
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Why Fred Thompson is Possible

I have watched this earliest of Presidential Election Cycles with interest, and with growing dismay as the Media has focused almost exclusively on the "Big Three: GOP candidates, none of whom can claim they are conservative without eliciting a belly laugh from me.Arizona Senator John McCain may have been a conservative at one time, before I started paying attention to politics, but he is not now. My biggest beef with him is the unconstitutional McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform. That criminal piece of legislation has Congress restricting...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

More Fake Photos From Pro-Terrorist News Media

I knew I should have started keeping track of all the times the Pro-Terrorist News Media runs fake and staged photos that support their agenda for anti-Zionism.My Pet Jawa has the goods on the latest round Faux-toshopping for Terrorist...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A View to a Kill: The Left Supports the Thug-In-Chief Hugo Chavez

Or, How I Quit Living in Fear of Freedom of Speech, and Learned to Love Neo-StalinismI hope the events unfolding in Venezuela has been an awakening for people on how the Hard-Core Lefties think, and the cognitive dissonance they bathe in will lead to the horrors of tyranny every single time it is tried!Hugo Chavez, who has been given dictatorial powers "only during the current emergency", and an extended term in office, has assumed the worship of the American Communists once only occupied by El Presidente Fidel Castro. And, like him, he will continue...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

National Taxpayers Conference 2007

The National Taxpayers Union and Iowans for Tax Relief has organized the National Taxpayers Conference 2007 for June 14-16, 2007 in Washington, DC.Visit the Conference WebpageBrowse the Draft AgendaHat Tip: Bill L.The Mission of the NTU:NTU was established in 1969 to educate taxpayers, the media, and elected officials on a non-partisan basis on the merits of limited government and low taxes. NTU uses a variety of means to accomplish our work including direct mail, research papers, public speaking, email, advertising, the Internet, and lobbying.NTUF...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Now That is a Monster Pig !!!

I was checking out Drudge, and found this story about a 1,000 plus pound wild boar killed in Alabama by an 11-year old boy. An excerpt from the article:MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Hogzilla is being made into a horror movie. But the sequel may be even bigger: Meet Monster Pig. An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog his father says weighed a staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9-feet-4 from the tip of its snout to the base of its...

Friday, May 25, 2007

Gunfight at Ghost Town In The Sky

I went to the re-opening of Ghost Town In The Sky today, and enjoyed myself. I took over 300 pictures, and several videos. I have posted the video of the gunfight here, and will be posting the photos here and on my photoblog as I get around to it.I will definitely be going back when the Cliff Hnager Roller Coaster opens later this summer, and will have to figure a way to secure my camera and glasses...don't wanna see them flying down a 1,000 foot...

5 Dead in Crash, Driver Unlicensed and Possibly an Illegal Alien

A horrible head-on collision yesterday morning in Mitchell County, North Carolina killed five people.An S-10, driven by Roberto Sixtos, about 20 yrs old, of Mexico and Marion, NC crossed the centerline and corrected back into his lane, where he struck the Land Rover driven by 58 yr-old Jimmie Dotts, of Mitchell County,, who had swerved into the other lane to avoid the S-10. All five were dead by the time a NC Highway Patrol Trooper arrived five minutes later. [Link to AC-T Photo Gallery]Sixtos did not have a Drivers License, and it is currently...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

New Blog: Survival Strategies

Ever wonder about what you would need to know in case the Schumer hits the fan, and our infrastructure collapses? Remember Katrina? That storm disrupted the infrastructure for a few weeks, but food and other emergency supplies were being trucked in within a week or so. Not many were prepared, and certainly very few in New Orleans were...A new blog called Survival Strategies, has come to my attention, and I would like for you to go take a look, and maybe start preparing for the inevitable collapse [short or long term] of our infrastructur...

