
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Friday, May 27, 2005

I left work early Wednesday due to a bad sore throat that got increasingly worse throughout the day and when I started exhibiting flu-like symptoms, I booked. Thursday was pretty rough. I slept pretty much the whole day, and sipped on TheraFlu and beef broth. I don't feel as weak now, but i still have this annoying sore throat that only hurts when I try to swallow. At first I thought it was strep, but now I believe it could have been tonsilitis?

No comments on the news because I haven't really cared or been concious enough to pay attention. I did manage to get through on "Take A Stand with Matt Mittan" on Wednesday before I gave in to sickness. Matt opened his show with a rare focus on international events, with Iraq, North Korea, and China being discussed and he couldn't see why we were in Iraq when the DPRK was more of a threat.

I had to wait on hold for 22 minutes before I got through, with most of my points still not brought up. My thoughts on why we were in Iraq was the "honeypot" theory that our forces attract terrorists to Iraq instead of here, and with an Eye toward future actions in Iran and/or Syria in addition to getting rid of Saddam.

I agreed that the DPRK was a more serious threat and should be handled differently. I pointed out that missile defense needed improvement before we went in to safeguard against a possible missile launch. The biggest threat, in my opinion, is the threat of an EMP attack. It would be far more devastating than a nuclear attack on a west coast city, as horrible as that would be to our nation. Others and the host brought up theories I hadn't considered and kinda scared me. More later when I feel better.