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nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Antarctic Ice 20 Percent Above Normal

by Steven Goddard

Today is a day of note in Antarctic. The sun has reached it’s highest point in the sky, and never sets. The amount of incoming solar radiation is at it’s peak for the year, and the radiation balance is strongly affected by the reflectivity (albedo) of the surface. Open ocean absorbs much of the the sunlight, whereas ice reflects it back out into space.
One of the most popular global warming feedbacks is considered to be changes in the extent of polar ice. The story goes that as the ice melts, more heat gets absorbed in the ocean, leading to higher temperatures. Today we test that theory.

According to NSIDC, Antarctic ice extent is nearly 20% above normal, as seen in the map here.

Source: Watts Up With That


I predict that lefties and the Global Warming Religionists will continue to deny the advance of ever cooler weather as the slowing solar cycle begins to affect the earth's climate[2008 Coolest since 2000]...and we dip ever further into a Global Cooling Trend[2008 saw the fewest number of sunspots in over 50 yrs]. Their destructive influence will cost millions of lives because we aren't gearing up now to cope with a world with shorter growing seasons, colder winters and the skyrocketing costs of infrastructure maintenance and heating needs in the years to come. At a time when we should be mining as much coal as we possibly can and building as many coal-fired and nuclear power plants as we possibly can...they have forced us to build nearly zero new tools that will help save lives in the coming cold spell that will last for decades. 

We reached a peak around the years 1997-1998 and have been cooling ever since. This winter may be the first year that the anecdotal evidence begins to pile up


Hey, Mr. Thunder Pig. Just wanted to pop in and wish you a Merry Christmas. Hope you have a good one. Think of us northerners who are bearing the brunt of this current spate of warming...

Joe from Digital Diatribes

And a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you and yours, Joe!!!

I, for one, can't wait to get a little of that Global Warming snow myself. Half a dozen storms a year is all I ask... 8)