
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Laura Bush Visits WNC

I stopped off at the Haywood County Public Library to put up a couple of quick pix, and will continue on to work. Around 5pm, I'll stop off at WCUs library and add more...maybe video if I can do it without the included software for the camera.The First Lady Stumps For Congressman TaylorCheck back for more pictures and videos tonight and tomorrow!Okay, I'm having problems with the videos, so click here to see most of the unblurred ones...I've had...

New Discussion Group in Asheville

Asheville Latté RepublicansThe Asheville Latté Republicans Club is a brand new conservative coffee club / discussion group in Asheville, North Carolina. It is a relaxed and inclusive club for those wanting to talk about current events and politics over your caffeinated drink of choice.The first meeting will be November 9th. Check out the website, and help this group get started. This is only the beginning, as I expect more groups of this nature to become the norm for thinking conservatives. If the GOP is a Big Tent party, we will welcome this...

Pakistanis Blow up Madrassa

This story at The Gates of Vienna reminds me that during World War Two, the first thing to be taken out by the Allies was the church tower, which was often used by German snipers....

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Blog of War

Want better coverage of the Afghanistan and Iraqi Theaters in World War IV?Buy this book, "The Blog of War" which includes front line dispatches by our soldiers serving over there, and provides a window into the MilBlog Communit...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Adama Maneuver

This scene took place in Episode 3.03 "Exodus, Part 2", not the 4th episode as indicated in the clip description.I couldn't get it to imbed, so click her...

DOD Counters MSM Lies For The Record

The Department of Defense has finally wised up, and joined the Internet Media.Why? Because of hostile coverage by the Main Stream Legacy Media.Here is Friday's offering: Rumsfeld Comments Mischaracterized Oct. 27, 2006 — Several news outlets, including the AP and Washington Post, reported or headlined incorrectly that Secretary Rumsfeld told “critics” to “back off” during yesterday’s press briefing. In fact, the Secretary was referring specifically to journalists who were seeking to create a perception of major divisions between the positions...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Lynne Cheney Smacks Down Wolf Blitzer

Okay, I've had a hard time getting the imbed to work, and do not know if I am the problem (Likely), or the problem lies with Blogger (probable), or from an overloaded You Tube (possible).So, if there are multiple posting of the imbed, irnore it, since i can't see them.Click here to see the video.Perhaps I should upgrade to IE 7 or Okaymake the jump to Fire Fo...


Listen to Wolf try to spi...


Text Only Test Post.Having Problems Postin...

In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens in NC

In-State Tuition for illegal aliens issue Revisited in NC! The Raleigh based national organization, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, is launching an effort to warn NC citizens that Democrat leaders have recently announced their intention to attempt legislation again in 2007 that would grant in-state tuition to illegal aliens. "North Carolinians need to know where their candidates stand on this issue," says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "Three term Governor Jim Hunt has recently announced a new push for this measure. We know that in-state tuition...

The Nigerian Space Program

Ever since mas walked on the moon around 1970, people have been asking the question, "Why spend all of this money on space when there are too many problems to solve here at home and too many poor people in this nation?" Even though the money NASA spends is less than 1% of the national budget, this is still far too large for many people. But try telling that to Nigerians. Nigeria is one of the poorest in the world, with a per capita income of only $1400/year. To many people, the thought of Nigeria building a space program was madness. They simply...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Stop Shuler: The Story So Far...

The Washington Redskins fans who have arguably become more famous than any pro or con Heath Shuler website, have recapped the 2006 Election Season.Go check it out, and support these guys by buying getting some swag....

2006 Elections Update II

Here are some of the important races for the midterms, with links to helpful information:Senate Connecticut: Ned LamontMaryland: Ben CardinMichigan: Debbie StanbenowMissouri: Claire McCaskillMontana: Jon TesterNew Jersey: Bob MenendezTennessee: Harold FordVirginia: James WebbDemocrat Held Seats(CO-03): John Salazar(GA-03): Jim Marshall(GA-12): John Barrow(IA-03): Leonard Boswell(IL-08): Melissa Bean(IL-17): Phil Hare(IN-07): Julia Carson(NC-13): Brad Miller(PA-12): John Murtha(WV-01): Alan MollohanRepublican Held Seats(AZ-08): Gabrielle Giffords(CT-04):...

