Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
More on the port terminal bru-ha-ha
Dubai Ports World HomepageHere is an article claiming Frank Gaffney of The Center for Security Policy was the first nationally syndicated columnist to break the port terminal story and push it as a bad idea.Here is his Feb 21, 2006 commentary for the Washington Times. I don't know how long the piece will stay up.And here is an earlier piece. Commentary Perhaps I am stupid, or at best naive, but I really don't understand what the hubub is about on this story. The Chinese operate terminals on the west coast, and on both ends of the canal zone in...
Friday, February 24, 2006
Too much any irons in the fire to do much useful posting except:New Battlestar Galactica episodeEpisode title: DownloadedFrom the promos, this promises to be a Cylon-centric episode featuring Sharon-One !!!Go here for info on the UAE bruhaha, scroll down to a post titled: Port of Call. Sorry I didn't properly paste a link...At 28.8K and 10 minutes before leaving for work...not much choic...
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
What the heck is going on?
I haven't commented on the United Arab Emirate purchase of a British company that has major operations in some of our largest east and gulf coast ports because, frankly, I thought it was a non-story. Boy, have I been proven wrong.What does it really matter who owns the company? Most the workers are Americans. And we only check about 5% of the containers anyway !!! Did people just suddenly become stupid overnight?Over the past week or so, the story has been covered on the various radio talk shows, and here is where they break down:Rush Limbaugh...
Monday, February 20, 2006
Full Auto in Oklahoma !!!
Warning: this video requires major bandwidth and is very funny!I only wish I had that kind of firepower! Viva la 2nd amendmen...
Star Trek Character Quiz

I was cruising NC Blogs and found a Star Trek Character Quiz at this blog. Since I love Star Trek, I took the quiz and pasted the results below. As a former First Responder, I'll accept the results...but Paula's results were funnier, given her lifestyle. ;-PYour results:You are Leonard McCoy (Bones)Leonard McCoy (Bones) 95%Chekov 95%Geordi LaForge 90%Mr. Scott 80%Worf 70%Spock 69%Jean-Luc Picard 65%Data 63%James T. Kirk (Captain) 55%Beverly Crusher...
John Armor announces run for 11th District Seat
I've been playing catchup on the Armor story...here is an excerpt of his article in The North Carolina Conservative:The first question about running for Congress should be, what are the needs of the District? For the 11th District, those can be boiled down to two words: jobs and education.The economy here divides roughly into thirds: manufacturing, agriculture and tourism. All are under pressure. In manufacturing, whole factories – especially in textiles – have been packed up and shipped outside the US, leaving behind vacant buildings, asphalt...
Monday Briefing
Winds of War Briefing by Security Watchtower and Peace Like A River.John Armor enters race against Charles Taylor in the Republican primary. I haven't had a chance to read any stories...since I was away from the internet for the weekend. This is going to be very interesting, indeed. Personally, I think Armor stands a very good chance of blowing away Taylor because of one primary reason, CAFTA.Hat Tip to Screwie Hoolie for letting me kno...
Friday, February 17, 2006
Untitled Post
I couldn't thnk of a title off the top of my head, and the topics to diverse to pull together in a few words.More winter weather may be headed my way. I live in Northern Jackson County, at the north pole of the area...we still have snow on the ground out here, although yesterday put a lot of it away.I'll be starting a series of posts on the 11th District US House Race next week with the official entry of Heath Shuler as an official candidate. The incumbent, Charles Taylor, may have a callenger in he primary...more later.Now to the important stuff...Battlestar...
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Thursday Links
Here is what I found on my patrol this morning:The Coming Storm of Censorship is a piece every blogger and lover of Free Speech should read and shudder over.Life in the Bubble by Armed Liberal over at Winds of ChangeAnd another couple of articles on the same site here concerning the two remaining members of the Axis of Evil, and there is a rebuttal article here.Commentary What does it all mean? I believe that things will continue to get more interesting and more frightening. We must remain vigilant, maintain situational awareness, and get involved....
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A Really Cool Quiz

