
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Saturday, September 30, 2006

Al Gore: "Cigarettes Contribute To Global Warming"

GORE: CIGARETTE SMOKING 'SIGNIFICANT' CONTRIBUTOR TO GLOBAL WARMINGFri Sep 29 2006 09:04:05 ETFormer U.S. Vice President Al Gore warned hundreds of U.N. diplomats and staff on Thursday evening about the perils of climate change, claiming: Cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming!"Gore, who was introduced by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, said the world faces a "full-scale climate emergency that threatens the future of civilization...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Democrats on Dumpsters

On The Unintended Humor Index, this has got to be a 7 or an 8.Note the candidates on the dumpster, Phil Haire, Heath Shuler, John Snow, and Erskine Bowles. erskine Bowles? What's he running for?Click here to see the photo I am unwilling to scale-down.That is the Democratic Party Headquarters for Jackson County in the background.I know this messed up my layout, so I'll take down the picture tonight, and leave a link in its plac...

Ann Coulter On Clinton Meltdown

Clinton shouted so many lies during his televised meltdown, only the World Wide Web can capture them all. These are just a few. Clinton yelled at Wallace: "What did I do? What did I do? I worked hard to try to kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since." This is so crazy it's worthy of an Air America caller. Clinton has consistently misrepresented the presidential directive about political assassinations. Clinton did not order bin Laden...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday 9/28 Connect-The-Dots-Of-Jihad-Edition

Northeast Intelligence NetworkIraq : Baghdad 'Green Zone': WMD Strike Imminent?Posted by Sean Osborne on 2006/9/27 10:57:11 ( )-by Sean Osborne, Military Affairs Specialistsean@homelandsecurityus.com27 September 2006: According to an advisory I recieved this morning from retired AFOSI agent Paul 'Dave' Gaubatz:"Iraqi citizens have reported our U.S. Troops & Coalition Forces will be the intended target of a major chemical/biological attack in the "Green Zone" 10 - 14 days from the November, 2006 U.S. Elections."With the US election occuring...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Niational Intelligence Estimate Declassified

Just as in The Revolutionary War, there are traitors within our borders who oppose us at every turn, and should suffer the same fate as Benedict Arnold. I doubt they would approach the gallows with the same dignity, as they would have to be dragged.NIE Key JudgementsNew York Sun. Printer-FriendlyThe usual suspects, The Washington Post, and The New York Times printed the then classified information contained with the National Intelligence Estimate. Gimme five minutes alone with these guys, and they would never print classified information again......

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Pius Attacked for Not Confronting Evil, Benedict Attacked for Confronting EvilBy Dennis PragerAmong the most heated debates of the last 40 years has been the debate over Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust. What did he do when the greatest evil of his day engulfed Christian Europe? Was he "Hitler's Pope," as the name of a widely read book about him charged? Was he too reticent in speaking out against Nazism and the Nazi extermination of Europe's Jews? Was he perhaps even a Nazi sympathizer? Or was he in fact a great friend of Europe's Jews who did...

Monday, September 25, 2006

East Bound And Down

Fan Video Tribute to Battlestar Galactica with Jerry Reed son...

Motivational Posters

I created three motivational posters for your consideration. They do not translate well on the blog, so I put them on my PhotoBucket Album.GarbageLegacy1IntimidationMake your own.I hope you enjoy them, and will share your creations with me. Send them to thunderpigblog AT yahoo DOT com, and let me know in the comments if I can share them publicly, or link to where you have them stored on the internet.Feel free to copy them to your own photo album or website, with the request you at least tell people who made 'e...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Unhinged: Guilty Dog Barking Edition

Yip! Yip! Yip!This man can never be allowed anywhere near the White House, even as a House Husband, as he was the first time around!Seriously though, I expected him to scream, "Kaaaahhnnnn!!!!!!"MOnday Morning UpdateThis is too good not to share. Jim Quinn just said that Clinton's Legacy was a hole in the ground in lower Manhattan. Ouch!!!I think Clinton revealed many logical fallacies the far left uses, more later..gotta go to wor...

Preparation For The Battle of Ezekiel

Or, Putin Calls Russia Defender of Islamic WorldThe Baron has a link to an article you should rea...