Children of Hurin

In a world rights deal, the Tolkien Estate has signed with HarperCollins to publish the first complete book by J.R.R. Tolkien since the posthumous Silmarillion in 1977.Presented for the first time as a fully continuous and standalone story, the epic tale of The Children of Húrin will reunite fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves and Men, dragons and Dwarves, and the rich landscape and characters unique to Tolkien.The Children of Húrin, begun in 1918, was one of three ‘Great Tales’ J.R.R. Tolkienworked on throughout his life,...

Robust Get Home Kit

Here are my thoughts on getting home from work after a major disaster: Get Home Kit (Robust Version) My Situation I work just over thirty road miles, and three mountain ranges, from my home. Given optimal conditions, that means a two day hike, and I always add 50% for a conservative estimate. My pack has more food than I would normally consume during that time period, and the only weakness I see is the lack of water. I can easily double that amount because I always carry a full case of water in the bed of my truck at all times. So, I can...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Another Milbog Shutting Down

When I get mad, I tend to say things that might be considered threatening to those who don't know me. When I get furious, my friends make me stand in the corner.So, while I'm in the corner, go read this disturbing news that has become a bit of an unhealthy trend. Oh, and I'll be in the corner waiting.Hat Tip: Defense Te...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Yellow With A Twist

Taking a break from politics to enjoy the vie...

2006 Elections Update

Here are some of the important races for the midterms, with links to helpful information:Senate Connecticut: Ned LamontMaryland: Ben CardinMichigan: Debbie StanbenowMissouri: Claire McCaskillMontana: Jon TesterNew Jersey: Bob MenendezTennessee: Harold FordVirginia: James WebbDemocrat Held Seats(CO-03): John Salazar(GA-03): Jim Marshall(GA-12): John Barrow(IA-03): Leonard Boswell(IL-08): Melissa Bean(IL-17): Phil Hare(IN-07): Julia Carson(NC-13): Brad Miller(PA-12): John Murtha(WV-01): Alan MollohanRepublican Held Seats(AZ-08): Gabrielle Giffords(CT-04):...

First Lady To Campaign for Taylor

First lady to stump in WNCby John Boyle, jboyle@citizen-times.compublished October 25, 2006 12:15 amASHEVILLE — Adding a little star power to the campaign season, first lady Laura Bush will come Tuesday to Western North Carolina to speak to local Republican women and to campaign for Congressman Charles Taylor, R-Brevard.“Mrs. Bush has written the Republican women of Western North Carolina — she knows that women play an enormous part in any campaign — and she’s encouraging them to turn out the vote,” Taylor said Tuesday afternoon after a press...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Heath Shuler Supporter Responds to Dobson Endorsement of Charles Taylor

Or, Another Example of Anti-Christian Progressives in ActionI wonder if the progressives realize how many votes they are costing their candidate when they post such blantant attacks on a revered figure in the christian community.Dr. James Dobson, having playing one-eyed Mullah Omar to the Bush administration, is riding his pale horse into the election here in NC-11. In today's latest glossy mailing, Dr. Dobson writes, "Two years ago, I strongly endorsed Congressman Charles H. Taylor for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives. I am doing...

It's the Imbeds, Stupid!

In an earlier post, I linked to a couple of sources who were reporting problems for imbeds in Iraq, all seeming to stem from one guy. Now, there are more developments in the situation. I found the first hint over at Defense Tech during my morning rounds. Apparently the offending officer, Lieutenant Colonel Barry Johnson, has been transferred to the Pentagon, either as a reward, or following the bureacratic rule to promote troublemakers away from the scene of the crime.The whole sad story acts in contrast to the effectiveness of our enemy imbeds...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Whom will you serve?

