
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Thursday, July 30, 2009

NC General Assembly 07-30-2009 Legislative Calender

Today is Thursday, which means it is Friday for the North Carolina General Assembly. Here is what they have planned for today as they plan to misuse our tax dollars...9:00 AM AND 11:00 AMJUDICIARY I (Senate)LEC Term Changes/Ethics Training (H104)Sex Offender Registry/Liberties w/Student (H209)Establish NC Financial Literacy Council (H817)Public Campaign Fund Changes (H907)Election Administration Amendments (H908)Campaign Finance Amendments (H1111)Qui...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

NASA now admits that a Dalton Minimum is possible

Graphic courtesy Wikipedia CommonsWhat a difference two or three years make! It appears that NASA may be pulling it's help out of the sandbox built by lefty enviro-whackos. From David Archidbald:The oceans are losing heat, so the Canadian wheat belt will just get colder and drier as Solar Cycle 24 progresses. As Mark Steyn recently said, anyone under the age of 29 has not experienced global warming. A Dalton Minimum repeat will mean that they will...

NC General Assembly 07-29-2009 Legislative Calender

The General Assembly of North Carolina is at it again, and here is a schedule so that you might keep track of our elected scoundrels...8:30 AMFINANCE (House)Additional Rockingham County Occupancy Tax. (H956)Amend Irrigation Contractors' Licensing Laws. (H1336)Murfreesboro Occupancy Tax. (S40)Jacksonville Occupancy Tax. (S80)Critical Infrastructure Assm't Changes. (S97)Delegate Authority Re: Stamp Tax Overpayment. (S269)Dry-Cleaning Solvent Act Amends....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

NC General Assembly 07-28-2009 Legislative Calender

This is the legislative calender for the North Carolina General Assembly today as the elected representatives of the people of North Carolina continue to work on the budget for the coming year...10:00 AMJUDICIARY II (Senate)Rewrite Foreign Money Judgments Laws (H274)Alt. Testimony/Children and Adults with Disabilities (H775)Protect Our Kids/Cyber Bullying Misdemeanor (H1261)Taxpayer Optimization Act (H1377)Crime Stoppers Tips Are Confidential (H1447)Expand...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Maggie Valley to Cullowhee on a Rainy Day

I shot this video in May of 2007 on a ride from the Maggie Valley Club in Haywood County to WCU in Jackson County on a rainy day. The ride took thirty-nine minutes, but I have compressed it down to just six. Yesterday I decided it would work well with a piece of music from Batlestar Galactica. Still looking for footage of valley fog I shot back then...sure wish I had labeled everything. D'O...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Asheville Citizen-Times Reporter Leslie Boyd Charged by Bloggers with Web of Ethics Violations

Screenshot taken of AC-T WebsiteAsheville bloggers have taken on the lefty bias of local media outlets, including the Asheville Citizen-Times and WLOS-TV in Asheville. I was alerted to this story via Twitter by @LiberT who also has a blog called Fr33 Asheville. Previously, Freedom Works held a Health Care protest in front of Blue Dog Democrat Congress Heath Shuler's office in Asheville, and the Asheville Citizen-Times did not send a reporter to...