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Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Religion That Respects Free Speech

Hussein Shabakshy wrote in an article published by the London-based Arabic-language newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat “It is clear that such remarks only contribute to the fueling of the fire raging between Islam and the West. There is no difference between Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri speaking from their caves in Tora Bora and the stage of an important Christian saint. Both parties contribute to the world verbal weapons for mass destruction.”

“The pope’s latest statement cannot be considered a slip of the tongue or a comic bit from a TV show; the situatio0n here is different, and his remarks are indicative of an important and highly symbolic stance toward the religion (Islam) and the prophet of about a billion and-a-half Muslims,” he said.


I am not a Catholic. I have read the Pope's remarks, and, if anything they are too mild. But then again, anyone who says anything remotely near the truth about the (murdering) prophet mohamet (a child molester), is sinning under the traditions of the ummah.

Let us briefly compare the two religions.
Side by side, if you will "indulge me":

Response to blasphemous displays of Art,

1---The "artistic" display of a crucifix in urine.
Christian, and Catholic response...attention is called to the display in a peaceful manner. To this day, I still don't remember mobs of religious thugs in the street, yelling their fool heads off, for Christ gave us an example that CANNOT be improved upon. When He was on the cross, he was jeered at by the crowds, He asked His Father to forgive, for they did not know what they were doing. A criminal on a cross next to Him, asked Him to remember him. Christ told the man that very day he would be with Him in paradise.

2---The "artistic" display of mohamet in cartoons.
Muslim rsponse...burning, pillaging, raping mobs of people yelling their fool heads off about their supreme prophet (who presumably has the ear of allah), and their entire religion being insulted by some scribbles on a piece of paper. Of course, they have their prophets' example to go by, don't they?
How many people did he kill?
How many were killed by those he led in battle?
How many have been killed by those imitating him?

Response to civilians killed in war

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, the Christian, and Catholic Response:
Prayer, (for the victims, the heroes who sacificed themselves in the hope that more could be saved, prayer for the families of those affected and those responding), then Action (people gave their blood, money, material, and time to help in the rescue, recovery, and removal of the bodies of the dead). Bodies were covered, out of respect for the dead. This was the overwhelming response. Reprisals would come later, measured out to those responsible, and those capable, of such an act against our people.

The Building next to the UN Outpost in Lebanon:
Bodies were left in the rubble, until cameras could be brought to bear.
Rescuers brought each body out, for the camera.
Bodies wre laid out in rows, for the camera.
Flies were allowed to gather, for the camera.
Families grieved, for the camera.
Mobs cried for Vengeance, for the camera.


Don't try to tell me there is ANY Moral Equivalence between the two religions for one simple reason (listen closely, for it is quite profound).
The "Moderate" Muslims cannot form a peaceful counter-protest in any Muslim dominated country in the world without being in mortal fear of their lives from their co-religionists.

What's that I hear? Is it crickets chirping? Or is it perhaps a Muslim plotting to silence my voice? Either way, I know where I am headed after I leave this body. For them to be absolutely sure, they have to murder an infidel. Nice contrast, eh?