Indeed. The war we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan is supported bystate-sponsors. The terrorist enemies are proxy force multipliers for thesestate-sponsors, be they Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, HAMAS, Abu Sayyaf, or the AfghanTaliban. Yet, notwithstanding events in Afghanistan, it is in Iraq where this ismost abundantly evident.This has been evident to me since the beheading of NickBerg. The individuals in that horrific video had the demeanor of military menand the use of beheading as a terrorism tool against the Iraqi population waslong established...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cindy Sheehan Paid By John Kerry?

“We have Federal Election Commission documents. I mean we went to an extensive research, we followed the money, that’s how you always figure out what’s going on…We found that John Kerry and Michael Moore personally recruited Gold Star family members just within days and sometimes even at the funerals of their sons to come and work for the campaign in order to undermine the candidacy of George W. Bush at the time. It was shocking and, and really offensive behavior and that’s exactly what happened to Cindy Sheehan who we tracked down. She went on...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Safer Fission?

Thorium is referred to as a "fertile isotope," vastly more plentiful than U235. In addition, when it undergoes conversion and fission, will not produce plutonium (which U238 will do).Michael Anissimov posted a fascinating look at Thorium fission, and other aspects of safer, more advanced fission energy, in this excellent post. Michael provides a great deal of information about advanced fission, and a several links at the bottom of his article. He also provides a visionary's look at the possibilities provided by these new technologies that is inspirational.I...

The European Death Spiral

Not even one EU member state has a fertility rate that will replace the death rate… . In fact, eleven EU countries, including Germany, Austria, Hungary and Italy have a negative population growth rate. Instead of Europeans, the population is being replaced by Muslims, whose birth rates are much higher than those of Europeans. French cities such as Lyon and Marseilles have become mostly Muslim Arab cities. European identity is being usurped, and Europe is in a death spiral, demographically and culturally. More at One Hand Clapping.I see this as...

Friday, October 20, 2006

ALIPAC Endorses Charles Taylor

October 19, 2006FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) (866) 329-3999 or Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is pleased to offer our endorsement to the Charles Taylor for Congress campaign in North Carolina because Charles Taylor wants our borders secured, our existing immigration laws enforced, and illegal aliens to leave the United States of America. "Over 80% of the voters consistently indicate they want our border secured and our existing immigration laws enforced," says...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Border Patrol Agents Sentenced in El Paso

Former Border Patrol agents sentenced to prison (4:30 p.m.)By Louie Gilot / El Paso TimesArticle Launched:10/19/2006 04:23:32 PM MDTThe two former U.S. Border Patrol agents whose conviction of shooting a drug smuggler in the buttocks caused a national movement to free them were sentenced today.Ignacio Ramos was given an 11-year sentence in prison -- a 10-year mandatory sentence for the assault with a deadly weapon charge, plus one year for the lesser charges. Jose Alonso Compean was given a 12-year sentence -- a 10-year mandatory sentence for...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Shuler Campaign Response

The following newsletter put out by the Shuler Campaign shows their willingness to "twist the language". Note how they are now calling candidate forums debates.This is a desperate attempt to not only gain moral equivalency with the Taylor Campaign over Heath's withdrawal from a "debate", now they intend to use it as a club. Also note their crowing over at how their tactics of intimidation worked on the media. Click here to be taken to Joy Franklin's account. You may be required to briefly register, in my opinion, it's worth it.You need to see...

North Korean Hydrogen Bomb?

That question raises the stakes even Sean OsborneAssociate Director, Senior Analyst, Military Affairssosborne@homelandsecurityus.comOver the course of the past week there are enough reports and credible rumors circulating just below the surface to make the following assessment and forecast of near-term possibilities or probabilities:1.) The now offically acknowledged nuclear test conducted by North Korea a week ago yesterday was actually a test of the first-stage of a two stage hydrogen bomb. The sub-kiloton blast is assessed to have been...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Debate that Wasn't...

Or, Is that Blood in the Water?Developing... (Insert Drudge Style Siren Here)Early this morning, I checked my yahoo account, and found a newsletter from the Heath Shuler Campaign.Friends, we have just received word that Charles Taylor will be attending tonight’s debate in Rutherford County .The debate will begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Cool Springs Administrative offices for the Rutherford County Schools, 382 West Main Street in Forest City .Heath had committed to attending the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce weeks ago, but Taylor had been non-committal...