I found this quiz on Glenn Reynold's blog, and the results I got back were pleasing to me: You scored as Serenity (Firefly). You like to live your own way and don't enjoy when anyone but a friend tries to tell you should do different. Now if only the Reavers would quit trying to skin you.Serenity (Firefly)100%Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)88%Deep Space Nine (Star Trek)81%Babylon 5 (Babylon 5)81%Bebop (Cowboy Bebop)75%Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica)75%Nebuchadnezzar...
Middle East/SW Asia Strategic Analsis
This post will be updated throughout the day. (Yes, Another Snow Day!)Sean Osborne of Northeast Intelligence NetworkIf I were you, I'd keep storing extra petro and food. What? You're not!Too bad for you then. I jumped on that train before Christmas.The Anti-American War Protest crowd is gearing up to stop the coming war with Iran. I'd like to see conservative groups infiltrate these (well, you know)-people and mount counter-demonstrations. Too bad all the conservatives have jobs, families, and other important stuff.Michelle Malkin has asked Al...
Monday, February 13, 2006
Another Show Day !!!

More later as I get a chance. Scroll Down, please.Check Out this list of banned books!City Crabs' Pix of Blizzard of 006Prediction: At his next press conference, Dick Cheney will invite some reporters to go quail hunting.Yahoo! Photo Album Test Li...
Friday, February 10, 2006
Friday Picture

Tiny MomNew Battlestar Galactica episode tonight !!!Schedule for Feb 2006 Times are 10pm and 1 am EasternDate Episode Title2/10 Sacrifice2/17 The Captain's Hand2/24 Download...
Thursday, February 9, 2006
Reid connected with Abramof?
Story here.I thought it significant enough for a separate posting. I've currently got 7 windows going on this machine at the Library...mine chokes on two windows!...
Snow Day !!!

View from WCU CamNew posts will be added below during the dayIsrael to withdraw from West Bank ???Stop Shuler, Hmmm?And finally, Ann Coulter zing...
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Are things coming to a head?
Global Guerrillas continues with systems disruption series as practiced by terrorists. The whole series is worth a read. Who needs Stephen King anymore?Politics of CP has uncovered a nugget about the NSA eavesdropping.Over at The Gates of Vienna, Dymphna has a thoughtful post on the Iranian thing.In my last post, I was wondering what would happen if rioting Muslims had a reason, well, someone thinks this may be the case with the current round.How does this Trackback thing work?Security Watchtower has more coverage of the rioting, as well as an...
Sunday, February 5, 2006
The "Religion of Peace" shows its' True Colors
D.C. Watson: Islam unhingedThe Gates of Vienna has several good posts on the affair.The Winds of Change have a few as well, you'll have to scroll down to find them.CommentaryI have been guilty of secretly hoping that there was a slight chance of being able to balance the bad Muslims with the judicious (is that a word?) use of the good Muslims. I now realize I was mistaken. It appears that the ignorant, hating masses FAR outweigh the good few. It is now time to comptemplate religicide.Imagine what the Muslims of the world would do if they were...
Saturday, February 4, 2006
Note to NASA in regards to man in space
Q from Star Tek: The Next Generation noted about space exploration, "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid...
Friday, February 3, 2006
T.G.I.F. !!!
It's been a rough week.Flight #93 movie reviewBattlestar Galactica episode "Scar" is due tonight on the SciFi channe...
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Thunder Pig goes to Asheville

This is one of my favorite landmarks in Asheville. I believe it is called St. Lawerence. I'd love to go inside and take some pictures of the place when I have more time, but yesterday I was on a tight schedule and didn't stray too far from the library on Haywood Street.I took this picture on the main drag in downtown Maggie Valley as a Pave Low Chinnok flew right over me...really cool thing for a military entusiast like me. I took more, and later...