
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Sunday, April 30, 2006

Update on May Day 2006

I found a list of planned events for "El Gran Boicot" tomorrow, thanks to a technorati search on my sideba...

May Day and El Gran Boicot

I'm sure that by now all but the most oblivious of us are aware of the planned boycott tomorrow. I wonder about the significance of the choice of May 1st.I will attempt to let others tell you in their own words, just so you know who these people are, and more importantly, the ones behind them.Be warned, this is a long piece. My normal M.O. is to point you to things I or others have found. I feel this topic is important enough to include larger excerpts so that you may see what I have seen.Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 14:44:31 CDTSender: Activists Mailing...

Friday, April 28, 2006

Collapsing Iran

John Robb says it far better than I can, so read the excerpt, then follow the link and put this guy on your reading list...Collapsing Iranby John RobbThe confrontation between the US and Iran crossed into dangerous territory when Tehran announced that it had successfully enriched uranium and that it would have 3,000 operational centrifuges by the end of the year. This tension accelerated when Ayatollah Khameni claimed Iran would readily share its nuclear secrets with unstable regimes like Sudan. These events clearly demonstrate that the American...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Nice Harley

One of the home owners in the subdivision stopped by yesterday before taking a rid...

Charles Taylor Takes A Stand

Yesterday, I heard the last half-hour of our Congressman, Charles Taylor, on Fox Across America with Spencer Hughes on XM168. He was being interviewed about his blocking the Flight #93 Memorial in Shanksville, PA.A goodly portion of the callers I heard agreed with Taylor, and our Congress Critter articulated himself well. He even said the magic words I found missing in the debate over the sale of federal land, "The Federal Government already owns too much land."This leads me to my next comment. Why didn't he Stand Up and articulate these same...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Adherents of Religion in America

Link to Larger Maps Interesting Post Plastic Bag, Where I recently found it....

Monday, April 24, 2006

Wang Wenyi on The John Batchelor Show Tonight

Wang Wenyi, a 47 year-old doctor and member of Falun Gong, has been charged with: Willfully intimidating, coercing, threatening and harassing a foreign official.According to Secret Service translations provided in court documents, she shouted in Chinese: “Stop oppressing the Falun Gong” and “Your time is running out” and “Anything you have done will come back to you in this lifetime.” She also shouted in English: ”President Bush, stop him from killing,” and “President Bush, stop him from persecuting the Falun Gong a spiritual movement banned in...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Rain Shower on Jonathan Creek

I took this picture on 4/20/2006 around 3 p...

New Trek Movie ?

Okay, I admit it, I am a Trekkie. I just hope this guy can keep Paramount from screwing up this movie....

Terrorists Target Michelle Malkin

I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOUBy Michelle Malkin · April 19, 2006 08:53 PMYou know who you all are.And if you think I'm going to stop blogging/writing/making a living because you've plastered my family's private home address, phone numbers, and photos and maps of my neighborhood all over the Internet to further your manufactured outrage and pathetic coddling of a bunch of lying, anti-troops punks at UC Santa better think again.***Read her articleHat Tip: Junkyard BlogAnd all this crap from people who are, in all probability, screaming about...

Cindy Seehan is a Liar, and the Mother of a Hero

I just can't come to grips with how this woman... except to remember that in Marxist Thought, nothing comes before the struggle for world socialism.Here is an excerpt:On Tuesday, April 11, 2006, Cindy Sheehan wrote:* Her son arrived in California in a cardboard box* Her son was carried over to the dock by a forklift* Her mortuary refused to pay the cemetery* Her son was treated as an over-sized piece of luggageBut... Now we know none of this is true!Read the rest....

I Think I Read That In A G.I. Joe Comic Book...

I'm not joking either...1. PA to Establish New Military Force Headed By TerroristBy Tzvi Ben GedalyahuHamas appointed a wanted terrorist to set up a new military force and direct the PA's interior ministry office. Israel and the U.S. denounced the promotion, and an MK called for targeting him.Jamal Abu Samhadana, head of the Popular Resistance Committee, was promoted to "colonel" by the interior minister, Said Sayam. A ministry spokesman said that Samhadana, who was behind the lethal 2003 attack on an American convoy in which three were killed,...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Candidates for Press Secretary

As I listened to the radio throuout the day yesterday, I heard some suggestions for who should replace Scott McClellan.The top name seemed to be Tony Snow, who would be good, but I doubt he'd give up his gig as radio talk show host and Fox News contributer.There were other names bandied about, none recognized by me until I heard Michael Reagan put forth (in jest) Ann Coulter. I nearly spit out my Mountain Dew and ran off the road. The mental picture I saw was so funny. The Press Corps would go nuts, well, nuttier than they already are!!! Helen...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Breaking News

McClellan Leaves White House Press OfficeApr 19 10:19 AM US/EasternEmail this storyBy NEDRA PICKLERAssociated Press WriterWASHINGTONWhite House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove is giving up his policy portfolio and press secretary Scott McClellan is resigning, continuing a shakeup in President Bush's administration that has already yielded a new chief of staff.A senior administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the president...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Peace Like A River

I've been meaning to link to this guy forever. Click on the post title to see what I mean. I also have to post a warning about his site before you go over there. This guy posts about the show 24. Dude, that is so wrong!!! I thought there was like a code about revealing plotlines for the currently 24-deprived souls like me, I missed the first part of the season, and downloading the episodes isn't even an option at 28k. So if you're waiting on the...