Supporting Forces of Freedom Abroad

There is an interesting post on the Center for Vigilant Freedom/910 Group Blog about the nature of our war with the radical elements of Islam, whom I refer to as Islamic Imperialists, and our general ignorance regarding same.But our governments often refuse to admit that they are under an Information War siege, and they refuse to keep and defend that solid constitutional terrain they’ve received as a legacy from earlier generations. Demoralized by political correctness, they can’t believe that constitutional laws and Western values are the high...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

R.I.P. America

In loving memory... The United States of America 1775-2007 It was good while it lasted. Too bad it's over. Every great country must come to an end. In man's history, the average age of a great civilization is about 200 years. America made it a bit longer, but now it's time has come as well. Now I don't mean to say that overnight the place will suddenly cease to exist. However, the America that was created over 200 years ago is completely gone now. It's been on a decline for some time, and this really is it. I remember well the celebrations...

BIll Whittle Has An Idea

Essayist Bill Whittle, the essayist, has put up a two part essay [One] [Two] [More] and "something wonderful" and you really should read it, and if so moved, participate.I have noticed an interesting phenomenon in certain circles within the last year, the formation of communities of like-minded people willing to act in order to effect change in our society. These groups range all the way from local political groups, to national and international movements in the political range, and beyond.My belief is that people have had enough of the destruction...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Blogs for Borders Video Blogburst 2007 0522

It's that time again!Read the pos...

Senate Blinks on Amnesty Bill

Well, your phones calls, faxes, and emails have worked! The Senate is putting off deliberating on this atrocious bill. We cannot rest on our laurels, and must continue working toward getting them to build a secure border, north and south, before arresting the border-crossing lawbreakers.Read Amnesty Fraud by Thomas Sowell.Also, a brief heads up, I will be pursuing a program of monitoring one of the local spots for hiring illegal aliens, and will be reporting on the employers who hire them, both online, and to federal stay tuned...

Monday, May 21, 2007

The “Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007”

Even if it passes both Houses, and is signed by the President, it will never be fully implemented!How do I come to this conclusion?Quoting from the introduction about when the Act becomes effective:shall become effective on the date that the Secretary submits a written certification to the President and the Congress that the following border security and other measures are funded, in place, and in operation: (1) Staff Enhancements for Border Patrol: The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Border Patrol has, in its continued effort to increase...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Prophet of Doom

I just got through listening to the archived podcast of Atlas on the Air I downloaded earlier this week, where Pamela interviews the author of The Prophet of Doom.I believe this interview should receive wider coverage, even though it has a few bitter pills for me to swallow.From his website:Islam in Muhammad's Own Words Islam is a caustic blend of paganism and twisted Bible stories. Muhammad, its lone prophet, conceived his religion to satiate his lust for power, sex, and money. He was a terrorist. And if you think these conclusions are shocking,...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Amnesty Deal Will Cost McCain the White House

I will admit it, I was a little concerned that Arizona Senator John McCain might get the GOP nomination for President.Now, with Senate Passage of the "Immigration Reform," I can rest easy. He will not get the nomination. He may survive Giga-Tuesday, but that will only be the shear force of his nation-endangering ego.My utter disgust with Senator McCain began with McCain-Feingold,[a law that I will not follow, should I ever fall under it's provision] and he continues to work to destroy America on our dime to this day.I will say that Governor Mitt...

Friday, May 18, 2007


Shame on the Senate for passing Amnesty!To learn more, and act visit West Carolina Report.Spend an hour today on the phone with your elected critter's staff. Call the Leadership of both parties, and the White House Comment Line. This may be your last chance to save our Republi...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Horror in Knoxville: The Legacy Media Remains Silent

**Update**According to a commenter, he was on the story before the Malkin.If Malkin did use his material without attribution, that is just wrong, even if your web page appears to be of a White Supremacist flavor...and doubly cursed by me for being so.Check out this Video.Hat Tip: Al Fin (I heard it first on Quinn & Rose, but could find no links.)CommentaryI think it is time for bloggers to start paying attention to their regional wire stories, and their local papers and crime blotter reports, and report on the stories that the Legacy Media...

