
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Saturday, March 31, 2007

Macroeconomic Implications of Large Scale Ethanol Production in the U.S.

The following is from Survivablog:Hi JimI have run across some information that I thought might be of interest. I am in the food business and come in contact with a lot of people in the food industry.One of my associates is in the frozen fruit and vegetable business. He has been telling me the effect that W's ethanol incentives are having on the agriculture industry and it is quite alarming. I have notresearched this, so don't have facts and figures to back it up, so take it for what it is worth.This situation seems to have mysteriously stayed...

The Iranian Hostage Crisis--The UK Edition

This is my Amicus Curiae, filed on behalf of the Britons:Should the UK talk to the Iranians?I think they should not, and here is why:Talking to thugs only increases their power, and feeds their need to feel powerful. The proper way to deal with a thug is to let him know in no uncertain terms that they are not dealing with an appeasing coward who will try to talk his way out of a situation initiated by the thug...usually with violence, or the threat of violence.Identifying the thug is the key first step. The thug should be notified that he is a...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Mayor Bellamy to give the State of the City Address

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMarch 29, 2007City of AshevilleOffice of the MayorContact: Lauren BradleyDay: (828) 259-5484MAYOR BELLAMY SET TO DELIVER STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS APRIL 3Mayor Terry M. Bellamy will deliver her annual State of the City address on Tuesday, April 3 at 5 p.m. in the Council Chamber on the second floor of City Hall. The address is open to public and will be televised live on the Asheville Channel, Charter Cable channel 11.The mayor¢s address will focus on public safety, growth and improving the quality of life for Asheville families....

Democrats Refuse to Support British Hostages!!

Speaker Pelosi is becoming a perfect foil for a conservative nominee, should one emerge from the GOP Primaries. [I have my doubts this will happen]From Gateway Pundit: A resolution has been proposed in the House of Representatives that condemns Iran for the seizure of British sailors and marines, expresses support for our British allies. It's hard to see anything controversial in that. But apparently, the resolution has languished all week while Pelosi refuses to allow it to come to the floo...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bias Anyone?

FED Agency that Tracked PORK Spending During GOP Reign, Has Discontinued the Practice Since Democrats Took Power. Now, isn't that CONVENIENT? Hendersonville Po...

NRCC Launches New Website

Today, a new website was launched that will focus on 11 freshman Democrats. One of them is Heath Shuler. From the website: Shuler voted for the Pelosi-Murtha "slow bleed" scheme to choke-off funding for American troops in harm's way. (House Roll Call 186)By voting yes, Shuler voted for a date-certain for retreat and defeat in Iraq and voted to hamstring the mission by allowing Congress to micromanage the war.Ignoring widespread criticism from the American Legion and major news publications from across the country, he made it clear that he believes...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Saddam, Al Qaeda, the CIA and the Lies of the American Elite

By Sean Osborne,Associate Director, Military Affairs Article introduction: The American public has been and continues to be lied to about Iraq and the Iraqi war, but not in the way most Americans - and the world - believe. The lies originate by the American power elite from both sides of the political spectrums and are perpetuated by the ambiguous pundits whose commentary we are constantly spoon-fed by the main stream media. The very heart of the lie is that Islamic terrorism like we saw on 9/11, the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993,...

FBI Agent German blows whistle on White Supremacist Islamist Meeting in U.S.

by Jerry GordonI watched the Senate Judiciary FBI oversight hearings, today live and on-line from Washington, DC. FBI director Mueller was being grilled about the alleged misuse, some say abuse, of the National Security Letters authorized by the Patriot Act to conduct domestic counter-terrorism activities. There were also questions regarding the FBI position relative to the 8 U.S. attorneys fired by embattled Attorney General Gonzalez.In the midst of this was a jarring statement read by Iowa Republican Charles Grassley about an FBI Agent ‘whistle...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

These Blue Dogs Won't Hunt

--Bumped to the Top--The Pelosi effect on "conservative" Sonny Bunch04/02/2007, Volume 012, Issue 28Running for Congress last fall in North Carolina, Heath Shuler staked out ground as a conservative Democrat. In a district held comfortably by Republican Charles Taylor since 1990, the former all-American quarterback distanced himself from Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi. The day after defeating a scandal-dogged Taylor by 8 points in a district George W. Bush had carried by 14, Shuler feigned uncertainty as to whether he would...

