
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Watch This Video

If you truly believe we (America) have no business in this war, watch this video.If you still believe we (America) has no business in this war, don't come crying to me when they pop off a nuke in one of our cities.Perhaps you are like that fool I heard on Sean Hannity's radio show earlier this week, and believe that Neville Chamberlain was the greatest diplomat in the 20th Century, and that appeasement leads peace. The Islamic Fascists have a sickness that can only be cured by an utter and vicious beating. Their properties, their bodies, and their...

Behind the Curtain: Life as a Lefty

A new book about the lives of lefties in the UK has caused a bit of a stir.Here is the take of a couple of bloggers I trust:Belmont ClubNothing so low as a Fallen Angel. When the Guardian reprinted excerpts of Nick Cohen's book about the Left it faced a storm of commentary from its readers. I have an extract, provided courtesy of a reader, which suggests why the Leftist readers would find Cohen's book infuriating. All I can say is that Cohen barely fails to scratch the surface; in terms of absurdity and tragedy, of the Leftist Deep. Here's how...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The following is an excerpt. The original is here. Spread this one far and wide.Hat Tip: Tim Peck Here is a bucket of pearls. Please overlook the fact that the author asks your help in casting them before a herd of swine. They are pearls nonetheless.—GR. With a new Congress convening, it’s time to recall the ideals of America as expressed by Thomas Jefferson in our Declaration of Independence. The following is a new version of the Declaration, updated to reflect the current usurpations and threats we face. It is an urgent call for our newly elected...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sharia Jane and Black Heart Kerry

Since Jane fonda has undergone a make-over, or return to her roots as an anti-war activist, I believe it is time for a new name for Jane.I'm thinking Sharia Jane.WaPo story Sharia Jane Speaks to DefeatistsSenator John Kerry (D-MA) Speaks From His Black HeartAnd, John Kerry calls the USA a "pariah" nation. Mr. Senator, I would rather die on my feet fighting the Islamic Fascists than to live on my knees like you and your kind. History will spit on your grave for generations to com...

Milton Friedman Day Jan 29, 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007 is Milton Friedman Day.Take a little time to reflect on the man, his accomplishments, and the direction in which he still points to true freedom.Milton Friedman Day website.Free to Choose Web Steam, 24-7Purchase the DVDsFree to ChooseWikipedia Entry I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Milton Friedman:"The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem....

On Hating Horatio and The Liberal Mind

These two articles, I believe, share a common thread and are worthy of contemplation.The first: HATING HORATIO Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler Wednesday, 24 January 2007 Ancient Rome's greatest historian was Titus Livius, known to us as Livy (59 BC-17 AD). In the Second Book of his monumental...

Friday, January 26, 2007

John Edwards House Biggest and Most Valuable

RALEIGH — Presidential candidate John Edwards and his family recently moved into what county tax officials say is the most valuable home in Orange County. The house, which includes a recreational building attached to the main living quarters, also is probably the largest in the county. “The Edwardses’ residential property will likely have the highest tax value in the county,” Orange County Tax Assessor John Smith told . He estimated that the tax value will exceed $6 million when the facility is completed.The rambling structure sits in the middle...

Democrat Senator Russ Feingold Plans Non Binding Treason

Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., has scheduled a hearing next Tuesday in his Judiciary Committee subcommittee to explore whether Congress has the authority to cut off funding for the U.S. military campaign in Iraq. The move comes as Congress prepares to vote on a congressional resolution opposing President Bush's escalation of the war. Feingold, a fierce war critic, will force Democrats to consider an option many consider politically suicidal: denying funds to the military and U.S. soldiers to force a quicker end to the war. Democratic leaders have...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sun Dogs and Sun Rings

I'm starting to post again at my photoblog, and you're welcome to check it out.My last upload is called Sun Dogs and Sun Ring...

John Kerry Is Out for 2008

John Kerry has decided he can't win this time either. It was Fun while it lasted...Not!...


This is the first in a series of Guest Commentaries I will be hosting from Conservative Activists and Commentators.EDITING IMPORTANT INFORMATION CAN RUIN A STORY or A WARby Richard RivetteLeave it to Reuters to omit facts or doctor photos. When they reported recently about a University of Florida study that showed two minutes in a microwave at full power could kill a range of bacteria, viruses and parasites on kitchen sponges, lots of readers tried their theory out.The news service forgot to mention that the sponges needed to be wet. Very wet....

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Red Skies at Night

I took this photo the other day at sunset near Sylva, N...

2007 State of The Union & Response

I missed the speech because it was delivered past my bedtime, and will not be able to hear it, until I download it from the web from a public terminal. Seems I forgot to record it. Until then, there are transcripts available.2007 State of the Union delivered by President George W. Bush2007 Democrat Response delivered by James WebbZawahiri's Prebuttal (notice how it sounds like the democrat Response)The Freedom Fighter's JournalI'll prob have a personal response by tomorrow morning, until then, check out my list of responses over at West Carolina...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Amazing Photos from russian Pilot

A Big Hat Tip Goes to Pajamas Media for this find.Click here to see mor...