Pearl Harbor, Asheville Style

Statement by Mike ThompsonIn the worst secretive tradition of Imperial Japan's military leaders, as so tragically demonstrated at Pearl Harbor, Asheville's City Council last night pounced on its peaceful neighbors at Biltmore Lake without the decency of a warning.The sneak attack on our community is not only a date that will live in infamy, it is a day that will cost taxpayers of the City of Asheville huge legal bills to defend in court–because the North Carolina Supreme Court already has ruled that such greed-motivated annexation as envisioned...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

BBC Video: The Lyre Bird

I'm a sucker for nature films, and David Attenborough is one of my favorites.Watch this amazing video of a Lyre Bird as it imitates other birds in pursuit of a mate. It also can imitate manmade sounds. I thought the Mockingbird was pretty goo...

Ron Paul: Utterly Clueless

Or, Ron Paul Channels Cindy SheeHagHat Tip: Gateway Pund...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Guest CommentaryPARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY by WNCCB2I had a lot of sympathy for the parents of the missing 4-year-old girl who disappeared while they vacationed in Portugal. Who wouldn’t?Until I read the details. Funny how those change your perspective. Buried in paragraph five of a recent story is the incriminating statement:“The girl vanished May 3 after her parents left her, and her brother and sister, both aged 2, alone while they went to a nearby restaurant within their hotel complex in Portugal's Algarve region, a popular European tourist destination.”Excuse...

NC Senate Votes To Junk The Constituional Electoral College

North Carolina moved a big step closer to joining a national movement that could lead to the president of the United States being elected by popular vote.The state Senate, by a 30-18 partisan vote, passed legislation that would direct North Carolina's Electoral College delegates to vote for the presidential candidate with the most votes nationwide -- not the one with the most votes in the state -- if the national movement proves successful. So far, only Maryland has signed on, but more than 40 states are considering legislation that could bring...

Monday, May 14, 2007

Starting Year Three of Thunder Pig

First, the Bad News:I am considered a domestic terrorist, and not just by the lefties:Are you a terrorist?Your score is 85%You are a domestic terrorist -- according to the US government. In fact, you scored so high that your name is likely in one of the super-secret government databases and your phone and email usage may be monitored. After all, the government needs to watch you to keep everyone else safe. Those "rights" you claim to have were...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Connections: Communists and Illegal Alien Rallies

Across the U.S., spirited and determined demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of workers took place on May Day, international day of the working class. In L.A., Chicago and New York City, in Miami and Boston, in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, in Denver, Phoenix, Seattle and Portland, in Detroit, Minneapolis, and many many more cities and towns, working people stood as one to demand their rights. Everywhere the stand that An Injury to One is an Injury to All could be seen. The actions denounced deportations, detentions and the brutal separation...

Friday, May 11, 2007

VIDEO: Sharia Law Execution of Nine Apostates

Just a reminder about some of the people we are fighting against in Iraq.These practitioners of "The Religion of Peace" mean to rule the world regardless of what we do, or where we live, many even have grown up here to hate us.Download the graphic video from Northeast Intelligence Networ...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

CNN Translation Problems

I heard this yesterday on The Glenn Beck Program, and am glad someone posted it on Google Video:...

Meeting Tonight: Handling Illegal Aliens

Reminder from: Don YeltonTitle: Illegal Immigration TalkDate: Thursday May 10, 2007Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pmLocation: Land-of-Sky Shrine ClubNotes: Find out how Jim Pendergraph, Sheriff of Mecklenburg County, is handling Illegal immigration in his county.Check out the buzz on the internet about this Sheriff of Mecklenburg County:Washington PostSue Myrick News Relea...

A Lefty Post-Mortem on Boycotting Fox News

I'll let them tell themselves:Source: AlterN...

Death by Veganism

Vegan Diet kills baby: ATLANTA (AP) - A vegan couple were sentenced Wednesday to life in prison for the death of their malnourished 6-week-old baby boy, who was fed a diet largely consisting of soy milk and apple juice. Superior Court Judge L.A. McConnell imposed the mandatory sentences on Jade Sanders, 27, and Lamont Thomas, 31. Their son, Crown Shakur, weighed just 3 1/2 pounds when he died of starvation on April 25, 2004. The couple were found guilty May 2...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Survey Says:Three of 6 Jersey Jihadists are Illegal Aliens!

