
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Friday, November 30, 2007

Clinton Plant Is a Fake General!

This is too rich!The man wore an active duty uniform he was never privileged to wear, he also only served active duty for a very short time, and has spent most of his career in the military bureaucracy in California. He retired as a Colonel.Source: Atlas Shru...

Suicide Bomber Takes Hostages in Rochester, NH
Hillary Clinton's Campaign HQ

If you can't get to a TV or Radio, Gateway Pundit is covering the crisis, and has links to livestreaming TV coverage.One hostage, and her infant child have so far been released.Pray for the safety of the hostages, the law enforcement personnel, and that the hostage-taker is taken into custody without harming anyone.**Update 3.38pm There is also a FReeper Thread that will provide quick info.I have also heard on XM 121 FOXNEWS that all hostages have been released, and that the suspect is in his mid-forties and...wait for it... with a history of...

(VIDEO) NC-11 Candidate Forum in Henderson County

Richard has the final part of the NC-11 GOP Forum up, and I have both of them embedded here for your viewing pleasure, followed by the coverage of the event by the Group Progressive Blog, Scrutuny Hooligans: Part ONe Part Two|SCRUTINY HOOLIGANS| At First Blush - The 11th District Republican Congressional Candidates’ Deba...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

(VIDEO) 1st half of NC-11 GOP Forum in Henderson County

Richard has been very busy, and has the first 30 minutes of the hour-long forum uploaded to Google, and here it is:...

McCain to Paul--"Let Us Win!" (Updated with Music)

I take back every bad thing I ever said about Senator John McCain, and if he makes it on the ticket, I will vote for him just on the merits of his nuking Ron Paul.When someone finally posts the exchange to You Tube, I will make it a permenet part of my sidebar, and will try to make it into a flash movie, or a gif with sound. I don't know how to do those things, but for this, I will.Jim has a video of it on his site, Gateway Pundit, but he uses Motion Box, which sucks because I can't embed it over here, or download it.However, I have lifted the...

(VIDEO) Ken Bagwell and the Star of Bethlehem

Have you ever wondered about the Star of Bethlehem?Was it real? What did it mean? Can we find out about it's significance?Coming to a neighborhood near you this Christmas Season.For more information, visit the Carolina Stompers, who have places, dates, and time...

(VIDEO)Yesterday in Henderson County:
Opening Remarks About Congressman Shuler

Here is the first video from yesterday in Henderson County, courtesy Sound Off Buncombe, a URTV production of Richard Bernie...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Iraqi Awakening

WASHINGTON (AFIS, Nov. 26, 2007) - Determined to rise up against al Qaeda terrorists, concerned local citizens, working together with coalition forces, have started neighborhood watch programs in northern Iraq.The citizens are calling the movement "Sahwa," an Arabic term that means "awakening."The neighborhood watch programs were established Nov. 14, two weeks after local citizens approached Soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, with the idea. More than 1,000 citizens showed up,...

Press Release--
Illegal Aliens Should Not Be Admitted to State-Supported Community Colleges

RALEIGH --North Carolina's community college system has ordered the state's 58 campuses to admit illegal immigrants, overturning a policy of letting the heavily enrolled schools set their own rules for handling undocumented applicants.David Sullivan, the system's top lawyer, dispatched a memo this month telling the community colleges that state regulations require the schools to admit illegal immigrants who meet the schools' basic requirements of being either a high school graduate or an adult in need of skills training."That's just wrong," said...

Hooligans Deliver Audio of NC-11 GOP Debate Forum

Arratik, one of the bloggers at Scrutiny Hooligans, attended the NC-11 GOP Forum held this morning in Henderson County and uploaded the audio with the promise of more goodies (like a transcript) later.**Update 1.31pm Henderson Times-News Covera...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

‘Operation Varsity March’ Nets al Qaida Weapons Smuggler

FORWARD OPERATING BASE HAMMER — Soldiers from Company B, 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, captured 13 suspected insurgents during a nighttime air assault mission in Sayafiyah, a small village outside of Salman Pak, Nov. 24.One of the detainees was a high value individual (HVI), who was a member of al-Qaida in Iraq wanted for weapons smuggling and financing attacks on Coalition forces in Salman Pak and Al Ja’ara.“According to our intelligence, the insurgent we apprehended was an expert bomb maker and VBID (vehicle borne improvised explosive...