Video---To Our Americans Serving in Iraq

Hat Tip: Pat in ...

Blogs For Borders Vburst 03272007

For more information, visit Freedom Folk...

Monday, March 26, 2007

Stop The NC Home Tax

Taxing the Dream of Homeownership is a Bad IdeaOwning a home is the result of hard work, personal responsibility and sacrifices. Homeownership is one of the best ways to build wealth and is part of the American Dream. Some state lawmakers want to tax the equity in your home. Adding a new tax to your home will tax your nest egg and your success. By increasing the cost of home ownership, new homeowners, working families and senior citizens will be impacted the most. Bills now being considered in the North Carolina General Assembly would force people...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hold Their Feet To The Fire

Looking for a way to counter the open-borders protests?Attend a big DC pro-borders rally in April!!!DEAR FRIENDS,Ever since the mass pro-illegal-alien rallies a year ago, many of you have been pushing for an opportunity to make your views and presence known in a Washington D.C. protest.Here is your chance to do some travel and put your body on public display as standing for the rule of law and against rewards for illegal immigration.Hold Their Feet To The FireApril 22-25 (Sunday - Wednesday)White House Rally on Sunday at 3:30 p.m.For those of...

Why Did Global Warming Become a Moral Matter?

As a scientist, I find the current strategy of the global warming crusade to be fascinating. Particularly because I am a scientist, I also find it insulting. Everyone should find it very disturbing.I am referring to the fact that the global warming issue is now regarded as a "moral" matter by its advocates. None other than The High Priest of Global Warming (Al Gore) has decreed it as such. Of course, there is some obvious humor in this because the liberals will also tell you that you "cannot legislate morality". Well, it does not take complicated...

Hendersonville Post Gets a Redesign

The Hendersonville Post has been given a new look, and redeployed as of this weekend. It serves up news headlines and embedded video, and who knows what else in the future.Check it ou...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Video--Better Living Through Activism

Created by Ham NationHat Tip: Riehl World Vi...

La Cucha Gotcha

An effort by two radio hosts in New Jersey have Illegal Immigration Advocates steamed with their urging listeners to turn in suspected Illegal Aliens. More from the New York Treason:Two weeks ago, Mr. Carton and Mr. Rossi started “Operation Rat a Rat/La Cucha Gotcha,” a listener-participation game that encourages people to turn in friends, neighbors and “anyone suspicious” to immigration authorities.So far so good, right? I mean, if you observe a possible Drunk Driver, you would call the Highway Patrol, or local police, wouldn't you? Or would...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Heath Shuler Votes for Troop Withdrawal

Like it or not, Congressman Shuler will have to defend this vote in light of the success of the surge of troops into Iraq, and has posted on his Asheville Citizen-Times Blog an explanation.Of course, the House, nor Senate have a two-thirds majority to over-rule a Presidential Veto.The US House has just given GREAT AID & COMFORT to our enemies, and as another blogger put it:Al Qaeda is celebrating in their caves and huts (and Saudi palaces) today;...

At Last, Proof the Enivonmentalists ARE Communists!!!

In an article linked off Drudge, entitled, "A Year Without Toilet Paper," the similarities between the end result of Communism [or it's half-way point, Socialism] is no toilet paper. Think about it. We all know the stories of the famous shortages of Toilet Paper experienced in the Soviet Union as their experiment in Command Economy failed.Not to be deterred, the Communists in the Environmental Movement are attempting to use Moral Authority instead of Actual Authority to force people to do without Toilet Paper. I may take out an entire roll and...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Coming Ass Age

Ann Coulter has posted another classic essay, a portion of which is below.Read the aptly titled piece on her website. No matter how much liberals try to dress up their nutty superstitions about global warming as "science," which only six-fingered lunatics could doubt, scratch a global warming "scientist" and you get a religious fanatic. These days, new religions are barely up and running before they seize upon the worst aspects of the God-based religions. First, there's the hypocrisy and corruption. At the 1992 Democratic Convention in New...

