Friday, August 31, 2007
West Carolina Report 0831
The West Carolina Report for today has been updated, and I have included a National Weather Service Photo of five areas in the Atlantic Basin that have potential for developing Tropical Weathe...
Commentary: A Molehill of a Republican Takeover
The roots of modern Conservatism lie in the journey of Friedrich Hayek from his home in a Soviet-occupied, socialist Europe to America, where he helped mid-wife the rebirth of conservatism on this side of the Atlantic.He, and his mentor, von Mises, preached the sermon of Free Markets to a receptive audience that had suffered so long at the hand of the Socialism of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.Now, the Libertarians seem intent on destroying the true conservatism they helped in the 1940s and 1950s. The Conservatism that recognizes right off the...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
West Carolina Report 0830

I have updated my news site, West Carolina Report for today and this post will serve as an Open Thread for that site.I have also updated WNC Citizens Blog with a post regarding Elaine Lite, which may be commented on over there.I will be helping a friend move, and will not be able to update me websites during the day today and tomorrow, Arrghh!!...
The Truth About Iraq
Hugh Hewitt had an interesting interview with Major General James E. Simmons, Deputy Commanding General for Support of Multi-National Forces, Iraq yesterday, and here is an excerpt:HH: And how have conditions changed generally in Iraq, Major General, since the beginning of ’07?JS: Well, this…here, since we have executed the surge of forces here in Iraq, over the last several weeks, we have seen a significant success in al Anbar, in which the attack rate back in November, or whenever we got here, was somewhere around 70, 75 attacks a day down to...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
VIDEO: Tom Tancredo Press Conference in New Jersey
8/29/2007 10:05:00 AM
anti-American protesters
illegal aliens
Tom Tancredo
Here are three videos of a Press Conference given by GOP Presidential Candidate Tom Tancredo in Newark, New Jersey. NY Slimes article.Part OneThe Hate-Filled ProtestersPart TwoThe SpeechPart ThreeQ&ACommentaryI hold that Conservative Activists should begin countering these anti-American protesters with targeted counter-protests of their activities to (1) give them a taste of their own medicine, (2) raise morale among conservatives, and (3) train for bigger actions against these groups in the futur...
West Carolina Report for 0829
I've updated my news site, West Carolina Report for today, and will be updating it throughout the day if possible.Consider this an open thread to discuss any topic or the headlines I've posted on WCR since you can't comment over ther...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
270 Million Firearms !!!
Be proud Americans!GENEVA (Reuters) - The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world, a report released on Tuesday said.U.S. citizens own 270 million of the world's 875 million known firearms, according to the Small Arms Survey 2007 by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies.About 4.5 million of the 8 million new guns manufactured worldwide each year are purchased in the United States, it said."There is roughly one firearm for every seven people worldwide. Without...
VIDEO: Air Mail for Terrorists
I found this over at Mudville.Moral of the story...don't be shooting at our guys without keeping the shoe leather warm!And, another recent video showing footage from a UAV of terrorists shooting mortars at US Forces, then their flight to their safehouse, where they also receive Air Mai...
Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst 082807

The Newark MS-13 Executions: What they didn't tell you!100% Preventable! Illegal alien gang banger executes high school kids!Two year old stomped to death by illegal alien!Illegal alien pedophiles continue to swarm over our unprotected borders!GBU: Elvira continues to threaten America from Mexico!Illinois Minutemen denied first amendment rights due to "conflicting viewpoints!"Vote for us in the Blogger's Choice Awards...(click on image)Michelle...
Monday, August 27, 2007
Who Says Lefties Aren't Commies?
I found this thread on Daily Kos as the Kos Kidz discuss Marx, and how it is wise to discuss his theories without giving proper attribution to him on account of the polarized politics. He is a great economic & social historian, (8+ / 0-) Recommended by: JekyllnHyde, Powered Grace, Cecrops Tangaroa, Justina, abbeysbooks, Randian, cynndara, daliscar from whom much is to be learned; although as an economic theorist -- in the sense that he prescribes an idealized system -- I downgrade him. That is of course no denigration,...
No Sense of Irony

