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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Anti-Semitic and Far Left Supporters of Ron Paul

Rob Taylor has been digging around the fevered swamps of Ron Paul supporters, and has found some real nut jobs:

This time it’s the paranoid mouth breathers from Freedomtown who are putting up YouTube videos supporting Ron Paul’s fight against “neo-conservatives” and demanding “9-11 truth.”

Wow. Feedomtown has (I kid you not) a Sheeple De-programing section on their website where they ironically recycle Communist propaganda and as you would suspect promote Alex Jonesian hoaxes. It’s funny to check out Paul’s supporters, until you realize that President Paul would have people just like them in positions of power.

Imagine Secretary of State whoever telling the U.N. that we need to contain the NWO (Jews) by force if necessary. Or Ron Paul brownshirts rounding up “Zionists” for stirring up trouble in the mid east. If Paul was elected that’s exactly what would happen.

In case you want to make the case that Freedomtown isn’t anti-semitic, check out this page then try to make that argument. Yeah, I didn’t think so.

But is Freedomtown really a bunch of rabid conservatives and libertarians. No their quite far left actually, or at least their trusted anti big media sources are. A few progressive websites the “patriots” at Freedomtown think you should be reading (taken from their links page):

Source: Red Alerts

Hat Tip: Center for Vigilant Freedom Blogroll


Jews are no more represented in the "NWO" than they are in society. There are real jerks of all sizes and shapes. I've never been to that Freedomtown site, still haven't, and have been promoting RP on the Net for a long time now. I was hoping to see some actual criticism of Paul and his policies, but once again it's a poorly-formed rant about a few RP fans that he/she doesn't like.

I guess you didn't read this post, then.

If you read that post, you'll find a very cogent criticism of his stand on the war. He does not get it.
Feel free to repond after you have that post...

The "communist propaganda" you link is actually a simple statement of facts. I don't know how you get away with calling those facts, produced by our own government "communist propaganda" while you assail Ron Paul supporters as "idiots".

Physician, heal thyself.

Because that's pathetic.

Oh Jeez, I should have stopped clicking your links.

How does your mind work?

The "anti-semitic page" you link doesn't mention Jews, it's about how corporate interests have undue control over world events.

Why do you hate Ron Paul supporters? This stuff you're writing is not only incorrect, it's smeary hateful garbage - anti-semitic? communist? idiots? retards?

Come on TP, I thought better of you.

Did you notice that the material you clicked on was a quote from Red Alerts? That is what the indented section a former user of blogger, I'd expect you to know that.

The anti-semitic and communist charge came from Rob, I'll let him defend himself.
As for Idiots (Capitalized for Ron Paul supporters) and retards, those are my personal opinions.
I suspect that the Idiot charge will hold true for a large number of them (greater than say 20% or so), and the retard charge applies specifically to the "9/11 Truthers" who have gravitated to Ron Paul's Candidacy.

I am starting a blog to more clearly state my case against Ron Paul, and make fun of his Idiot supporters. His supporters who aren't Idiots should be even angrier than I am, because they have effectively torpedoed any chance this man has of becoming President.

I can respect your choice of Obama, as he is a true believer (I believe) in community Action, and a Lefty. He is gonna take quite a beating at the hands of Hillary's Machine.
As a conservative Republican, I view Hillary as the Democrat most likely to be nominated in 008.

Too bad Obama is from Chicago...the HildaBeast will have to pick a southerner as her running mate.
(Think Mark Warner)

The anti-semitic freedomtown page is a huge picture of Alan Greenspan (looking sinister and hooked nosed) over some rant taken from White Nationalist sites about a group of people secretly controlling the world. I'm sorry if Obama supporting Dems need someone to state "I hate Jews" before they understand it's anti-Semitic.

And to Chris, that post was one of a series of posts where I show that Ron Paul supporters by and large conspiracy theorists, White Nationalists or as the links to Freedomtown's "trusted sources" show members of the radical left. The point is if Paul is such a great lover of freedoma and a patriot, why does David Duke and Democratic Underground and Alex Jones and every cretin who you and I both know hates this country and the people in it so hot for him?