
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Public Hearing in Jackson County Concerning New Construction Moratorium

I didn't mean to follow this story, but as I came through Sylva on my way home, I noticed a convoy of trucks leaving Sylva, and realized what was happening, that tonight was the Public Hearing I had been reading about in the Sylva Herald.I have uploaded the videos to West Carolina Report and the still shots to my Photoblog because I really hate small photos.The results of the meeting will be published here (probably late Wednesday afternoon), and...

A Gathering of Eagles

I've been remiss in not getting the word out on a marxist group planning to march in DC from the Vietnam Memorial Wall to the Pentagon on St Paddy's Day to protest the war, and engage in a little vandalism.There are efforts afoot to protect the Wall from desecration, and The Gray Dog has details about that, You can find details of the planned march here, [Warning, anti-American Propaganda contained in the link, Enter with Caution.]A Gathering of Eagles website, and ForumWe cannot rest in our defense of Liberty, and we cannot allow a Memorial...

Monday, February 26, 2007

Al Gore's Carbon Footprint

A big Hat Tip goes to The Drudge Report for this gem of a story!!!Green Boy has been exposed as just another hypocrite!I wonder how large his carbon offsets will have to be to cover this? [Snapshot]In the previous post, I said that I would work to increase my carbon footprint, and old Al has dwarfed any effort I had in mind. I need to dig up a photo of the Gore Mansion. I've heard rumors it looks just like the White House.My power bill only runs between $60 and $80 a month since I've boosted the insulation.I guess for the Democrats, it's do as...

Al Gore, Prophet of Doom

I began my daily routine at 2 am with a quick check of the news and saw that "an inconvenient truth" has won an Oscar for best documentary. In a world where Jimmy Carter and Yasir Arafat can share a Nobel Prize for Peace, it is expected...even though the film has been proven false in it's premise, it was a masterpiece of propaganda film making, like the Nazi Masterpiece, "Will."If Al Gore is so sure of his hypothesis, why does he not face Bjorn Lomborg in debate? Why will he not even give an interview to reporters who have reported favorably on...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

A World Without America

Here is a ad campaign that has started in the UK:Hat Tip: Defense Te...

The Mainstream Media is our Enemy

Ever since I became involved in following the news very closely, I have noticed that those reporting the news are often interested in a hidden agenda, and are not very transparent about their political views and goals.I am sure that everyone who reads, or stumbles upon, this blog knows exactly where I stand on most issues, and have no illusions about my political affiliation. They can then judge for themselves whether or not what I say has any veracity.Case in point...For the past week or so, we have heard that the Brits are leaving Iraq, and...

Friday, February 23, 2007

For Mark Johnson

This is Linda Cobaugh. She lost her brother, Mark Johnson to drugs. He was shot and killed over drug money.[Blogger refuses to let me post the photo...Click Here to see a full-size image on my photoBlog.--TP]This is only one of the hundreds of people who have been harmed by drugs at the "Stop The Harm" Flashlight Vigil last night at City-County Plaza in Asheville, NC.For me, this lady represents the hope that we can stop the harm. We can save people...

Video Links: Stop The Harm Flashlight Vigil

The Videos of the "Stop The Harm" Flashlight Vigil have been uploaded to You Tube and are ready to be watched.I have more information, and will post the written report as I have time.I have embedded the first video to give you a flavor of the event.Part 1--Introduction & WelcomePart 2--Presentation by a Father and SonPart 3--Opening Prayer & Fighting Back With SongPart 4--Flashlight Ceremony & Presentation by Miss AmyPart 5--"Stop The Harm" Chant & Closing Prayer [Link works now...TP]Part 6--Councilman Dr. Mumpower Answers a Q...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Asheville Buncombe Drug Commission Community Flashlight Vigil Tonight

Tonight - - we want to "light up the sky" over asking everyone who cannot attend to join those at the vigil by stepping out on their porch, sidewalk, or deck with a flashlight to demonstrate their concern about the harms of hard drugs. Look for the giant search light at 7:00 as the signal to "light up the sky and stop the harm"! We need your help to get the word out to everyone! --------------------- Asheville-Buncombe...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

XM Newsletter update about merger with Sirius Radio

The following Newsletter update was delivered to my mailbox today, and I thought I would share it with you after I voice my concerns about the merger.I like XM77, XM110, XM112, XM113, XM133, XM 163-166.I do not want these channels to change their content.I would, however, enjoy a channel dedicated to NASCAR 24/7/365, and "several" in car audio channels during the race.I do not want to hear Howard Stern. He is the primary reason I chose XM, besides what used to be a dedicated NASCAR channel where I could listen to old races.Okay, enough whining,...

Hurricane Katrina charity tied to Islamic terrorist

19 February 2007: Continued investigation by the Northeast Intelligence Network of the Jamaat ul Fuqra terrorist organization has revealed additional information about the group's activities inside the United States - including the possible diversion of money to train terrorists and finance terrorist operations through a number of non-profit organizations, front companies and Islamic charities.. Just three months after Hurricane Katrina, one of the deadliest hurricanes ever to strike the U.S., the Muslim charity Hands to Hands Social Services...

Monday, February 19, 2007

Putting RINO Senators On Notice for Non-Binding Resolution Vote

I guess to show my pop culture ignorance, I don't know who the guy in the picture is, but he looks like a lib, and on this blog, he follows my orders.Keep holding that sign! It's not break time yet....

