Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Illegal Immigration
Thanks to a problem with Blogger, and a very late start, my post for yesterday didn't make it to the web. Where is it? I dunno. Probably alongside about three hundred unmatched socks.Update:I found the missing here.CommentaryAre we going to reward people for breaking the law, just because there are a lot of them and they contribute to the economy?What if our forefathers had had that attitude about slavery?Oh, wait. They did do that, didn't they? The issue was too difficut to deal with, and their descendants paid the price in blood to free their...
Friday, March 24, 2006
Shuler update for March '006

I received an update from The Shuler Campaign in my e-mail this morning. I will post some of it and comment a little. If you are interested, you may subscribe to the newsletter here.Heath Shuler has recently been endorsed by: the North Carolina AFL-CIO, the Blue Dog Democrats, and the Western North Carolina Central Labor Council.CommentaryFollow the links to find out who has cast their lot in with Heath. I will note that the Western North Carolina...
A very disturbing post

Have you ever seen the movie "Dctor Strangelove?" Oddly enough, it is one of my favorite movies that I never tire of watching. I was shocked when I discovered it was supposed to be an anti-war film. Oh well. Not being brought up to enjoy the nuances of the fine arts, I think it is a hilarious movie with some ridiculous imagery.The following copy and paste job is not funny. The full article is over at The Winds of War. You should go read it, and...
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Here is a humorous "test" I came across the other day. I wouldn't advise anyone under 18 to read it, or anyone who hold their political beliefs sacrosanct for that matter.Dymphna, one of my favorite thinkers, has an interesting post primarily concerning another favorite, John Robb.I'm not a fan of wrestling, but did you see that smack down W put on Helen Thomas? I was waiting on one of the other reporters to break out a chair to avenge their queen of disconten...
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Candidate Websites
Thanks to Tim Peck for these websites. Now, If I'd been more scrupulous about checking my e-mail, they would've been posted nearly ten days ago, Sheeeesh!!! What a Bum I am. Here they are:R.L. ClarkMike HarrisonEric GornyBill ReynoldsDon Yelt...
New Quiz!!!

It's been awhile since I posted a quiz, and I received this via spam-mail. I don't do the on-line dating thing, but SOME of the quizzes are fun, like this one whose results I posted below.My only gripe is that the time isn't tracked. ExpertYou scored 94% Recognition! It looks like we have quite the expert here...you must have a lot of world knowledge or perhaps have travelled a fair bit. Very impressive! Since you recognized nearly every place,...
New Public Photo Album

Hey! Come back! I won't hurt you!Enough said.There is nothing worse that a very amateur photographer with a cheap camera, except one with a blog to publish them to the world. (Evil laughter follows.)Signs of SpringAnd another day off work. Yesss...
Monday, March 20, 2006
The Shape of Things to come?

Okay, put on your seatbelts, zombietime has posted new photos of another rally in San Fransisco. To get the mood correct, might I suggest you listen to this while looking at the photos. The name of the piece is "The Shape Of Things To Come" and is from Season One of Battlestar Galactic...
What does Heath Shuler have in common with Senator Russ Feingold?

Click here to see the web page. Scroll down to see a reproduced portion of that page: Make Heath Number 1! Date Published: 12/12/2005 Dear Friends, Russ Feingold has presented us with a unique opportunity. Senator Feingold and the Progressive Patriots Fund are conducting an online contest to determine who Senator Feingold will support in the '06 elections. The candidate who receives the most votes by midnight on the 14th will...
Meet John Armor in Asheville
About ten minutes ago, I received this from Tim Peck:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meet Republican candidate for Congress John Armor tonight at 8:00 PM atEl Chapala Mexican Restaurant at 868 Merrimon Ave, Asheville NC 28804.(7:00 PM to eat.)Map-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are able, please attend. I would appreciate reports via email here. Or, if you have a blog, lemme know about it, and I'll link to it.I found an article by John...
Oil, Abiotic or Boitic in origin?
Thanks to XM Radio, I can listen to John Batchelor again without wrestling with an unruly Ionosphere to pick up WABC radio AM770 out of New York City. I can hear it crystal clear. Here is an article referenced on the show this weekend. Another article concerned "Oil Gleaning", which mentioned the discovery of a supposedly vast reservoir of oil 6 miles below the bottom of the ocean and below 3500 feet of water.Mr. Helman said that conventional steel drill bits and their sensors did not work, and new technologies employing glass and fiber optics...
Rained out at work
I'll be updating this post periodically thoruoghout the day as I find stuff while surfing.Here is an item I will be adding to my sidebar. You should add it to your favorites. It is the new home of the Republican Study Committee, where the conservatives in Congress gather.How does Iraq compare to Vietnam? Click here.Food for Conspiracy Theorists: Nuclear War with Iran by the end of March 2006. I would post a cool picture here, but Blogger has been refusing to upload ANY photos. Bummer. And I don't feel right stealing someone else's bandwidth, photos...
Sunday, March 19, 2006
District 11 Race heats up
A comment by Screwy Hoolie of Scrutiny Hooligans led me on a merry chase, and along the way, I found this, another account of the Armor sit down referenced in same post a little while back.This whole election has been kind of weird. For my part, I believe that the Main Stream Legacy Media are ignoring the Armor campaign. To top it off, the few credible conservatives I know personally will not even investigate where Armor stands on the issues. This leaves me feeling like a tourist visiting the fictional town of "Twin Peaks", where everyone knows...
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Claude Allen