I gathered some quick links and posted them here.I swiped the Biographical Info from Michelle Malkin:NAME: Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer.AGE: 22; Born in Jordan.HOME: Cherry Hill, N.J.OCCUPATION: Drives a cab in Philadelphia.IMMIGRATION STATUS: U.S. citizen.NAME: Dritan Duka.AGE: 28; Born in the former Yugoslavia. Ethnic Albanian.HOME: Cherry Hill, N.J.IMMIGRATION STATUS: In United States illegally.OCCUPATION: Operates Colonial Roofing and National Roofing, which list business address at the home of his brothers, Eljvir and Shain Duka.NAME: Shain Duka.AGE:...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Blogs for Borders BlogBurst 05 08 2007

Cross-Posted from Freedom Folks...The brave folks at Save Our State descend into a Third World hell, on American soil!A Colorado teen is confronted by her deported rapist, on American soil!Can our government be trusted to implement the current amnesty? We take a look at how they're fulfilling their current obligations...If you somehow missed it our May 1st coverage is here and here.ALIPAC follows up on the Macarthur Park mini (Full disclosure: I helped edit the video)See all the SOS coverage of Baldwin (Just keep scrolling,...

Have the Dimocrats Gone Mad, or Just Posturing?

A recent poll seems to indicate that 60% of Democrats believe that President George W. Bush had more to do with 9/11 than Saddam 'The Butcher of Baghdad' Hussein!!!This is an alien concept to me, and I am a heavy consumer of science fiction going back to the early 70's. I have read some very weird stuff. This beats all that with a stick.I have a firm grasp on reality. I am beginning to believe in the concept of mass hysteria, a type of insanity that spreads just by hearing about it. A Vocal Virus. Eating away at your brain, until you become a...

Giuliani Gave to Planned Parenthood (At least 6 times!)

Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani in his campaign appearances this year has stated that he personally abhors abortion, even though he supports keeping a legal right to choose. But records show that in the '90s he contributed money at least six times to Planned Parenthood, one of the country's leading abortion rights groups and its top provider of abortions. Federal tax returns made public by the former New York mayor show that he and his then-wife, Donna Hanover, made personal donations to national, state and city chapters of Planned...

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Spockranos

Yes, I did not work today, and have been up to no good on teh interwebs!Hat Tip : The Knightshi...

Mormon Beliefs via You Tube

I found this on The Hendersonville Pos...

Congressman Heath Shuler in the News

Newly elected Representative--and former NFL quarterback--Heath Shuler has gotten himself into the news. Only not the way he would likely have wanted.First off, there is this little tidbit, which indicates that Shuler is not willing to give religious groups hiring and firing ability when it comes to their participation in Head Start. As Ramesh Ponnuru notes, even some liberals in the House Democratic Caucus believe that this proposal goes a bit too far to the Left. Why Shuler feels he needs to make this proposal is something of a mystery and how...

From Support to Surrender: Democrats on Iraq

I found this video on Gateway Pundi...

The Syntax of a HexaDecimal Drumroll

There is a certain Hexadecimal string floating around the internet that has certain knickers in a wad, and local blogger syntax has converted it into a drum roll.All I can say is wow! Go have a liste...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

What Do We Fight For?

I have tried to contribute to a new vocabulary by coining the word “Caucasophobia” for anti-white racism, and have suggested the term “self-termination” for organized Western self-loathing and the Western policy of unilaterally dismantling our own culture. Both terms are OK, but if somebody can come up with something better and more catchy, I’m all ears. One can say many bad things about the word “Islamophobia,” but it’s easy to understand and sticks...

Democrat Leaders in NC House Force Irresponsible"Sexuality"-Education Bill Through Health Committee!