Monday, October 16, 2006

Goforth and Gorny on Heads Up America

State Representative Bruce Goforth and Challenger Eric Gorny will appear in studio together to discuss the issues and take phone calls from the listeners of Z1350.I believe it will be after the 10am Eastern Time news, so check in at 9am and stick around until noon.Here is Ken's website, and click here to listen on the internet.I apologize for not posting this earlier, it slipped my mind!...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

October Straw Poll for 2008 Race

Here are the results as posted on Red State:Giuliani 28.5% (22.4%)Gingrich 21.5% (21.5%)Romney 19.9% (18.2%)Allen 8.1% (10.6%)Tancredo 5.9% ( 7.3%)McCain 3.8% ( 5.0%)Brownback 1.6% ( 2.4%)Huckabee 1.1% ( 1.2%)Frist 1.0% ( 1.1%)Hagel 0.7% ( 1.4%)Pataki 0.2% ( 0.3%)CommentaryGiuliani is okay for Rockefeller Republicans, RINOs, and people who aren't conservative, and don't think. This guy is not socially conservative, and I, for one will fight against him in the Republican Primary almost as much as the egomaniac McCain....

Hispanic Heritage Month Ends

October 15 Closing Celebration for the Third Annual Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration.(Sunday) The keynote speaker will be Ms. Rosa Rosales, President of the League of United Latin American Citizens. Performances by Mexican Folkloric Dancers of Canton, NC and a Latino band. Refreshments will be served. Free to the public. Contributions welcome. Contact Patricia B. Hackett at 828-227-3761 for more information.2:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Auditorium and Lobby.Located at Swain County High School, 1415 Fontana Road, Bryson City, NC 28713Eugenia (Jenny)...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Heath Shuler Blinks, Tucks Tail, and Heads for the Tall Grass

Heath Shuler, recently of Tennessee, comes to his senses, and backs out of debate with 8 term incumbent Representative Charles H. TaylorThis is one of Shuler's better moves in this race, as Congressman Taylor knows his stuff and would wipe the floor with his inexperienced opponent.I suspect Shuler may retract his withdrawal once the patented Taylor Surge® in the polls takes place.Update I've also cancelled my subscription to the Wall Street Journal over their allegations about Taylor. I have switched to the Investor's Business Daily....

Friday, October 13, 2006

Speaking of Strange Things...

I get weird hits from Google, but somebody explain to me what kind of thought process is behind this search string: what is thunder tell me the right information?The IP Address is located in Alberta, Canada and is owned by the government of Alberta.Two of the funniest Google hits I get is: what is pig racing? and show me pig pisturesThe second is almost always spelled pistures. So the next time someone types that into Google, hey, here I am..Why the heck do you guys type these thing? I really wanna kno...

Fjordman on the North American Union

I have attached a portion of a blog entry by the blogger Fjordman below about the North American Union.Click here to see the full entry. ====================Thursday, October 12, 2006From the Land of the Free to North American Union? by Baron BodisseyI mentioned earlier my theory that US authorities and politicians on both sides, including the Bush administration, are doing so little to uphold US border controls with Mexico because they have already decided that the border is scheduled for demolition anyway, in favor of a North American Union....

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Scary Ad Based on Reality

Judge for yourself....

Lidle Passport Found in Street

This was erie. I listened intently for a few minutes until I was sure it was just a tragic accident.Here is a snippet from the WaPo:===========================================Lidle, 34, was an experienced pitcher who had played for both New York teams. He arrived in the major leagues in 1997 with the Mets and pitched the latter part of this season with the Yankees. He had acquired his pilot's license within the past year; it is not known whether Lidle or the unidentified instructor was at the controls of the airplane at the time of the accident.Yankees...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Heath Shuler to advertise on Busch Car #23

HOUSE HOPEFUL SHULER TO ADVERTISE: Former NFL quarterback Heath Shuler hopes to inject some horsepower into his U.S. House bid by renting advertising space on a car competing Friday in the Busch Series race at Lowe's Motor Speedway.The campaign is spending $10,000 to put the Democrat's name on the No. 23 Chevrolet set to be driven by Brad Keselowski in the Dollar General 300, Shuler's spokesman Andrew Whalen said Monday.I found it here.Wonder how much it'll cost to get that car spun early in the race? >;^DContact me in the comments, and we'll...