Cancer Returns to Elizabeth Edwards

According to Ben Smith's blog at, John Edwards may suspend, or withdraw from the 2008 Presidential Race due to his wife's breast cancer returning.My prayers are with Elizabeth Edwards, and her family during this ordeal.Update...Live-Blogging AnnouncementBone Study...Malignant Cancer found, and confined to the bone in a rib. This was prompted by a pain in her side. The cancer has gone from the breast to the bone, and as such is not curable, but treatable.CommentaryPlease keep Elizabeth and John in your prayers, and the family as w...

Blogs For BOrders 03202007

Read the Accompanying Post at Freedom Folk...

Honesty Unwelcome in Raleigh

Scott Mooneyham is an excellent writer. It is truly a shame he wastes his talent defending the indefensible. His article "Today in North Carolina: Much ado about a lawmaker" is a classic example of how the capital press corpse (intentional spelling prompted by Mooneyham article) has protected the insider establishment in Raleigh.North Carolina ConservativeFor those of you who have been following North Carolina State Politics, you are well aware of the rampant political corruption at all levels of government, most especially in Raleigh. Nearly...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Creator of Hillary 1984 Video Found, Fired

I just saw the story on Drudge. [Link] I am a Hard-Core Conservative, but I think Blue State Digital is stupid for firing the guy if he did the video on his own time. That is waaay too much control over a person's life outside of work. I hope the Obama Campaign hires this guy, because he is obviously very creative, and who knows what he might come up with next? I remember when someone at Scrutiny Hooligans made a video of Congressman Charles Taylor to the tune of "Peanut Butter Jelly Time," I hated that they did it to my candidate, [I would link,...

Anna Nicole's Baby's Father

I just heard on the radio that a judge has ordered that a DNA sample is to be taken from Anna Nicole's baby to help determine who the father is.I have one question, has anyone thought to exhume her son's body and take a DNA sample from his body? I'm just saying....

Another Example of Media Bias

I could let this go without comment.One of my themes is not to trust the Legacy Media at all, period, paragraph.Responsible journalism is apparently not taught at all, just pick up a paper, or tune on the TV.On the issue of local papers...I copy and paste a lot of articles for distribution on several forums I participate in, and a day does not go by that my spell checker tells me there are words misspelled in the articles. Can't these guys afford a spell checker? What's up with that?I have no problem with journalists having a bias to their reporting,...

NC Boy Scout Found Alive

Here are a couple of articles about the rescue of Michael Aubrey of Greensboro.News-RecordJournal NowWhat are they teaching Boy Scouts these days? Social and Networking skills?I figured this guy would have a the very least have built a simple lean-to with a roof, and had a moss or bed of leaves in the thing.One can be built with just hands, no tool of any sort, even without using rocks.Of course, loosing his glasses was probably very traumatic and disorienting.Folks need to remember the Number One Rule for Surivival when you get lost,Do not stray...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I witnessed an automobile accident yesterday, and blogged about it on my photoblog since I really hate small photos. I took a few photos after everyone was transported to the hospital.As a result, I will probably put together a post on what to do if you encounter a serious accident while in your automobil...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Accident at the Dellwood Intersection

I witnessed an automobile accident today, and was lucky enough to have had prior training and experience to be able to render appropriate assistance to the elderly female in the maroon car. Many other witnesses also came to the aid of the other people in the pickup. Within minutes, sheriff's deputies and First Responders were on scene, with EMS not far behind. I am proud of the professionalism exhibited by the other good Samaritans on scene,...

