Here is a map showing an estimate of how much rain has fallen since May27th. It is probably not 100% accurate but can serve to show the relative amounts of rainfall that has happened in the last 72 hours or so.
Macon Media has established an open thread for members of the community to share road condition reports and other information. It is also a place where people can ask if certain roads are open or closed.

Adams Products, a Division of Oldcastle is underwriting the daily weather briefing & public safety updates for the month.
Open 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, M-F, located at 895 Hickory Knoll Road, Franklin, NC. Visit our Facebook page at:
All your masonry needs are available. Our phone number is 828.524.8545, the public is welcome, we’ll help you with your with your next project.
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Published at 10:30 am on May 30, 2018
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