State Department Plans A Muslim Neighborhood Near You

Just what we need, a Paris in every state of the Union!Atlas Shrugs has a detailed post with comprehensive research on the State Department’s Project to create Muslim communities throughout the U.S.Just a little bit of Paris burning, in your own backyard…The site with the research and updates on this topic is Refugee Resettlement Watch - they’re tracking the problems with legal Muslim refugee immigration to the U.S., which has a potential to increase significantly (and presumably with a minimum of vetting) due to bills like HR 2265.Source: Center...

Video--Battlestar Troopers

Maybe this'll hold me over until I get my copy of BSG: Razor in the mail:Sque...

Do Your Job Ron Moore!

Police charged Leonard Smith with first degree sexual offense and statutory rape. But family members of the alleged victims say Smith will walk into the courtroom today and plead guilty to seven counts of indecent liberties with a minor. A lesser charge.The maximum punishment for first degree sexual offense and statutory rape is life imprisonment. With the plea bargain, Smith is only likely to get less than 16 months.These family members are furious and held a protest against the plea bargain. They say Leonard Smith is politically connected with...

Third Annual French Intifada Underway in Paris

Barely three hours before Anne-Lorraine was stabbed, ten kilometres away, in Villiers-le-Bel, two joyriding immigrant youths of 15 and 16 years old, drove their stolen motorcycle at maximum speed into a passing police vehicle. They died on the spot.According to the police the teenagers ignored traffic rules and crashed into the police vehicle. The motorbike they were riding was unregistered and thus not authorized for use on French roads. Neither...

Monday, November 26, 2007

USA Economy Ranked #1 in Global Competitiveness

The United States tops the overall ranking in The Global Competitiveness Report 2007-2008. Switzerland is in second position followed by Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Finland and Singapore, respectively. The rankings are calculated from both publicly available data and the Executive Opinion Survey, a comprehensive annual survey conducted by the World Economic Forum together with its network of Partner Institutes (leading research institutes and business organizations) in the countries covered by the Report. This year, over 11,000 business leaders...


In this weeks episode:A “virtual fence?” When the president utilizes one around the White House we’ll believe him.The Deportation Joke! Previously deported criminal aliens just keep coming, American citizens just keep dying!And 100% Preventable!This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, the deportation joke, mexico, murder, rape, criminal...

New Poll Has the HildaBeast Losing vs all GOP Candidates
Barack Obama Winning versus all GOP Candidates

For a change of pace, I'll link to the DUmmies:This is very significant if true - and this is Zogby's Interactive Poll -- but if the general forecast is true then Obama is polling about 6 points ahead of the entire GOP field while Clinton's policy and baggage are pulling her down to a 4% loss to ALL GOPers. She is now about 10 points less electable than Barack, and it is now more likely that she would lose rather than win, polling only around 40%.Clinton would be an electoral disaster for the Democratic Party is what these numbers are saying while...

Are Ron Pal Supporters Planning Bloodless Coup in North Carolina and the Nation?

Katy's Conservative Corner has obtained e-mail between Ron Paul Supporters planning to become delegates to the North Carolina GOP Convention.An excerpt:The delegates to the county conventions are chosen at the precinct level. Most precincts are not organized, and preference is given to republicans who attend who wish to be delegates. So, for example, if you were a new republican went to the precinct convention in Charles Taylor's precinct, (sic) said you wanted to to be a delegate and he did not attend, you would get the seat. The same is true...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

MSNBC Lies About Papal Homily,
And More You Won't See on The TV News

This is posted especially for those opposed to the Global War on Terror, to show you that you have been lied to about this war by the Media since Day One!The Pope's words according to MSNBC:Pope Benedict, elevating 23 prelates from around the world to the elite rank of cardinal, made a pressing appeal on Saturday for an end to the war in Iraq and decried the plight of the country's Christian minority...Speaking of Delly during the ceremony in St Peter's Basilica, Benedict said Christians in Iraq were "feeling with their own flesh the dramatic...

Saturday, November 24, 2007

West Carolina Report for Nov 24

I have finished updating my Headline News Site, West Carolina Report, and have posted to WNC Citizens Blog concerning, "Gentlemanly Conduct Alive and Well in Sylva, Not so much in Asheville."And good news in Franklin regarding the Illegal Alien situation!The Hot Spot in Franklin was a gathering spot for Illegal Aliens to wait for contractors to come pick them up to work for the day...sort a Job Center without having to fill out all that pesky paperwork...