Flashlight Vigil for Thursday Evening Reminder

The goal of the Asheville-Buncombe Drug Commission is to "light up the sky" over Asheville this coming Thursday evening. The flashlight drug harm vigil on city-county plaza will find participants shining their lights skyward as they call the name of someone who has been harmed by drugs. Around 7:00 a giant searchlight beam coming from city-county plaza will be the signal for everyone in Asheville is who concerned about the harms of hard drugs to step onto their porch or yard and shine their own light. Together - we want to "light...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Iraq Terror Groups Offer Non-Binding Ceasefire

(2007-02-17) — A coalition of major terror groups operating in Iraq today announced a symbolic, non-binding ceasefire in response to House Democrats’ passage of a non-binding resolution rejecting President George Bush’s troop surge plan. Al Qaeda in Iraq, the Shiite Mahdi army and representatives of a Sunni car-bomb cartel said they would continue to fully fund martyrdom operations, with help from their friends in Iran, Syria and elsewhereMore at Scrapple FaceHat Tip to Charles G. for sending me this, I needed the laug...

What is the Status of The John Batchelor Show?

Does anyone know about the status of The John Batchelor Show?I still get a goodly number of hits each week from people googling, yahooing, asking, msning, and other search engines seeking the same type of information.So, any one who knows, just leave me a comment.If you have recordings of past shows, and wish to trade for ones you don't have, send an email to ThunderPigBlog+JBS@gmail.comThose of you who have my regular email may send info to my personal email address.Regards,Thunder P...

New Blog focusing on Immigration Issues

I have found a new blog that promises to be a good one, so swing by illegal immigration and check it out. The author is Frank L of The Blue Collar Republic...

The InfoWar BattleSpace: Some Thoughts

>This is part of the trend toward a Total War environment, where everyone can participate, or have their words used in the ongoing war effort by either (or both) side(s). This is where opponents of the war have the unintended effect of making the conflict last longer by giving aid and moral comfort to the enemy.One of the things that I wonder about is what would this look like if there was a shooting war in America between two (or more) factions? Don't laugh---I know people who say it is unavoidable, and are making preparations for it now....

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Immigration by the Numbers and Blogburst Video

The next two videos will provide some background on what the dangers of Illegal Immigration are, and the third video is from the people at Freedom Folks as part of a new project they are launching.Immigration by the Numbers IImmigration by the Numbers IIBlogs for Borders Blogburst for 02-12-0...

Video of Americans Confronting Mexican Insurgents

I have found a new word to describe the Illegal Aliens who demand amnesty, and the Rights of Citizenship as their reward for illegally sneaking across the border: Mexican Insurgents.With a new wave of protests planned for this spring, things should begin to get interesting.Hat Tip: Kathy RProps to DNET for reconsidering their policy on Video Sharing Site...

Friday, February 16, 2007

The Right Side of History

Noisy Room has an excellent video you should watch. [Link to Video]I have a bad feeling about the aid and comfort this vote will give to the Enemies of Mankind....

666th Post Non-Binding Resolution Passes US House

I think it is odd that this post is my 666th on this blog, and a post I have to report the passing of House Resolution 63 opposing the Surge of Troops that President Bush has ordered for Iraq.Here is the Roll Call of the vote.My Representative, Congressman Heath Shuler voted for it. I think who ever wins the Republican Primary the next time around should use this vote to his/her advantage...especially since it has already spooked Mookie to flee the country.At least the Defeatocrats and RINOs have his [Mookie] back, huh?I wonder how long it will...

When Wasps Attack

I took this Monday during lunch. I was trying to get a close up shot of the wasp, so that I could use its mugshot as an avatar. The Wasp took objection, and rushed the erstwhile paparazzi, forcing him to flee the scene with much haste!!! =DAlso, check out my PhotoBlog for my newest posting....

Non-binding Resolution for the Defeatocrats

In local news, newly minted Congressman Heath Shuler rose to support the Non-binding Resolution. [Text of Speech] He has also blogged about it on his blog at the Asheville CitizenTimes website.Here is a portion of an entry:The days of Congress shirking its responsibility are over. We have a duty to ensure the voices of Americans are heard. We have an equal obligation to ensure that when Congress says it is supporting our troops, that our troops are actually being supported. For example, just this week it was reported that there are still 4,000...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The President and Vice President Speak to the Nation

Now, this is an Alternate Universe worth living in!!!This is the official uploaded versio...

Come to the Flashlight Vigil on Feb 22

Asheville-Buncombe Drug Commission Learn, focus, act ~ together... Countdown! 8 days until our community drug vigil! --------- Drug Fact # 8 In a majority of child abuse and neglect cases, some form of parental drug use lurks in the background. Drug abuse always harms more than the user... We must stop the harm! “Stop the Harm” Flashlight Vigil Bringing our community together to shine a light on the harms of hard drugs… Where: City-County Plaza (you bring a flashlight and we’ll bring the red cellophane...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Feb. 13, 2007 — While members of the U.S. House of Representatives take turns weighing in on President Bush's planned troop surge in Iraq, the focus in Iraq is not on the arrival of more U.S. troops, but the departure of one of the country's most powerful men, Moqtada al Sadr and members of his army. According to senior military officials, al Sadr left Baghdad two to three weeks ago and fled to Tehran, Iran, where he has family. Al Sadr commands...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

CALL TO ACTION---Contact Bank of America

TELEPHONE RALLY Bank of America https://www. bankofamerica. com is offering credit cards to customers without a social security card (illegal aliens). CALL CORPORATE AFFAIRS Bank of America 415.717.0195 CALL TOLL FREE NUMBER - when phone is answered pres "O" for operator - you may have to hold California 1.800.622.8731 ALL OTHER STATES 1.800.432-1000 EMAIL FORM: BANK of AMERICA https://www2. bankofamerica. com/contact/...