The Eagles and the Vultures

History ended yesterday. Or at least one version of it. Or perhaps it didn't end as much as it was overthrown, trampled by the feet of 30,000 ordinary Americans who gathered on the mall and along the broad avenues in Washington to confront those who have, either wittingly or witlessly, given aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States for more than 40 years.The rancid ideology that has swaggered across the American landscape since Viet Nam (posturing a moral superiority they never proved nor deserved) as ordinary Americans looked on with...

Brother Hillary Speaks


THe United Nations Retrear (AGAIN!!!)

This is almost comical. The UN are these thugs best infidel friends outside the moonbats in America, and they fear being kidnapped by them!Of course, if the UN weren't so blinded by the hatred of the Joooos! they would realize these jihadis are the scum of the earth, and want nothing less than to drive the Jooos! into the sea, and hunted down and exterminated throughout the earth.What I really fear is a UN with the power to tax either governments or people directly. Should that ever happen, whatever President is serving at the time would be wise...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sympathy for Pelosi

No, not me!Zombietime has another photo essay up, and you should not be hanging around here when Code Pink is after one of their own. [Lin...

Moonbat Safety Video

Wished I had seen this before the Gathering of Eagles...woulda put the whjole thing into perspective!The video comes straight from Moonbat Madison, Wisconsin:Hat Tip: the FReepe...

GoE After Action Report

According to the GoE website, Eagles outnumbered Protesters 3 to 1.More coverage:Gateway Pundit [Eagles Land] [Anti-War Lefties Scuffle with Police]Michelle MalkinGates of ViennaBlue Collar RepublicansJeff's photoblogMike's America [Part One] [Part Two]Free Republic Live ThreadFree Republic After Action Report [Great Minds Think Alike!!!]AR-15 Forum with PhotosWaPo Coverage [Notice the Extremem Bias in Reporting]Worker's World PartyI tried to find some Lefty Coverage...but there was none where I looked. Maybe by Monday or Tuesday.One thing...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

GoE Sitrep 1

The Gathering of Eagles was a success.The Memorials to the Fallen were protected, and the A.N.S.W.E.R. crowd got a preview of things to come.Here are just a few of the places with citizen journalist coverage:Michelle Malkin [there may be more later, she has video yet to edit and load]FReeper Thread from beginning to end, with more links and photos.Lifelike Pundits has several videos on their site, one of which is below:This Ain't Hell has some video comparing the two sides...The Red Hunter has more coverag...

Eagles Protecting Memorials in Washington

I am near-live blogging the Freeper Thread, and a few blogs who are live-blogging the Gathering of Eagles counter protest today both here, and at West Carolina Report. I am on dial up, so it is taking me about 15 minutes to make my rounds.Lincoln Memorial Detachment of Eagles1336 updateWar Protesters March [Link]Confrontation avoided. [Link]1512 update DC Antiwar Rally: Michael Berg Blames Bush for Son's BeheadingThe counter-protesters, Mission...

The Caves of Mars?

On my morning stroll through the internet, I found an article at BBC News about cave entrances being possibly spotted on Mars. I love exploring caves here on earth, but caves on Mars, now that would be fun! If I remember correctly, the surface gravity on Mars is around 38 to 40% of what it is on earth, and would allow for some easier navigation through 'those tight spots' inside a cave where there is an unfavorable slope angle.A portion: The candidate caves are on the flanks of the Arsia Mons volcano and are of sufficient depth their floors mostly...

The Myth of Moral Neutrality

Ever read something where someone says what you've been thinking, only with articulation? That happens to me a lot. That is one reason I link to others so often, I figure why re-invent the wheel?This article is just such a case:Gen. Peter Pace was vehemently denounced and condemned earlier this week for expressing a personal moral judgment that homosexuality is immoral. The criticisms excoriated Pace for making a value judgment, while implying that the denunciations themselves were morally neutral. In reality, Pace’s critics expressed a moral...

