Monday, May 30, 2005
Memorial Day 2005
I wish to honor the memory of our fallen heroes, words fail me, our nation has been blessed beyond belief by both quality and quantity. God has blessed us.Memorial Day link ====> http://www.mudvillegazette.c...
Saturday, May 28, 2005
I've added links and am feeling better
I've added some links I think are interesting. I still need to figure out how to put them in useful categories, like news, blogs I like, Space Stuff, TV Stuff, local news and so on. Most of the time, until I get moved in to my new place, I only have internet access from, say midnight to 6am. SInce I am usually asleep by 8pm, my margin is kinda slim right now. On Saturdays, or when it rains, I can go to the public library or Western Carolina's Hunter Library and get some time.This morning, I've bought some expectorant (cough, cough, spit, eww!),...
Friday, May 27, 2005
I left work early Wednesday due to a bad sore throat that got increasingly worse throughout the day and when I started exhibiting flu-like symptoms, I booked. Thursday was pretty rough. I slept pretty much the whole day, and sipped on TheraFlu and beef broth. I don't feel as weak now, but i still have this annoying sore throat that only hurts when I try to swallow. At first I thought it was strep, but now I believe it could have been tonsilitis?No comments on the news because I haven't really cared or been concious enough to pay attention. I did...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
The real power in America is with the judges
This whole filibuster battle is over appointing judges that have the ability to overturn legislation, executive decisions, and the will of the people. That is the crux of all the rhetoric. Our constitutional Republic is sliding toward a tyranny ruled by judges. One of the next things to watch for is an attempt to do away with the electoral college because that keeps one region of the nation from dominating the others due to population.Yesterday at work I killed a six-foot snake with a dull machete one of the mexicans threw to me. That is something...
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
What is up with the Republicans?
Seven republicrats have caved to the democrats and punted the filibuster debate down the field. I truly believe that these seven should not be returned to office and other candidates supported during their next primary. The senator from Arizona can kiss ANY chance at becoming president BU...BYE! I will lobby against him with all my abilities (such as they are).BTW, my weekend went well, and I slept LOTS. I do have a product reccommendation that is unpaid and unsolicited. If you have a chainsaw and use Oregon chains, change to Stihl. The difference...
Friday, May 20, 2005
Illegal Immigration: Problem or Opportunity?
I listen to a LOT of Talk Radio from 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday, provided it doesn't rain. Luckily, I mostly work alone, outside, and with people who don't speak much (English).One of the common problems discussed is that of illegal immigration. I've heard the immigrants called everything from 'undocumented workers' to an 'invading army bent on returning the land to Mexico'.Personally, I am torn on this issue. As a very right wing conservative, I see that it is a double standard to allow one group of people to BLATANTLY disregard the law. I...
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Bill Whittle has posted another essay...Go!
Here is the link====> click now, you will thank me later. it will take a while to read. Yesterday was a rough. Ever try to dig out a silt fence half buried in dirt, pull the already driven stakes out, and relocate it a couple of feet away? Don't. Unless, of course, your employer tells you to do i...
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Newsweek has Fellow Travelers
This whole thing with Newsweek has changed my perspective from indifference to the Legacy Media to outright active opposition. To me, they have declared themselves as not being with us, to whit: If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, then the friend of my enemy is my enemy. NBC news even took to repeating rumors of American disrespect for Muslms written in Arab newspapers. So much for fact checking and investigative reporting. In my opinion, Michael Isikoff and John Barry should face charges of manslaughter, and Mark Whitaker should be an accomplice....
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
NPR debate and Newsweek comment
Monday went well. At my job, I cut up some logs and brush; stacked them for burning today. I had to keep my eyes open for dumptrucks turningaround to get into position for the trackhoe to load dirt excavated for a basement. I will soon get a digital camera so I can post pix of some of the things I post. I listen to a Sony Walkman all day most days at work. It is a 4 band (TV/Weather/FM/AM) model SRF-M37V. In fact Iam listening to it as I WLAC 1510-AM. Coast To Coast AM is on now. Possible war with China and/or North Korea is being discussed....
Monday, May 16, 2005
The Weekend in Review
My weekend was okay. Iwent over to the new homesite with my lawnmower to cut the grass Friday. WOW! The grass was over three feet tall. I forgot that since the place is around 2,000 ft altitude, has full sun, and is on the southwest slope of a mountain range...growth is turbocharged compared to where I am now at 3,000 feet in a holler seeing only 6 hours direct sunlight in the full summer. Here the fields are only about 6 inches high. I'll have to let someone cut it for hay since I don't have a Bush Hog;( Saturday was a little better. I went to...
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Welcome to my world!
This is the first of what I hope to be many posts in the future,blah, blah, blah.I will use this as a soapbox to have forth on things I think are important to cheer for or cheer against, tell about what is happening in my life, post pix, and link to places that are interesting.Since I began this morning on an impulse, there is no logical flow to how this post is going, nor do I have a photo or short, horrid bio to use, oh well. Please come again to see how things are going.Thunder P...