The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen will be having their regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 1, 2013 at 7pm. No comment regarding that they're meeting on April Fool's Day.
I will be there to cover the meeting and will post a link to my live play by play just prior to the meeting.
The agenda and a downloadable press kit for the meeting is below for your convenience and in the interest of keeping our elected officials accountable to the electorate.
Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen
Meeting Agenda
Monday April 1, 2013 - 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Agenda
Monday April 1, 2013 - 7:00 p.m.
- Call to order -Mayor Collins
- Approval of the February 28 and March 4 , 2013 board minutes
- Public hearing 7:05 p.m. for re-zoning petition for section of Pauline Avenue
- Public session
- New business
- Board decision on re-zoning petition for section of Pauline Avenue
- Proclamation for Neuropathy Awareness Week
- Proclamation for Lyme Disease Awareness Month
- Application to amend text only of the Unified Development Ordinance for WNC Hospice House Foundation- Land Use Administrator Derek Roland
- Application to amend text only of the Unified Development Ordinance for D.A. Investment Group- Land Use Administrator Derek Roland
- Appointment of Cheryl Pullium to fill vacancy on Tourism Development Authority- Assistant to the Town Manger Summer Woodard
- Legal
- Lease of Town property to Angel Medical Center- John Henning Jr
- Update on gun range questions- John Henning Jr
- Discussion on solicitors- John Henning Jr
- Announcements
- Annual Retreat April 13, 2013 9 AM Town Hall Boardroom
- Adjourn
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