Why World War IV Is Necessary

This is a struggle waged by evil men who are boundlessly hypocritical, who use airplanes and internet video to spread a worldview that promotes death, yet who could not in a hundred years create a society that could design and build those tools that they use with such despicable effect. Against these hypocrites, there are those who build tools and use them to feed humankind, share knowledge, and improve life on this planet, however imperfectly.This is a struggle between evil men who burn schools, behead adolescents, torture teachers and forbid...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Another Lefty Confesses

A Totally Honest Liberal - Read It and Be Amazed If you are interested in politics at all, read this following excerpt to its end. This is the most interesting political discussion I've heard in a long time. HH is Hugh Hewitt, father of the conservative political blogosphere and radio talk show host. He is interviewing Thomas Edsall, who spent 25 years at the Washington Post, retiring this year from his post as senior political correspondent.HH: A proposition. The reason talk radio exploded, followed by Fox News, followed by the center-right blogosphere,...

How To Use A Sling

Here's a pretty cool video i found this morning. Gotta make one of these!!!UPDATE: I have more...I found the instructions on how to make that bad boy.And this is the guy's blog. Add him to your favorites, I hav...

Heath Shuler, HRSE, and Back Taxes

Ouch. AP: Shuler-Linked Firm Pays Back Taxes Saturday September 23, 2006 2:31 AMBy TIM WHITMIRE Associated Press Writer CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - A real estate brokerage house associated with Democratic House candidate Heath Shuler belatedly paid over $69,000 in unpaid taxes Friday after The Associated Press raised questions with the campaign. Shuler, a former star quarterback at the University of Tennessee, has a 20 percent stake in the Knoxville-based business, Heath Shuler Real Estate, which he founded with his brother, Benjie, in 1998. They sold...

Leditor in Mtn Xpress

Here is a Leditor (Letter to the Editor)published in The Mountain Xpress I have been made aware of in another forum. I thought it appropriate to post here and provide a link to the original source. You will have to scroll down to find the particular leditor in question.Oust those DemocratsUpon reading the recent, ridiculous defense letters about Rep. Susan Fisher, Democrat, N.C. House District 114, I had to respond.Ms. Fisher was handpicked and placed on the House Ethics Committee by the most corrupt man in North Carolina, House Speaker Jim Black,...

Friday, September 22, 2006

John Batchelor on The Apology Jihad

Theme of JihadBY JOHN BATCHELORSeptember 20, 2006URL: Pope Benedict XVI, the "Panzer pope," has done the unusual in modern discourse: he has jumped into the war on terror with armored facts from six centuries ago that refute a deal of the appeasement from 21st-century Europeans and their American fellow travelers.You will recall that Pope Benedict recently spoke, auf Deutsch, at Regensburg University, where he once enjoyed a professorship. The speech was dry, mechanical, unappetizing, a predictable German exercise...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Second Clinton Global Summit Begins

Another Sign Of The Impending AcopalypsePresident Clinton's second summit brings together government, business and nonprofit sectors to come up with tangible solutions to global problems. Wait, it gets better!It was expected to draw diverse voices such as Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan, cyclist Lance Armstrong, CBS News anchor Katie Couric, actor Don Cheadle and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan..ALL TOGETHER NOW!Government is the problem, not the solutio...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Birds of a Feather

I think Hugo Chavez just tipped the balance in the Fall Elections back to the republicans, provided they don't do something stupid and mess it up. Here is the text of the speech, swiped from Drudge, and a link to an article about the speech. This is something I will have to chew on before I can comment. I heard excerpts of it on Rush today, and on the top of the hour newscast, but that is it...I have printed it off and will read in tomorrow.PRESIDENT CHAVEZ DELIVERS REMARKS AT THE U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY SEPTEMBER 20, 2006 "Representatives of the...

Black Swans and Wild Skies

CATASTROPHIC BLACK SWANSThe arrival of global guerrillas -- small groups that can successfully fight wars against states -- is merely the first expression of a much larger trend line. The larger trend is a radical improvement in the productivity of warfare through the use of mechanisms outside of the control of the state. Since there have been no strides in eliminating the drivers of warfare at the small group level (in fact, just the opposite has...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Netroots Activist Launches Network

From the Press Release:"Western North Carolina News Network (WNCNN), created by local political organizer, Gordon D. Smith, is political satire presented as a cable news program in the vein of Steven Colbert's The Colbert Report and Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. WNCNN will air weekly on Mondays on numerous internet sites including beginning on September 18, 2006. The series intends to highlight the shortcomings of Republican incumbent...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

al-Qaeda To Launch Nuclear Strike?