Tuesday Roundup

Fjordman has issued another report, "The Retreat of the Western World Order".Joe Katzman posts on the growing blogosphere. I had no idea that it was that big!However big it grows, there are about 50 or so blogs that I try to read at least once a week, and Milands' blog is one of them. His latest is on The Cuban Missile Crisis and It's Aftermath.Remember when USATODAY upped its' price to 75 cents? That's when i quit reading nearly daily. Now, I only buy one when the cover story is compelling enough. The story about a post-Roe v. Wade America was...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Batteries recharged.

I did virtually nothing this weekend, and feel better for it...Winds of War update.Iran on Disarmament Commission?Could a Shadow Opec raise the price of petroleu...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Clean hydrocarbons?

Click on the post-title to take you to an interesting site. Yes, I'm on vacation, but I found a public terminal and could not resist poking around, the addict that I a...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Screwy Hoolie live-blogs Taylor on radio

Go here to read the post.I heard some of the interview, as I was in and out of my truck while running errands in Waynesville. I guess the spot didn't change anyone's mind, but may have kept some people from jumping ship and supporting Armor or Shuler. I think most people have already made up their minds on how they are going to vote, especially ones who listen to this program on the radio.I was glad to hear him respond, because I thought his silence was counter-productive. I disagree with Screwy Hoolies' post on one issue... most of Shuler's...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

2006 House Race Update

District 11: Money FlowsHere is my feeble attempt to analyze data from the Center for Responsive Politics, using information shamelessly stolen from the website Open Secrets. Any errors in this data are unintentional and will be corrected if you point them out to me before I find them, right now my eyes are crossed from looking back and forth from my hand-written copy as I type them into another machine, then will save to flash drive and uploaded to the internet from a public terminal. I really need a laptop bad, huh?UpdateOh, it gets worse...Blogger...

Monday, April 10, 2006

El Gran Boicot

There are supposed to be more marches today by those who support Illegal Aliens gaining Amnesty in our country.There are those who plan greater actions, some of which are targeted to hurt our economy. I seem to remember a similar attempt to hurt our economy on September 11, 2001. While these attacks probably won't kill any one, they will hurt our nation.Don't believe me? Go here to find out about the attack planned for May Day, a Communist Holiday.Then, Visit here, the homepage of the Voice of Aztlan, the name for the nation they hope to establish...

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Less pollution means more warming ?

Air trends 'amplifying' warming By Richard Black Environment Correspondent, BBC News website, in Vienna Only when solar dimming disappeared could we really see what is going on in terms of the greenhouse effect Martin Wild Reduced air pollution and increased water evaporation appear to be adding to man-made global warming. Research presented at a major European science meeting adds to other evidence that cleaner air is letting more solar energy...

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Weekend Linkagery

Fjordman has issued a report via Gates of Vienna. For those of you who wish to track Federal Spending, U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) has launched a website to help in that task. Check it out. Hat Tip to Joe Katzman of Winds of Change. Citizens Against Government Waste.Over at Jihad Watch, Zarqawi's people boast of killing Christians because their so-called prophet was "offended." And to keep you busy, go here. The article refers to Open Source Warfare.I will leave you with something of the how the other side sees the use of OSW.Okay, just...

Friday, April 7, 2006

In honor of the Senate Compromise yesterday, I suggest you go here to put this in its proper (I feel) context.On a lighter note, visit this site to find out about a supposed time traveller named John Titor. This stuff is insane because there are people out there who believe i...

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Disturbing News About Taylor

Is Congressman Charles Taylor vulnerable?Has he been mishandling funds?I don't know. Here is an article on NC Conservative by John Armor, who coincidently is running for Taylors' seat. Can we trust what John Armor has written? I don't know. I trust that this will shake out in time for the Primary, because if it doesn't, then I am afraid Taylor will lose the race in November to Heath Shuler. Shuler may be okay, What makes me worry is all the far-left support that is behind him.Anyhow, I have posted an excerpt of Armor's article below, and will...

Monday, April 3, 2006

Participate in a Virtual March !!!

NumbersUSA is calling for a Virtual March on Monday, April 3, 2006.Visit the local offices of your Senators to express your concern about the Illegal Immigration problem in America.Right March is also calling for the same.You can also visit this web page to send free faxes to your legislators. Please do so.Here is contact info on all Senators.Here is the same for your Representative, just type in your zip code to find yours.I will keep this post...

Monday Linkfest

No work today due to rain, I will update this post throughout the day with stuff I find.I found an article over at The Gates of Vienna posted by Dymphna. I couldn't help but paste a teaser of the article below:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunday, April 02, 2006Aztlan and al-Andalus: Return to a Mythical Golden Age Mike Austin has an intriguing take on the immigration marches, the La Raza push,...

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Bill Clinton a Dhimmi ???

From Dhimmi Watch:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------April 02, 2006 Fitzgerald: Macbeth and Lady MacbethJihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald discusses Bill Clinton's increasingly enthusiastic plunge into dhimmitude:Three times in the last month or two Bill Clinton -- when not busy with his Clinton World Initiative (not to be confused with any Initiatives by Jeffery Sachs, or Jimmy Carter,...

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Blast from the Past !!!

Remember the snow in WNC the weekend before Valentine's Day? The National Weather Service has issued a report about it.Here is my Public Photo Album of scenes around my place.The Old Home Pla...