Friday, March 16, 2007

Coalition for a Conservative Majority

Tom Delay has formed a new conservative grassroots organization called Coalition for a Conservative Majority.I heard most of the interview with Rush Limbaugh today, and, after a quick glance at the home looks promising.He also has a book out, "No Retreat, No Surrender."From the website:In 2006, conservatives were beaten at the polls for the first time in years. But unlike in previous defeats, conservatives this time were beaten at what we have always done best: grassroots organization, coordination, and mobilization. The grassroots...

Happy Pi Day!

Today is Pi Day, and Albert Einstein's Birthday. Who'd a thunk?Fox Searchlight.P.S. I didn't eat a pie...but I did eat a pizza for lunc...

Global Warming Threatens to Drown the Planet ____ Under 36 Feet of Water

What planet?Earth? No.Venus? No.Mars? Yes! [It's all those pesky SUV probes we've sent.]From Al Fin:New radar measurements of the Martian South Pole Ice Cap indicates that enough ice exists there to cover the entire Martian surface under 36 feet of water, were the ice to melt.This new estimate comes from mapping the thickness of the ice. The Mars Express orbiter's radar instrument has made more than 300 virtual slices through layered deposits covering the pole to map the ice. The radar sees through icy layers to the lower boundary, which is as...

A Gathering of Eagles

The anti-American War Protesters have shown wisdom in staying away from the Vietnam Memorial. From A.N.S.W.E.R.'s website:There will not be a rally at the assembly area, as we want to hit the streets and march to the Pentagon. There will be a rally at the Pentagon. It is important that everyone make the effort to get to the assembly location at 23rd and Constitution early. Try to get to the site by noon - don't miss the march! If you are coming by bus or driving from out of town, make sure your group is leaving early enough to get you to the assembly...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Club Gitmo Produces Confession

Here is what people are saying:Guantanamo, Newsweek and the Ghost of Daniel PearlAn Enemy ConfessesKhalid Sheikh Mohammed Confesses to 9/11KSM: I'm The Mastermind Behind AQSuspected Mastermind Of 9/11 ConfessesKey 9/11 suspect 'admits guilt'Pajamas MediaI wonder how long it will take the 9/11 Conspiracy Whackos to start saying that either KSM was working for someone else, or "that he really didn't confess." What a bunch of retards.Instant Update: 04.52amI just heard an interview on Coast to Coast AM with a Sean David Morton who commented that...

"How Many Jews Did Mama Kill?"

For those who doubt the evil nature of Islamofascism, Robert Spencer, of Jihad Watch, has a chilling post you need to read. Part of it is below:Interviewer: "Let's talk with the two children of the jihad-fighting martyrdom-seeker Rim Al-Riyashi, Dhoha and Muhammad. Dhoha, you love Mama, right? Where did Mama go?" Dhoha: "To Paradise." Interviewer: "What did Mama do?" Dhoha: "She committed martyrdom." Interviewer: "She killed Jews, right?" Interviewer: "How many did she kill, Muhammad?" Muhammad: "Huh?" Interviewer: "How many Jews did Mama...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

NC-11 Legislative Update: Clean Water Bills

Our new Congresscritter has a new post on his AC-T Blog. [Link]This time he is touting legislation he helped pass in regards to clean water, which I have not read, and hope it doesn't end up like the NC Clean Water Act.For more info on the three bills 700HR 720HR 569As a little side note, I have been tracking his votes in congress, and so far, he does not look like a conservative democrat. He has voted with the Republicans against the Democrats only one time. I will post a more in depth study later this month, as I am juggling...

Al Gore and Maurice Strong

Who is Maurice Strong, and what does he have to do with Al Gore?I have heard about Maurice Strong for years, the stories usually have him cast in the role of "International Man of Mystery," responsible for many things, yet not a first-tier name with the public like many of his associates.A little history:1997 Henry Lamb article.2000 Kyoto Protocol articleApparently, Gore and Strong created the Carbon Credit.The latest news on Maurice Strong is that he is in China, working for George Soros in an attempt to get the Chinese automobile, the Chery...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Halliburton Chooses The Atlas Shrugged Option

For those who have read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged," this is a sign that perhaps we should think about our options in contributing to the Criminal Tax Structure of this Nation, and most especially North Carolina.Through adept use of tax loopholes, I pay virtually zero in taxes. The only places I get soaked are where the taxes are collected at the register, anyhoo, I digress...Here are some Headlines for you to look over...Huffington Post FIN24USATODAYThink ProgressThe "progressives" do not realize that wealth will flee from where it is wanted....