Victory in Iraq--The Real Surge

While the "surge" of five US brigades plus their accompanying support elements, about 30,000 US troops total, is the main focus of commentators when discussing the current situation in Iraq, the real surge in Iraq is happening behind the scenes. The rapidly expanding Iraqi Army is where the real surge in forces is occurring.In November 2006, Prime Minister Maliki understated the real surge when he announced the increase of the Iraqi Army beyond...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Asheville IndyMedia Call Ron Paul a Liar

You know things are looking bad for your candidate when even the Socialists and Anarchists "Pile On!"Anyway I believe my posts below from message board this weekend explain my feelings about Ron Paul aiding James Davidson's's 'naked short claim' penny stock frauds.Further I would remind Mr.Paul that his own state is harboring penny stock criminals making the same false claims as he and his corrupt penny stock tout 'Libertarians'.Houston attorneys John O'Quinn and James Wes Christian have dumped worthless shares of Jag...

Black News for Black Friday--The Syrian Bomb

About ten weeks ago, Israel carried out a precision bombing raid on what everyone has (publicly) presumed was a nuclear reactor under construction. One thing set my internal alarms off was the near complete absence of protest. The Syrians were quiet, even the United Nations were relatively quiet on this one.I presumed it was because of the ease with which Israel penetrated the best Missile Radar Defense Systems that Russia could provide, the same systems that Iran was boasting about that would prevent Israel or the USA from attacking Iran's own...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Presidential Proclamation

Americans are a grateful people, ever mindful of the many ways we have been blessed. On Thanksgiving Day, we lift our hearts in gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy, the people we love and the gifts of our prosperous land.Our country was founded by men and women who realized their dependence on God and were humbled by His providence and grace.The early explorers and settlers who arrived in this land gave thanks for God’s protection and for the extraordinary natural abundance they found. Since the first National Day of Thanksgiving was proclaimed...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

For the Children...

This guy is great!Check out the book, called (oddly enough) An Inconvenient Book.And don't forget to watch the book tou...

Infant Bombs, Droughts, and Daily Kos on Ron Paul
Oh my!

Here is a quick roundup of news I couldn't let slide by without adding my two cents:Remember the bombings that killed over a hundred people last month?[al-Jazeera] [GATEWAY PUNDIT]The story is even worse than initially thought, an infant was used:THE ONE YEAR OLD BOMBIn an effort to get close enough to murder Benazir Bhutto, one of the Islamist attackers reportedly strapped his explosives to a one-year old infant. Meanwhile, horrifying new details emerged last night of the attempt by suicide bombers to kill Ms Bhutto on her return home from exile...

West Carolina Report for Nov 21

I have posted the morning updates for West Carolina Report, and this post will serve as comment thread for items in the news today as well as open thread.I can't believe that Giga Tuesday is almost upon us...and I wonder why North Carolina's Primary is still stuck way out in May, when the nomination is almost always in a lock, especially in the modern era.This means, to my way of reckoning, that the Primary Season in North Carolina is about nothing...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

ACTION ALERT--Free Ramos and Compeon Phone Rally

There is a push on this week to flood Washington with phone calls to free Ramos & Compean.A message from Chelene of Save our State in my inbox yesterday… Many recent developments in the Ramos & Compean case. 1. Davila, the drug smuggler, was arraigned this past Friday. 2. Duncan Hunter hand delivered a letter to President Bush demanding a pardon for Ramos & Compean BEFORE Thanksgiving!! Watch Fox news interview with both Hunter and Tara here: 3. Congress has declared an investigation is...

Media Matters and Its Nanny

Ever since Hillary Clinton boasted at the Yearly Kos convention this summer that Media Matters was indeed her own brainchild, I've been subscribing to the group's daily, vital, emergency, vast-right-wing-conspiracy alerts. So for several months now, a half-dozen Media Matters email screeds have landed in my inbox every day on various topics, all claiming to have unearthed scandalous falsehoods in conservative news outlets, as well as the mainstream media. Since I've actually listened to some of the radio talk being assailed, and read much of...

Monday, November 19, 2007

From AMIA To Armageddon

According to foreign reports, Israel destroyed a nuclear weapons installation in Syria in September. Never has a larger story been pushed under the rug by so many so quickly. What are we to make of this?Over the weekend former federal prosecutor and the head of the non-governmental International Intelligence Summit, John Loftus, released a report on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program. His report was based on a private study of captured Iraqi documents. These were the unread Arabic language documents that US forces seized, but had not managed...