North Korean Nuke Test Dud or Not?

I have waited until now to post on the North Korean Nuke Test over the weekend, in order to get second and third wave reports and analysis, because the first wave is almost always off the mark.Initial reports placed the yield at between 5 kiltons and 15 kilotons. Later reports placed the yield at between 550 tons and 800 tons, or 1.1 million and 1.6 million pounds.First, you may ask what is up with the kiltons and tons yield?kilotons is a shorthand...

Sunday, October 8, 2006

A Legal Immigrant Speaks About Immigration

InterviewsPaul PurdueIrish native, U.S. citizen, speaks on immigrationBy Chad AdamsJuly 26, 2006CLI: Chad Adams, Director, Center for Local InnovationPaul Purdue, illegal immigration activist, recent immigrant, current U.S. Citizen--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLI: What made you decide to become a US Citizen?Purdue: When I first arrived in America, it was only on a temporary basis, at the request of my future wife to give America a try before we made a firm decision on whether or not to stay in...

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Action Alert Iranian Women To Be Stoned

Go here to find out more about this barbaric practice of Islam, and add your voice to those trying to stop it.Or, don't you car...

Friday, October 6, 2006

Snot Nosed Kids

Take a look at this video and...Tell me these people value Free Speech.Tell me these people have anything positive to add to Western Civilization.Tell me these people will defend America from Enemies, Foreign and Domestic.This is one of the reasons Public Education should be replaced with a Free Market System of Education.The video:Hat Tip goes to The Eyrie.Dude, I'm more than annoyed at these snot-nosed kids. Useful idiots, indeed. I can guarantee you that these kids have not one part per million of the honor, dignity, or courage of the what...

Foley Scandal Gets Strange

You know the "scandal" the Democrats, and their lapdogs in the Legacy Media have been "pushing? Yesterday, I heard Rush report Drudge releasing new info on the page. It was apparently a prank gone awry. Then, I heard that thhe pasge had retained Stephen (sp?) Jones, of Timothy McVeigh fame, to represent him. Hmmm, curious.I heard on Quinn & Rose this morning more information concerning that some Democratic activists got the info, and sat on...

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Too Lazy to Post

You probably prefer this to my posts, huh? >=...

Another Jacksonian!

The very intelligent and eloquent Victor Davis Hanson has a new article on Pajamas Media.Here is the money quote:I also confess, at this point I have a very reductionist, very Jacksonian view now of Americans in Iraq: America went in for the right purposes, conducted itself with honor and humanity, was still good when it was not perfect; and can leave something far better than what it found—if it will make the necessary adjustments, as in all of its past wars, and persevere. 130,000 took us at our word and are in harm’s way as a result. So I don’t...

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Foggy Mornings


Monday, October 2, 2006

Shuler v Taylor Race On Carolina Journal

Wouldn't you know it, I find this story in my inbox just as I'm leaving for wor...

Troubling News From Iraq

...........................................Censorship by the military? This email, said to originate from Michael Yon was in my email inbox. Another blogger also received a similar email and reprinted it, so I take that as confirmation that I am not being hoaxed. Therefore I am reprinting the letter for discussion without endorsing any view on it. The text is below. I have omitted the name of the officer that Michael Yon specifically names until such time as the veracity of this email is confirmed. His website does not repeat the accusation made...

Sunday, October 1, 2006

"Time" To Get Involved In The 2006 Elections

Sunday, Sep. 24, 2006 (So, I don't read Time, okay?)The Netroots Hit Their LimitsLiberal online activists are finding you can't move elections with just modems and IMBy BY PERRY BACON JR.You've heard the story: the Netroots, the Democratic Party's equivalent of a punk garage band--edgy, loud and antiauthoritarian--are suddenly on the verge of the big time. The gang of liberal bloggers and online activists who helped raise millions of dollars for Howard Dean's presidential campaign two years ago are now said to be Democratic kingmakers. Last month...