Ever hear of Claude Allen? I hadn't heard of the guy until they made fun of him this morning on "Wait, Wait.Don't Tell Me". Since I had heard the liberal point of view, I went looking for the conservative side, and surprise! surprise! my girl, Ann Coulter, supplies another view.On his nomination to the federal judiciary, all the right people opposed his nomination, which means he is probably a decent guy, present problems not withstanding, more...
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Thursday Linkagery
I heard about this article on "First Up", on WZGM. Bush Doctrine II ?------------------------------------------------------------------Bush to Restate Terror Strategy2002 Doctrine of Preemptive War To Be ReaffirmedBy Peter BakerWashington Post Staff WriterThursday, March 16, 2006; A01President Bush plans to issue a new national security strategy today reaffirming his doctrine of preemptive war against terrorists and hostile states with chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, despite the troubled experience in Iraq.The long-overdue document, an...
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Middle of the Week Doldroms
I had a serious repair issue with my truck, The Beast, that ended up causing me to raid my laptop fund, not unlike Gov Easley and the General Assembly of NC raiding The Highway Trust Fund. Anyhow, I am back on the road, guzzling fuel like there is no tomorrow.Interesting StuffOver at Winds of Change, I found this article on modernizing the military. Good stuff.Another good find I made was at The Gates of Vienna, where the Baron has posted a link to advice for the President. Before nearly killing The Beast, I bought an XM Radio and subscribed....
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Representative Bureaucracy
Here is an interesting Google I ran across while perusing my referrer logs:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- เว็บ รูปภาพ กลุ่มข่าว สารบบเว็บ ค้นหาแบบละเอียด การตั้งค่า ค้นหา: เว็บหน้าของ ประเทศไทย เว็บ รายการที่ 591 - 600 จากผลการค้นหาทั้งหมดประมาณ 6,560,000 รายการของคำค้น representative bureaucracy (0.48 วินาที) Current Legislation | Family Pride Coalition... layer of bureaucracy to the already complicated adoption process. ... Please write your representative...
Censorship in Great Britain
By Marc SchulmanOn February 19, The Telegraph published an article by Alasdair Palmer entitled "ENGLAND: The day is coming when British Muslims form a state within a state." If you click on the link, you won't find the article. Instead, you'll be treated to this message: "This story has been removed for legal reasons." What those legal reasons are isn't said.I found this link on Winds of Change literally moments ago.If you have a blog, put up a link to the post as soon as possible, and if you don't, e-mail the link to as large a list of your friends...
Friday, March 10, 2006
Ken Bagwell gets three hours a day!
Ken Bagwell's show, "First Up", on WZGM is moving from the 7am to 9am time slot to the 9am to noon slot on FxSports1350!!!He will cover sports on all levels, along with a smattering of "OTS", Other Than Sports. Click on the above link to listen to the stream if you are out of the area.Now I have a reliable show to listen to in the mornings.Battlestar Galactica update...The ninety-minute part two season finale, "Lay Down Your Burdens" will be on at 10pm and 1am for the repea...
Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Miscellanious Links
China remains a significant adversary for the United States, as well as pricipal supplier for WalMart. Joe Katzman of Winds of Change has an excellent article that covers everything about the situation, except maybe the WalMart thing.One of my favorite thinkers on the theory and application of tactics and strategy employed in World War IV is John Robb. He has an update on the Nigerian situation. And possibly, just possibly, more important to us engaged in the fight on the Homefront Theatre of Operations: Wretchard of The Belmont Club has posted...
Monday, March 6, 2006
Scrutiny Hooligans post Armor Interview results
BR>Screwy Hoolie has posted on the sit down with John Armor yesterday.Silly me, I accidentally posted this on my WarBlog. It's in the right place no...
John Armor visits local bloggers
Yesterday, John Armor sat down with local bloggers at Edgy Mama's place for a chat. Go here for coverage on BlogAsheville. I'll post more links as more of the participants post their thoughts, or keep checking at Blog Asheville for updates.No work today, I'm catching up on things and repairing a hobby blog that I trashed by answering "yes" to the question, "Are you really sure you want to do this...
Sunday, March 5, 2006
Now maybe they'll quit yapping about the terminals

I found this story on Northeast Intelligence Network*3 March 2006: The United Arab Emirates intends to operate U.S. military factories. The Bush administration has informed Congress of a review of the UAE acquisition of a British manufacturer of engine components for U.S. military aircraft and main battle tanks. The British firm operates nine factories, including military production facilities in Connecticut and Georgia.Officials said Dubai International...
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Emoticons (mirror of wikipedia page)
List of emoticonsFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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