I saw that Obama has been caught quoting the Bible via Drudge, and I had to see what's up with the Illinios Senator. I can't laugh at the guy because I've opened mouth, inserted foot more times than I care to remember...but this is too good to pass up:"Getting ready to talk to you today, I recall what Jesus said at the end of the Sermon on the Mount," Obama said at New Orleans' First Emmanuel Baptist Church. "He said, whoever hears these sayings...
West Carolina Report for 0827
The Muse has left me today, so I'll gently remind you that of one my other Internet Adventures, the West Carolina Report has been updated for today.I typically begin gathering them between 2am and 3am every morning, with a morning off every once in a while so I can sleep in until around 5amish on a weekday, or 7amish on the weekends. The sleeping part is getting easier, because it is finally starting to cool down a little at nigh...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
More Media Lies About Iraq

Have you ever wondered why so many people are against the war in Iraq, even though it is one of the most successful military campaigns of all time?Because our "News" Media are (or have been) dead set against it, and have spread lies about our progress, told stories about atrocities that did not exist, and have misrepresented death statistics.This has happened because most journalists are lefties, and do not care one whit about reporting the truth...
Friday, August 24, 2007
VIDEO: Afternoon Thunderstorm at WCU

There was a good thunderstorm that came through the campus of Western Carolina University this afternoon, and since I could never catch the frequent lightning with my still camera, I switched to plan B and went video and caught some good strikes, and a little pea-sized hail.Update** See some of my photos at my photoblog.(URL coming...I forgot to post there first) Now Live!...
VIDEO: Islamic Fundamentalism
CVFAnd below, a Video produced by Jihadis that is hosted on You Tube which have images that may be disturbin...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
VIDEO: Democratic Socialism
Guest Lecture: JHBowdenThis guy nails it! I like the comment also in the last 5 seconds about I se...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
UN Watch
UN WatchUN Watch is a non-governmental organization based in Geneva whose mandate is to monitor the performance of the United Nations by the yardstick of its own Charter. UN Watch was established in 1993 under the Chairmanship of Ambassador Morris B. Abram, the former U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva. UN Watch participates actively at the UN as an accredited NGO in Special Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and as an Associate NGO to the UN Department of Public Information (DPI). UN...
Tips for Surviving a Blogspot Crash
This morning, BlogSpot went down again!My last post was in limbo, although I was lucky enough to have a recent copy in my clipboard as I tweaked the HTML. That was fine and dandy, but my news site still needed to be updated, and most of the local bloggers around here are hosted on blogger.I went to Google Groups for Blogger help, and found the problem was at Blogger, so I tested out using the Google Cache, and that worked well, I could see my blog, and even follow links to other blogspot blogs in the cache, and still update my news only...
QUIZ: Ecological Footprint

I took an Ecological Quiz this morning, and here are my results of what it would take to sustain me, and the results if everyone lived like me: CATEGORY ACRES FOOD.......... 5.9 MOBILITY... 23.5 SHELTER....... 6.2 GOODS/SERVICES 33.6 TOTAL FOOTPRINT 69 IN COMPARISON, THE AVERAGE ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT IN YOUR COUNTRY IS 24 ACRES PER PERSON.WORLDWIDE, THERE EXIST 4.5 BIOLOGICALLY PRODUCTIVE ACRES PER PERSON. IF EVERYONE LIVED LIKE YOU, WE...
Killing For Congress
August 16, 2007 -- TWO days ago, al Qaeda detonated four massive truck bombs in three Iraqi villages, killing at least 250 civilians (perhaps as many as 500) and wounding many more. The bombings were a sign of al Qaeda's frustration, desperation and fear.The victims were ethnic Kurd Yazidis, members of a minor sect with pre-Islamic roots. Muslim extremists condemn them (wrongly) as devil worshippers. The Yazidis live on the fringes of society.That's one of the two reasons al Qaeda targeted those settlements: The terrorist leaders realize now that...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Stomper Video: BlackOut Rally and No Zoning
Visit Carolina Stompers to see the next two videos put out by the Carolina Stompers.One is about the BlackOut Rally back in December of 2005, which I blogged about on WNC Citizens Blog during the run-up. The weather was too bad for me to drive from Sylva to Asheville.The other is a commercial about Zoning in Buncombe County, reminding the voters just who is responsible for it, which is a perfect excuse for me to post a couple of three videos taken from the Public Hearin...
Anti-Semitic and Far Left Supporters of Ron Paul
Rob Taylor has been digging around the fevered swamps of Ron Paul supporters, and has found some real nut jobs:This time it’s the paranoid mouth breathers from Freedomtown who are putting up YouTube videos supporting Ron Paul’s fight against “neo-conservatives” and demanding “9-11 truth.” Wow. Feedomtown has (I kid you not) a Sheeple De-programing section on their website where they ironically recycle Communist propaganda and as you would suspect promote Alex Jonesian hoaxes. It’s funny to check out Paul’s supporters, until you realize that...
Mother forced to give birth alone in toilet of 'flagship' NHS hospital
(Democrat Party HealthCare)
This is a story that reminds us that Socialist (Universal) Health Care ain't what it's bragged as...just like Cuba's dismal system:A young mother had to deliver her own baby in the lavatory of a flagship hospital because there were no trained midwives available. Surveyor Catherine Brown had made the agonising decision to undergo a chemically-induced abortion after being told her 18-week pregnancy was risking her life. But when the time came to give birth she was on an ear, nose and throat ward and had only her mother to help her through the ordeal....
Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst 082107