Ron Paul is a Useful Man for Democrats

The Ron Paul story never seems to end -- and yet never seems to quite make it into the mainstream media. That's because, in the political equivalent of a bank shot, Paul's fringe support helps bleach embarrassing stains from the Democrats.First there is the revelation that Jim C Perry, the "Orthodox Jewish" head of "Jews for Paul" also calls himself a gay pagan Unitarian.Now it turns out that Perry, Paul's point man in response to questions raised...

Texas Man Bats .500 When Gunning for Thugs

Source: Jawa ReportCommentaryPraise the LORD and pass the ammo! This needs to be repeated across America every time someone has their home, or a neighbor's broken into. I would do the same for my neighbors, and I know one of them would for me (JR has all the fun toys!) and the other would wait until they passed his driveway to take 'em down because he prefers hunting from Tree Stand...

Blogs4Borders 111907

In this weeks edition:Enrique Morones disses Jim Gilchrist, walking out on a planned debate like the coward he is.Our border patrol under assault on the border.100% Preventable! Just here to work? Tell that to the family of a little Ca. boy brutally raped by one of GWB’s “good people just here to work!”Gilchrist vs. Morones video graciously provided by our good friend Stephen AKA Lone Wolf!This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration...

West Carolina Report for Nov 19th

I have redesigned, and relaunched, my headline news site with a much cleaner design with room for expansion and multiple contributors.I will no longer archive the headlines for more than a day or two, and will accept news articles and commentary for inclusion on the site, and will archive them as part of this blog for the time being.Email me if you wish to participate with WCR somewhere in your subject line, if you know my personal email address, use that to ensure a quicker response from me.If you are a Lefty, Libertarian, or Other, and not hooked...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Life Returns to Normal in Baghdad

BAGHDAD—Since the last soldiers of the "surge" deployed last May, Baghdad has undergone a remarkable transformation.No longer do the streets empty at dusk. Liquor stores and cinemas have reopened for business. Some shops stay open until late into the evening. Children play in parks, young women stay out after dark, restaurants are filled with families and old men sit at sidewalk cafes playing backgammon and smoking shisha pipes.To be sure, Baghdad is still a violent and dangerous place. Pockets of territory remain under the control of the Al Qaeda...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

More on the Ron Paul Messiah Complex

At first, I thought it was cute, if sad, the losers on overpasses with their mothers bedsheets flapping in the wind with their love letters to Ron Paul spray painted on them for the world to witness.The, these retards started gaming internet polls, calling for their members to go mob polls on websites to tilt the numbers in favor of their man. That is a dishonest act, sort of like ACORN or other groups who falsely register and often bus people to the polls on election day. This, I believe, reveals something about their character. That so many...

Friday, November 16, 2007

WLOS Profiles Lt Gov Beverly Perdue

Gag me with a spoon!Which reminds me of the footage I shot of her speech at the 2007 Vance Aycock Dinne...

Civil Rights and Choices

The Carolina Stompers have some cogent thoughts on the matte...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Conservatives Own pro-Terrorist Hippies

The counterjihad had some fun with the hippies I posted about yesterday, and you can see what their calender looks like after the party. [Photo]**UPDATE** WARNING...if you get the live calender to load, DO NOT click on the links, because some of them lead to stuff that is not suitable for work, and may scar you for life. (I just might b...

Major General James Simmons on the IED Threat

Watch the video here.32 minutes 53 seconds in lengt...

Android - An Open Handset Alliance Project

The much whispered about Google Phone is here, except it isn't a's an open-source code for use on phones that will be built by other people, sort of what Microsoft is for computers. This could revolutionize the cell phone industry beyond recognition by allowing many minds to create whatever they will.Since I live without TV, I have no idea what kind of buzz this is generating in the Legacy Media, and only heard about it this morning when I got around to reading Al Fin, who has a good overview.The overview led me to the following video:which...

A Strategy For Hillary in 2008

The only way that Hillary Clinton can become the next President of the United States is if the Republican Party is divided like it was when her husband, William "BJ" Clinton was elected in 1992.Here is a little known (or acknowledged) fact about those elections...if it were not for H. Ross Perot running as a Third Party Candidate, William J. Clinton would have lost the election nearly as badly as did George McGovern in 1972.Here are the numbers from the top ten states (plus the District of Columbia) percentage wise for Clinton:Source for numbers:...