Area Teen Faces Deportation

This is one of the type of immigrant the America needs. Someone willing to go through the hurdles of the legal system to become an American. The fate of all those bureaucrats, however, should be the same as all the bureaucrats in the State Department, unemployment.A portion of the story is below, and the entire article is here:ASHEVILLE — Seventeen-year-old Rubidia Carballo will leave Roberson High School Wednesday not sure if she will ever see her friends again.If a court hearing in Atlanta doesn’t go her way, Carballo fears also she might not...

Monday, January 22, 2007

AC-T: 3 WNC Politicos Seek Key Roles

The article is here, and an excerpt below:Charles Thomas Charles Thomas, an Asheville Republican, is the newest delegation member. He narrowly defeated Democrat Doug Jones in November to capture the seat held by former Rep. Wilma Sherrill for six terms. Sherrill announced her retirement nearly a year ago after being diagnosed with breast cancer. At 34, Thomas is one of the youngest members of the 2007 freshmen class. Newcomers rarely win positions of power during their first term. But Thomas will be watched to see how his style compares to...

Jim Quinn: Poverty Is A Choice

The length is about 6 and a half minutes.This is Jim Quinn spreading Wisdom to the listeners of his Radio Show, Quinn & Rose, which is on XM165 from 6am to 9am weekdays. Their website is called The War Room.Their terrestrial affiliates are in the Northeast, spreading to Kentucky and Ohio, where they have recently been put on a former Air America station. If only he could be on 880 in Asheville as wel...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Minutemen To Be Declared Domestic Terrorists If Bill Passes In Arizona


Tom Tancredo for President 2008

There were other people this week who announced Exploratory Committees, and one of them was Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO). His website is here, and I have cribbed a letter from his website below:Dear Friend, I am writing to you today as a friend, and as a fellow believer in the cause of securing America's borders. My purpose is to obtain your support as I embark upon a path that may lead to the Republican nomination for the presidency...

Nathan Hale Died for a Dumb Nation

John Armor has posted another good one at Free Republic, so get thee hence. A taste:A Google News search for terrorist, rules and trials turned up 353 articles on the regulations just established for the trials of terrorists by military tribunals. The leading articles were by the New York Times and the BBC. Interestingly, none of them mentioned Nathan Hale. The articles get in a high dudgeon because terrorists can be tried “based on hearsay,” and might be “executed.” Most importantly, all of these writers and editors act as if this were a brand-new...

Barking Moonbat Hall of Fame 2006

The Barking Moonbat Early Warning System has announced the new inductee into the Hall of Fame for 2006.Go on over and read the announcemen...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hillary Clinton Makes It Official: She's "In To Win"

This is a developing story, and I will have links available at my Drudge-Clone...West Carolina Report. Check in there to see my developing list of links.Here is the announcement from her website:I'm in. And I'm in to win. Today I am announcing that I will form an exploratory committee to run for president. And I want you to join me not just for the campaign but for a conversation about the future of our country -- about the bold but practical changes we need to overcome six years of Bush administration failures. I am going to take...

Video: Cruise Missilies Flying in Formation

This is a cool sight!Hat Tip: Garfield Rid...

The Rise and Fall of Jimmy Carter

Excerpts taken from Commentary Magazine.Read the Entire Article Here. [Be advised to have plenty of Duct Tape on hand. --Ed.]The Rise:Carter ran for governor of Georgia against Carl Sanders, who had served in the post previously, earning a reputation as one of the early “Southern moderates.” (Georgia law prohibited serving two terms consecutively.) In the campaign, Carter presented himself as, in his words, “a local Georgia conservative Democrat . . . basically a redneck.” This formulation was calculated to convey a message about his stand on...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Subs lost in Underground Ocean

While waiting for the news on XM Radio 165 this morning, I overheard someone saying that U.S. Submarines Thresher and Scorpion were really lost while exploring the ocean underneath the United States.Of course, the program was discussing the Hollow Earth Theory. At least there are people that are stupider than the Flat Earthers, but not the 9/11 Conspiracy Retards.Kind of puts the Theory of Evolution into perspective, don't i...

