck, to here: 7am Top of the Morning w/ Brian O'Brien (the same)10am Laura Ingraham12pm No Apologies w/ Brandon Randolph (new..unsure of spelling.) 1pm Local Matters digg show every day (new time) Monday Mountain Guardian Tuesday Entrepreneurs Edge (moved from Saturday.) Wednesday Lifestyles Food and Wine ...
Two different sides to how Cubans prepare for Hurricanes...
Call it serendipity, synchronicity, or whatever. I think it was yesterday morning when I heard a story on NPR while driving in to work singing the praises of Cuban hurricane preparedness.It went something like this... When a storm is coming, the whole island springs into action, with committees for everything from local to national. Committees inspect houses to see if they can withstand projected storm damage. If not, the occupants are forthwith 'evacuated' to a shelter nearby, such as a school. Other committees go around cutting trees they think...
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Terror Update
Blogger is acting up again, I can't choose a font or size for this post. Bummer.Anyhow, here goes:Jihad Watch and Norteast Intelligence Network have questions about Hinrichs, as does The Counter Terrorism BlogAnd in a strangely similar case, The Gates of Vienna posts on the Saudis a la The Counter Terrorism Blog.That's all I have for now, I'm still covering up ditches at work after putting in service taps and water meter stuff with Billy. That whacker packer is EVIL. Trust Me. Evil, I tell you.Update: Check out The World History Blog. I need to...
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Apology Time
I made some comments in this post that were inappropriate, and I officially aoplogise to Brian O'Brien, the WZNN station advertisers, and listeners.Update I can't get the stupid link to work...go to the October 4th post just a couple of posts down.I also apologised in the comments section of that post when I came across it yesterday while at the library, and will send Brian a personal email along these lines.I still miss The Bill Fishburne Show. I have listened to Bill for a few years now, and hope to be able to again. I'd really like to see him...
Tropical Depression #24 likely to strengthen
Later today or tomorrow, TD#24 will likely become Tropical Storm Wilma, tying the record set in 1933. Then after that would come a storm named Alpha. I can already hear the enviro-whackos lecture us about global warming as they ride aroung in their SUVs yakkin' on their cellphones. Enough yakkin' from me for now, here are some links to keep a watch on the storm a brewing down south.Check here type all that info again? Especially since cut-n-paste is still a mystery to ...
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
The Bill Fishburne Show canceled
Yesterday, while listening to Ken Bagwell's show, Heads Up America, I heard hime say that there had been some personnel changes at the station.My heart sank. The first two hours of Heads Up America dragged, because I knew it wouldn't be good. My pessimism was rewarded by the announcement that Bill's morning show had been cancelled, and he was let go. Brian O'Brien would be replacing him with a new show. Lack of advertising was the stated reason. Of course, Ken put a good face on it by saying that this would open up new opportunities for Bill.I...
Saturday, October 1, 2005
General Musings
General MusingsFriday was one of those days that went on and on and on, but I had fun doing it. For we had an emergency at work!The day started off well. My first duties were to assist the moving of several sections of 8” water pipes from one place to another, then moving all the associated connectors, water meter boxes, etc to the same area, and perform a general cleanup.Then, I was to assist in the placing of a water line across the main drag of the subdivision---before any turn offs---so, all traffic had to pas by our work area. The plan was...