In a stunning and very public abuse of power during Tuesday's committee meeting, the Democrat leadership (Ray Rapp, Madison Co. and Bob England, Rutherford Co.) not only refused to hear testimony from anyone who opposed the Sex-Ed bill (H879), they didn't even allow a formal vote to be taken! "Why not?" you ask? Read what the bills author, Rep. Susan Fisher (D) of Buncombe County told the Charlotte Observer after the fiasco took place:Fisher acknowledged after the hearing that the bill may not have had the votes to pass the committee, and moving...

An Open Letter to Dr. McClain at Duke by John Armor

Guest CommentaryFolks,I am, of course, upset with the behavior of many members of the Dukefaculty in condemning in advance and without evidence, the Dukelacrosseplayers who have now been cleared. Of the 88 faculty who are theserious offenders, this woman is the worst of the lot. Hence thisletter to her.JohnPaula McClain, Professional Black PersonAn Open Letter to Dr. McClain at Duke:[BB 545, 5 May 2007, 706 words]I'm writing to you because you are part of the Gang of 88, theProfessors at Duke University who took out a full-page ad in the Dukenewspaper...

Hillary Clinton is God's Man!

By Rev. Phillip "Flip" BenhamMay 5, 2007NewsWithViews.comIt appears that the political arm of the Christian Right is attempting to save the Republican Party from its own inevitable self-destruction. It cannot be done! The Republican Party has no intention of honoring God or His Word, and God has every intention of bringing this Party to an ignominious end.The election of Hillary Rodham Clinton as president of the United States of America in 2008, will be the seal and the end of a failed Party that sold its birthright for a mess of pottage. It...

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Drudge Flashes Numbers on Debates

Drudge has flashed the comparative numbers on the nights of the Democrat and GOP Presidential debates:FLASH: FOXNEWS O'REILLY TOPS MSNBC GOP DEBATE FOR NIGHT... O'REILLY PULLS 2,314,000 VIEWERS...DEBATE SCORES 1,762,000...[DEM DEBATE WEEK BEFORE HIT 2,261,000]...FOXNEWS HANNITY/COLMES AT 1,548,000... MOREACTUAL DEBATE COVERAGE: 8-9:30PM:FNC 2,023,000MSNBC 1,762,000CNN 599,000More people watched FOXNEWS TALKING about debate than the actual DEBAT... and The White Nationalists

Get Thee Henc...

Video: The Pro-Legal View of the Illegal Alien Protests

Source: Americans Defending Freedom At Sovereign BordersHat Tip: Richard B.CommentaryThe Confrontation is coming, will you be ready?I have recently received a flood of information that I will be trying to post here as articles and on my sidebar and on my other websites under development relating to the Illegal Alien Invasion of our Republic, and the trampling of our rights by the Federal Governmen...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Video: Pro-Illegal Protest

I found this video while exploring Live Leak, shot by a pro-Illegal Alien team. Language Not Suitable For Work. Also note the Communist Party line spouted by some of the participants, the Mexican Flags, and the Red Flags.I find it funny that some of these people wish for guns, and I can guarantee you that most of them are for gun contro...

The Jihad in Europe; Demographic Invasion USA

One of my favorite bloggers was recently in Europe attending a Counter Jihad Summit [One] [Two] [Three] [Four] [*Five*] [Six] last month. The fifth link contains the meat if you only have time to read one.All this to get you to the point of a recent post entitled, "Conversations with Fjordman" where he discusses the state of the jihad in Europe. A snippet: The more I investigate the Great Jihad, the more important Europe seems. The United States military fights on the front lines of the “War on Terror”, but Europeans live on the front lines....

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Fishburne and Morgan on Take A Stand

Filed Under Breaking News [I will replace my links w/ links to WWNC Podcasting as soon as they become available.]Part of the discussion turns to Congressman Shuler and Earmarks, listen to the first segment here.Segment Two 3.46pm Mike Harrison resigns from Buncombe GOP chair.Segment Three.3.56pm Outside money for ShulerSegment Four.4.04pm Campaign Finance discussedDownload Hour One from WWNC.Hour Two [will be delayed due to upload error] 4.26pmSegment Five 4.32pmSegment Six 4.53pm More callers,HR 800Segment Seven Replaced corrupted file 5.06pm...