Monday, March 12, 2007

Scientists Receive Death Threats For Questioning Man’s Role in Global Warming

I guess "scientific consensus" didn't work, and the Marxists had to pull the next tool out of their toolkit---threats of violence.I guess the only course of action for me to follow is to embed the following... Hat Tip: The Little Green Footbal...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

More on Corruption in North Carolina Politics

EVER WONDER HOW IT‘S DONE? Try the Good Ol’ Boy Network By Ann Ryder Last week I had a call telling me that the Wake senator, Janet Cowell, had a conflict of interest. She works for Fountainworks, a market research and policy consulting firm, whose clients include DHHS and other state agencies, and she serves on the Legislative Oversight Committee on MH/DD/SAS (mental health is under DHHS). Chairing the committee are Senator Martin Nesbitt and Representative Verla Insko. Serving as a consultant to the committee is Larry Thompson, head of Blue...

More on Corruption in North Carolina Politics

EVER WONDER HOW IT‘S DONE? Try the Good Ol’ Boy Network By Ann RyderLast week I had a call telling me that the Wake senator, Janet Cowell, had a conflict of interest. She works for Fountainworks, a market research and policy consulting firm, whose clients include DHHS and other state agencies, and she serves on the Legislative Oversight Committee on MH/DD/SAS (mental health is under DHHS). Chairing the committee are Senator Martin Nesbitt and Representative Verla Insko. Serving as a consultant to the committee is Larry Thompson, head of Blue...

Reporters, records led path to Black

JACK BETTS RALEIGH --In late 2003, three Observer reporters started checking up on contributors to then-Speaker Jim Black after a political watchdog group noticed his campaign committees had gotten more money than any other candidate from video poker interests.Bob Hall of Democracy North Carolina found that Black's committees had gotten more than $100,000 from video gaming interests in the previous two-year election cycle. It was especially interesting because legislation to outlaw video poker had twice passed the N.C. Senate, but not the...

Scenes From The Gingrich Campaign

Don't rule out Newt in 2008by Matthew ContinettiIt's February 28, 2007, in the poorly lit, dank, crowded basement, aka the "Great Hall," of Cooper Union college in Manhattan, and Newt Gingrich is talking to a sophisticated, well-attired, seen-it-all New York audience. As he speaks, the tempo of his words increases, until he begins to sound as though he is rapping: "We spent hours last week on a left-wing billionaire"--David Geffen--"getting unhappy because his former friends"--the Clintons--"didn't do what he thought they would do when he bribed...

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sandworms of Dune

The last [chronologically speaking] book of the Dune Saga is due sometime in August of this year, and, of course there is another trilogy planned with the working title Paul of Dune.I like the newer one ok, and wish they were longer, around 1200 pages each. Oh well, one takes what one can ge...

A Real Victory in '008

This year's 2007 Conservative Political Action Conference posted record-breaking attendance, which is to say that conservative grassroots activists and organizations, those motivated by the spirit of [Ronald Reagan |http://Reagan2020.US/], are alive and well.Unfortunately, the rancor over an admittedly callous remark from my colleague Ann Coulter stole a fair amount of CPAC thunder from outstanding panel discussions and thoughtful presentations by the Republican presidential candidates -- sans one.Over the din, you probably heard that presidential...

Friday, March 9, 2007

These Colors Don't Run

I received the following message from one of the participants:Fellow Americans:Today was the first day of our historic day of the "These Colors Don't Run" national pro-troop caravan, and we are blown away by what an enormous success it has been.Thursday morning began with news that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was leading an effort to call for a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, along with cutting the funding to our troops serving in the mission.But...