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Friday, December 12, 2008

Climate Change Resources

This article by AshVegas is so sad. When I saw the report earlier this month that spoke of the cold nature of November 2008...I knew it would go unreported (or unobserved) by those worshipping at the feet of Al Gore.

You can read about how cold November was as I posted about it on December 3rd.

One thing that lefties forget...we are still in a period of relatively high temperatures, and will continue to be until the current downtrend takes us below 50 year averages, then hundred year averages, and perhaps even 500 hundred year averages if the sun doesn't come out of it's current stupor.

Perhaps I am keen on these things because I use Technical Analysis to make money in the stock market by recognizing the onset of trends early on to maximize my profit potential.

Here are some websites that I would like to suggest for those who are honest truth seekers, and not believing the lie that there is such a thing as "Scientific Consensus"...which is merely a euphemism for "Politically Approved Science".

Watts Up With That?

He has a delightful series called "How not to measure temperature" which is currently has 79 posts in that series alone where he (and his intrepid band of readers) reveal sloppy data acquisition methods.

He also has an excellent list of resources in regards to monitoring the climate.

Digital Diatribes

This guy is an excellent number cruncher. He does a monthly temperature analysis and creates many, many, many charts of short term, medium term and long term temperature trends.

The data for November 2008 are analyzed by UAH and RSS.

ICECAP (International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project)

This amazing website gathers posts about climate change from all over the globe and put them in one spot for easy access. They also have an excellent stable of experts to draw upon for articles for the website, and their Climate Library is full of interesting reading that could be heretical to those who believe that man is catastrophically warming the earth.

Solar Cycle 24

This amazing website was put together by an Amateur Radio Operator (VE3EN) to monitor solar conditions because conditions on the sun greatly influence radio transmission and reception on the earth.

The website boasts an excellent Message Board that is blessed with some very knowledgeable participants. Of particular interest to those concerned with whether or not the earth is warming or cooling are the sections Solar Cycle 24/Spaceweather that concerns itself with observation and analysis of solar conditions and the Global Warming and Weather Discussions that observe and analyze climate trends and take positions on where the climate trends are going. Hold on to your hat,because it get get rough sometimes!

The Resource Links are also required reading.

Al Fin is a science and technology blogger who keeps an eye on the climate. Although not so much lately, perhaps because there are many more people paying attention to it than used to. He was one of the first that I relied upon as a resource, and his sidebar is crammed full of the finest science resources.

NC Media Watch

Russ Steele has a good eye for good articles on climate change.

There are more resources and blogs out there, and the number is growing as the evidence of a new cooling trend accumulates. If there are resources that I have grievously overlooked or excluded, leave a comment and I'll probably include them, especially given the predilection for Legacy Media outlets and lefty bloggers to ignore and/or belittle them. I look forward to the day when they can no longer deny that the sun has far more of an effect on our climate than humans do.