Elvira Arrelano busted! We look at her threatening statements fromlast week.100% Preventable! The harvest of innocent Americans continues...Please vote for us in the "BloggersChoice Awards!"This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs ForBorders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border securityand a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join findout how right her...
Monday, August 20, 2007
Talk Radio Sank Amnesty Bill !!!
8/20/2007 02:43:00 PM
conservative talk
Fairness Doctrine
Opposition from key talk radio and cable TV hosts helped kill theimmigration bill in Congress, a study out today concludes. “What listeners of the conservative talk radio media were hearing, in large part, was that the legislation itself was little more than an ‘amnesty bill’ for illegal immigrants, a phrase loaded with political baggage,” it says. The study by the nonpartisan Project for Excellence in Journalism quantifies what White House and Capitol Hill phone lines and e-mail inboxes already indicated: Talk radio focused on the immigration...
Hillary's Prayer
I heard a portion of Claire Jeffrie, Senior Editor of Mother Jones, on C-SPAN Radio on XM132 during their replay of the Sunday Morning Talk Shows. One of the topics was an article written for Mother Jones called "Hillary's Prayer," which concerned Senator Clinton's membership in a tight-knit group of Congress Critters called "The Fellowship."I fired up my computer, went online, and did some quick research. The article is apparently not available online yet, although a Kos Kid was helpful enough to offer a review of the article, [Snapshot] and...
Friday, August 17, 2007
Local Libertarians Plan to Ride Wave
of Ron Paul Popularity:
Control of Buncombe GOP

