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Friday, August 9, 2013

The Macon County League of Women Voters
"Lunch with the League"
The Sheriffs of Macon County

The Sheriffs of Macon County 
Hosted by The League of Women Voters 
Photo ©2013 Bobby Coggins

The Macon County League of Women Voters hosted a program that featured former Sheriff Homer Holbrooks and current Sheriff Robbie Holland. Former Sheriff George Moses was invited, but could not attend.

The League meets every second Thursday for a "Lunch with the League" program that features various speakers of interest. The League has a Facebook Page and a page on the North Carolina League of Women Voters website.

The Sheriffs spoke about being the sheriff (and positions they held within the department before running for office) and the challenges that come with the job and the changes that the Macon County Sheriff Department has undergone through the years. Sheriff Holland handed out a list of the sheriffs that Macon county has had since it's formation in 1828. Sheriff Robbie Holland is the 26th man to be sheriff in the department's 185 year history.

The Macon County Sheriff Department has a page on the Macon County website. There are some links on the left hand side to an infrequently updated blog and press release page.

Here is a list of the sheriffs of Macon County that I gleaned from the handout the Sheriff distributed to the lunch attendees:

Administration Sheriff Term of Office
B.W. Bell
2 J. Truit 1835-1838
3 T. Roane 1838
4 Eli McKee 1839-1842
5 T.M. Angel 1843-1844
6 Ezekiel Dowdle 1845-1851
7 T.M. Angel 1851-1856
8 James G. Crawford 1857-1861
9 J.L. Moore, Jr. 1862-1868
10 J. Cansler 1868-1869
11 William Higdon 1869-1870
12 James Roane 1871-1872
13 J. Cansler 1873-1884
14 L.H. Allman 1885-1886
15 J. Cansler 1887-1888
16 William Higdon 1889-1890

18 C.T. Roane 1893-1896
19 J.G. Siler 1896-1900
20 Bragg Higdon 1900-1904
21 H. Davis Dean 1905-1908
22 Alex Moore 1908-1928
23 Charlie Ingram 1928-1930
24 Burt Slagle 1930-1942
25 Perry Bradley 1942-1950
26 Harry Thomas 1950-1962
27 Brice Rowland 1962-1970
28 George Moses 1970-1974
29 Hubert Bateman 1974-1982
30 George Moses 1982-1986
31 Homer Holbrooks 1986-2002
32 Robert "Robbie" L. Holland 2002-Present