
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mike Huckabee and Speaker Dennis Hastert To Keynote 2014 NCGOP Convention in Cherokee, NC

Macon Media will be covering the 2014 Convention of the North Carolina Republican Party since it is happening practically in our backyard in Cherokee, NC on June 7th. The statewide convention of the Democratic Party is happening in Raleigh, NC...too far away for me to cover. It is also occurring on June 7th. I expect to be receiving my press credentials soon to cover the event, and as part of the process of applying to cover the event, I have...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

2014 Memorial Day Ceremony in Franklin, NC

American Legion Post 108 hosted other veterans organizations and the public in a ceremony to remember those who died in America's wars. The video and photos below were taken at that ceremony in the Veterans Memorial Park south of Franklin, NC. There is still room for you to purchase a memorial brick for a family member and you can find out how to do that, or how to donate to the organization to help in the upkeep of the park at their website. Slide...

Monday, May 26, 2014

Remember the Fallen on Memorial Day

General Order No. 11 "Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic." -- General Logan - May 5, 1868 Today is the day set aside for remembering fallen veterans.  The local Memorial Day ceremony: FRANKLIN -- Veterans Memorial Park at 1288 Georgia Rd. Ceremony begins at 11:00am. In case...

Monday, May 19, 2014

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #81 Observes Law Enforcement Memorial Day in Franklin

Law Enforcement Agencies from around Macon County gathered Friday to mark the observance of Law Enforcement Memorial Day. The holiday was created on October 1, 1961, when Congress asked the president to designate May 15 to honor peace officers. John F. Kennedy signed the bill into law on October 1, 1962. The Proclamation Signed by President John F. Kennedy: To pay tribute to the law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

NC General Assembly Legislative Calendar for May 15, 2014
Updated with audio

**update 11:38am** Here is the audio of today's sessions: NC House Chamber Audio 05-15-2014 (PDF of Calendar) NC Senate Chamber Audio 05-15-2014 (PDF of Calendar) The North Carolina General Assembly will convene today. Both the NC Senate (session begins at 10:30 am) and the NC House (session begins at 8 am) will be in session.  Audio from yesterday's NC House session can be...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Macon County Manager Derek Roland Delivers 2015 Budget Message

Derek Roland delivered his first budget message as county manager to the county commissioners last night. His presentation lasted nearly an hour and followed the basic precept of holding the line on expenditures. A video of his presentation is below, followed by a copy of his proposed budget. I have also included budgets from previous years for reference. 2015 Proposed Budget 2015 Admin Recommended Budget FY 2014 Approved Budget 2014...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Unofficial May 2014 Primary Results for Macon County

Sheriff, County Commissioner District I and Register of Deeds

**edit 12:13am** I forgot to add the voter turnout data. 5,005 of the 24,980 registered voters participated in this primary. That makes the voter turnout 20.04%. -Bobby I only followed three races in Macon County tonight while in the Board of Elections office in the basement of the Macon County Courthouse tonight and here are the results expressed in three precinct maps, then the numbers by precinct: Robbie Holland cruised to a very easy re-election,...

Franklin Aldermen 05-05-2014

The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen met last night for their regular meeting for May 2014. I have posted the video I recorded above and the public agenda, the press kit and a searchable copy of the Town Manager's Budget Message to the Aldermen below. You may read the play by play I posted on the Macon Media Facebook Page. Near the end of the meeting, the Aldermen went into a closed session that lasted about nine minutes. When they...

Macon County Commissioners meet with the Towns of Franklin and Highlands in Cowee

On Thursday, May 1, 2014, the Macon County Commissioners hosted a joint meeting with the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen and the Highlands Board of Commissioners at the Macon County Heritage Center located in the old Cowee School. The local governing bodies discussed what they'd been up to since they last met and item of mutual interest, then took a tour of the Heritage Center. I tagged along with the tour that was conducted by Bobby Kuppers....

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Last Minute Voter's Guide to Macon County Candidates

**note** This post has been changed to correct some minor spelling/grammar errors and to reflect the correct number of terms the Sheriff has served. -Bobby If you haven't been paying attention or done your homework for tomorrow's primary election, here is some material for you to use to cram at the last minute using all the videos I have taken at the various forums of candidates who have a primary race sorted by the seat they are seeking: MACON...

Early Voting in Macon County

A Statistical Primer of the Macon 2014 Primary

The early voting, or One-Stop, period from April 24th through 1 pm on May 3rd is over and some preliminary statistics are available. 2,031 out the 24,977 registered voters participated, making the turn out 8.13% or one in twelve of registered voters took the opportunity to vote early. VOTERS BY REGISTRATION Registration# Voters % Turnout % by Party Registration Republicans 958 47.17 9.73 Democrats 578 28.46 7.63 Unaffiliateds...

Thursday, May 1, 2014

April 2014 Macon Media Patreon Campaign Drawing Winner

The winner of the Midland WR-120 NOAA Weather Radio is Grace Johnson! For more information on the fundraising effort, please visit my crowd-funding page at Patreon. ...