Stop Laughing, because they are apparently serious...unless the joke went over my head.Occaisional blogger Tim Peck, Carl Milsted, and Buncome County Libertarian Leader Bernard Carmen joined fellow libertarian-leaning Matt Mittan on his show, "Take A Stand", which airs on WWNC-AM 570, and can be heard online.Take Carl Milsted's Quiz.I suggest you listen to the podcast of the 4 o'clock hour and the 5 o'clock hour.Okay, stop laughing.There are so...
Are You A Global Warming Traitor?
At the Live Earth concert in New Jersey last month, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. denounced climate-change skeptics as "corporate toadies" for "villainous" enemies of America and the human race. "This is treason," he shouted, "and we need to start treating them now as traitors."Some environmentalists and commentators have suggested that global-warming "denial" be made a crime, much as Holocaust denial is in some countries. Others have proposed that climate-change dissidents be prosecuted in Nuremberg-style trials. The Weather Channel's Heidi Cullen has...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Goodbye Karl, Welcome Back, Ed!
Karl Rove is gone from the White House. Conservatives rejoice, for this signals a return to the White House paying attention to the conservative base.In my opinion, Rove had to go because he was tone-deaf on Illegal Immigration. That mistake cost him his high-profile job. Ed Gillespie is more in tune with the grassroots.Here are some articles to peruse on the matter:From the Court House to the White HouseWall Street JournalRove Hits the RoadKos KidzScrutiny Hooliga...
Monday, August 13, 2007
No Zoning Video from Carolina Stompers
8/13/2007 08:30:00 AM
Buncombe County
Carolina Stompers
Property Rights
Hallmark of the 110th Congress: Earmarks
When Democrats campaigned in the 2006 midterm elections, they promised to reform the pork-barrel practices of previous Congresses once they took control. They have certainly changed the process, but not in the manner they promised. Instead, for the second time this session, they have buried their earmarks and made accountability nearly impossible while using federal dollars to bolster their incumbencies (via Power Line):Source: Captain's Quarte...
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The Holocaust Today in China
8/12/2007 03:18:00 PM
Chinese Aggression Watch
John Batchelor
Religious Freedom
NEW YORK – During the month of June the Falun Dafa Information Center has recorded the deaths of 20 Falun Gong adherents as a result of the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of the practice. Some of the deaths took place as early as January 2007 but only became known in June due to the difficulties and dangers involved in obtaining such sensitive information from inside China.The deaths took place across ten provinces and cities throughout China, with over three quarters of them occurring in the northeastern part of the country. Fourteen of...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Blogger Finds Y2K Bug in NASA Climate Data
Years of bad data corrected;1998 no longer the warmest year on record My earlier column this week detailed the work of a volunteer team to assess problems with US temperature data used for climate modeling. One of these people is Steve McIntyre, who operates the site While inspecting historical temperature graphs, he noticed a strange discontinuity, or "jump" in many locations, all occurring around the time of January, 2000. These graphs were created by NASA's Reto Ruedy and James Hansen (who shot to fame when he accused...
Carolina Stompers
There is new website in Asheville, and it promises to take the fight to the liberals and the RINOs!Among some of the stories that will be forthcoming are:1. Democrat corruption in the Buncombe County Court House2. Rumors of RINO's wanting to throw out loyal Republicans3. Carolina Stompers raise money for Republican Canidates4. Carolina Stompers educate public about what Republicans stand for5. Blogs from the team Chad Nesbitt / Nancy Nesbitt / Don Yelton / Zora Hays / Senator RL Clark / Pastor Lewis / NC State Rep John Rhodes6. "LIVE" Talk...
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Collectivist Left vs. The Individualist Right
The Collectivist Left vs. The Individualist RightCulture War Doug Hagin, Senior WriterJuly 16, 2007 There are several significant differences between the ideological Right and Left. We all know this. Abortion, taxation, the size of government, national defense, gun control, etc are all issues that divide the two ideologies. We all are well aware of these specific issues and the way the two sides generally view them. What is interesting, to me anyway, is why the two sides differ on these and other issues. I have come to believe there is a common...
Thursday, August 9, 2007
A Warning to Property Owners Regarding New Stormwater Ordinance
Beware of council’s new storm water ordinance, all you property owners by Jerry Sternberg published August 9, 2007 12:15 am Attention, property owners — this is an alert. If you own property in the city of Ashe-ville or the one-mile extra- territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) adjacent to a river, stream, lake or have a creek as small as a garden hose running through your land, your property rights are in serious jeopardy. Your City Council is preparing to pass an ordinance it calls the “Storm and Water Erosion Control...
Public Access Database for Tracking Events
Read the following: On the other hand, what if it wasn’t a coincidence? If a group of people wanted to cause havoc and destruction, and to have a good chance of getting away with it, what might they do? We’ve all been led to expect an apocalyptic attack one or more major cities, which would make the national news and launch an immediate manhunt. But what if they were to sabotage and burn dozens, or hundreds, of vehicles in rural areas instead? How would anybody connect the dots? Since then, I’ve been searching for any mention of these fires in...
Blog Talk Radio---The Gathering Storm This Week
One of my favorite Blog Talk Radio Shows, The Gathering Storm Radio Show, will have a couple of interesting guests today at 3pm Eastern Time.Christine of the Center for Vigilant Freedom's 910 Blog will be on at 15 past the hour, and Vito Vaccaro at the bottom.You can listen by clicking here, and download the show archives for the past few weeks as wel...
Tom Cryer v IRS
**Important Update posted at bottom...scroll down to see.**I first heard about Tom Cryer earlier this week when a caller to the Quinn & Rose Show mentioned it to the substitute host.Then, this morning, Mike (penzac?) interviewed the guy for an hour. After all the commercials and traffic reports and bumper music have been edited runs a little over 25 minutes. Oh, and I missed recording the first few minutes of the interview while trying to get to a computer.He has a website called Lie Free Zone, and referenced another called Truth...
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Win $100,000 !!!
Prove Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming,

CHALLENGE $100,000 will be awarded to the first person to prove, in a scientific manner, that humans are causing harmful global warming. The winning entry will specifically reject both of the following two hypotheses: UGWC Hypothesis 1 Manmade emissions of greenhouse gases do not discernibly, significantly and predictably cause increases in global surface and tropospheric temperatures along with associated stratospheric cooling. UGWC Hypothesis...