Click above to read mor...

Shuler v Taylor Stock Trading

I was researching about the Heath Shuler campaign this morning, and found a political stock exchange that trades play money where the traders bet money on the outcome of certain political races, or events.When someone signs up, they have W$1,000,000 deposited into their trading account, and they can start trading stocks.Each stock starts out with a value of W$50.00, and goes up or down based on the buying or selling of such stock, the more people buy, the more valuable it becomes, the more sell, the less valuable it becomes. So, it is good to...

The Religion That Respects Free Speech

Hussein Shabakshy wrote in an article published by the London-based Arabic-language newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat “It is clear that such remarks only contribute to the fueling of the fire raging between Islam and the West. There is no difference between Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri speaking from their caves in Tora Bora and the stage of an important Christian saint. Both parties contribute to the world verbal weapons for mass destruction.” “The pope’s latest statement cannot be considered a slip of the tongue or a comic bit from a TV...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Religion of Peace Pissed at Pope

Or, Religious War Heats UpMuslim leaders demand apology for Pope's 'medieval' remarks John Hooper in Rome and Luke Harding in BerlinSaturday September 16, 2006The GuardianPope Benedict XVI was last night facing angry demands from Muslims that he apologise for a speech in which he appeared to say the concept of jihad was "unreasonable" and quoted a medieval ruler who said Muhammad's innovations were "evil and inhuman".Protests swept across the Islamic...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Heath Shuler Post for Septmeber 15

Or, When Google comes a knockin'An anonymous Googler left me a present today. This person was Googling for information on a local race I posted about sometime ago, and I looked at the results of their search and found some information on a current race, the local Congressional Race.So off I went, reading the AARP Survey designed to assist voters in making a decision in Novewmber. So, without further ado, here is the survey with my frequent interuptions to clarify, translate, and point out what I feel are gross errors.The survey questions are in...

What World Leader Are You?

Oh no! How could this be?My results below:What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.comI hope this doesn't mean that one day I'll be dragged from a rat hole to face justic...

Another Threat To Border Security

Okay, so I have one more alarm to put out before I return to my regular broadcast. Joint investigative report by Douglas J. Hagmann, Director, Northeast Intelligence Network, Judi McLeod, Founder & Editor,, & Arthur Weinreb, Associate Editor, CanadaFreePress.com15 September 2006: During a joint, covert operation involving the US Border Patrol and the Ontario Provincial Police on June 9, 2006, an incident took place that quietly rocked law enforcement communities of two countries and placed a number of undercover police...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Just In Case...

Surviving Al-Qaeda Nuclear Attack HotAir published a report that AQ is likely to detonate a nuke in a major city on Ramadan. That's 24 September to 23 October. Obviously, nothing can save you if you are standing next to a bomb - or a hundred meters from it. If you are several miles away, understanding of what happening and what you are doing can make a difference between life and death. There is no chance that our Governments will inform us on what to do in advance - it would be victimising out Muslim community, wouldn't it? So I will try to provide...

Michael Reagan to Form Legacy PAC

Michael Reagan has just announced that he will be soon forming a Political Action Committee to support Ronald Reagan Conservatives for office. I am listening on XM166.Now that would be a true tribute to his father, and I would be glad to contribute.Thank You, Michael. Maybe together, we can turn the tide against The Rockefeller Republicans!...

The Institute for Immigration Policy Review

I found a website called The Institute for Immigration Policy Review whilst looking for new news sources. Here is their stated mission:About Usby editor @ Friday, August 12th, 2005. Filed under AboutWe are a small independent group interested in monitoring current news and trends in immigration and trade, primarily in the United States. We believe that immigration is an American family issue that should be discussed and decided by American families since it is us who will pay the cost and our children who will pay the price for what is arguably...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hail Eris!

A fitting name for a fitting bane of Pluto...Largest known dwarf planet named after Greek goddess of chaos - By ALICIA CHANG, AP Science WriterWednesday, September 13, 2006(09-13) 19:34 PDT Los Angeles (AP) --A distant, icy rock whose discovery shook up the solar system and led to Pluto's planetary demise has been given a name: Eris.The christening of Eris, named after the Greek goddess of chaos and strife, was announced by the International Astronomical Union on Wednesday. Weeks earlier, the professional astronomers' group stripped Pluto of its...