Asheville Police criticize Dr. Mumpower's efforts to Combat Drug Dealers

The article I am responding to is here.In the article, two officers are listed as sending emails opposed to Dr. Mumpower's efforts. A Sgt Michael Yelton, and a Lt Chris Young.Michael YeltonSgt. Mike Yelton, in an e-mail to his supervisor, said Mumpower distracted an officer watching for signs of trouble in a stop that involved a cocaine seizure.“I immediately thought this was a strange occurrence, but assumed he was conducting another of his many...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Benny Parsons 1941 to 2007

Benny Parsons passed away on January 16, 2007 in Charlotte, NC.He was a NASCAR Champion, Broadcaster, and All-Around Good Guy.My prayers are with his family and friends.The only eulogy I will offer is this, "You couldn't help but like the guy."That, I believe says it all.More informationWikipedia EntryWebsiteRadio Sh...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Quranic Concept of War

Strike Terror Into Their HeartsBy Sean Osborne, Associate Director, Military Affairs 15 January 2007: This past Friday I began reading a review essay written by my friend, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph C. Myers, of a book commissioned by the late-President of Pakistan, General Zia-ul-Haq. The book was written by Pakistani Army Brigadier General S.K. Malik and entitled “The Quranic Concept of War” (Also variously spelled Qur'anic). In performing my due diligence research for this article it occurred to me that LTC Myers review of this book, in all...

Mumpower deserves backing for tough stance on drugs

by Jeff Gosspublished January 16, 2007 12:15 amI am writing in response to the article, “Mayor: Mumpower’s actions are ‘overstepping’ boundaries,” (AC-T, Jan. 7), by Adam Behsudi.It is a fact that Asheville City Councilman Carl Mumpower has taken on hard drugs and their dealers almost single-handedly, save for a few concerned citizens and some good folks at the Chamber and in school administration. But I don’t think that he is tackling this project alone by choice; I happen to know he welcomes help from anyone willing, especially the city and...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Fallacy of the Chickenhawk Argument

Senator Barbara Boxer used the equivalent of the Chickenhawk Argument that has been used to shut people up when they offer a cogent argument that cannot be refuted.SFGate Coverage.You Tube of Dr. Rice RespondingHere is the best response to the chickenhawk fallacy: CHICKENHAWKS Let’s shag a few easy fly balls to warm up, shall we? The Chickenhawk argument goes something like this: anyone who favors military action should not be taken seriously unless they themselves are willing to go and do the actual fighting. This particular piece of work...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Which Sci-Fi Crew Would You Best Fit In With?

All I can say is YES!!!I'm also glad that Battlestar Galactica and Deep Space Nine made it high on the list. You scored as Serenity (Firefly). You like to live your own way and don'tenjoy when anyone but a friend tries to tell you should do different. Now ifonly the Reavers would quit trying to skin you.Serenity (Firefly)100%Bebop (Cowboy Bebop)81%Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica)81%Deep Space Nine (Star Trek)75%Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)75%Moya...

Frankly Hilarious

Someone just IMed a link to this video...since I'm on dial-up, it's gonna take another 10-15 minutes for it all to load, but what I've seen so far so hilarious. Congressman McHenry played the Chair like a fiddle.The next two years might have some entertainment value, after all, like the ASheville City Council Meeting...

Comet McNaught Now Visible in Daylight

I found this at Space Weather, and I can't wait to try it. I've also got a new camera that might be up to the task of recording my find. Updates later. Find a copy and paste of the article below:DAYTIME COMET: Comet McNaught is now visible in broad daylight. "It's fantastic," reports Wayne Winch of Bishop, California. "I put the sun behind a neighbor's...

Nancy’s Culture of Corruption, Part II by John Armor

You may find this article in its context at Free Republic. I have swipped the whole thing, and posted it here. The comments at Free Republic are eloquent, so I won't add to them.So, the House of Representatives has passed its Federal Minimum Wage Act as one of its “first 100 hours priorities,” per the new Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. But it turns out that the “raise” for all Americans contains two exemptions. One is for the Northern Mariana Islands and one for American Samoa.The Mariana Islands have a special low minimum wage. They have a Republican...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mass Murderer: The Life and Death of Che Guevera

Photo of Che I swiped from The Freedom Fighter's Journal.Find out the true story behind the scum of the earth worshipped by lefty America-haters.Click here to go to The Freedom Fighter's Journal....

Asheville Citizen-Times Sides With Drug Dealers Part II

The following is in response to a comment to Asheville Citizen-Times Sides With Drug Dealers: Screwy Hoolie said... What are you talking about, TP? I can't figure out your point. You quote the article that explains that we've increased enforcement and prosecution of drug laws, yet you find fault because...???...the way the drug laws are enforced locally serve to support an entire industry in the court system, social services, mental health, and associated fields who are parasites to the problem. Cut down on the open air drug dealing, and some...

Friday, January 12, 2007

LInk: Kennedy Kare

I just found this...get thee hence....

Asheville Citizen-Times Sides With Drug Dealers

I just read an editorial in the AC-T that has sent me into orbit. For those of you not familiar with the story so far, a briefing is in order:There is an Asheville City Council named Dr. Carl Mumpower who has been active in attempting to deal with the very large drug problem in Asheville, NC. Most of it seems to be centered, as it is nation-wide, around the Public Housing Projects. He has been involved with prevention programs, etc. and has been observing the open-air drug markets, and reporting them. Until recently, he has been riding with law...