I was checking out Drudge, and found this story about a 1,000 plus pound wild boar killed in Alabama by an 11-year old boy. An excerpt from the article:
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Hogzilla is being made into a horror movie. But the sequel may be even bigger: Meet Monster Pig. An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog his father says weighed a staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9-feet-4 from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires.
Source: Breit Bart

Meet Monster Pig
A website has been put up to commemorate the kill, and in a move to warm the very cockles of my capitalist heart, make a little money from the accomplishment! I haven't seen the site yet, because it has lots of photos, and ten minutes later, it is still loading...I am on dial up that wavers in speed from 28K to 45K depending on how many people in my neighborhood are online.
You've GOT to get a better internet connection...
Hey, when I lived in Jackson County, 28K was the best I could hope for!!!
Verizon has been telling me for over a year that DSL will be here in three months...I think it is a standard answer, even the repair man laughed when I asked him about the three months while he was replacing my line when it got struck by lightning last summer.
Cable stops at the city limits three miles away. It is Mediacom, so they are not interested in expansion. Satellite is not an option because they SEVERELY limit your bandwidth.
I just go to Western and use their computers to do my Multimedia uploading and downloading, which consumes about 100GB of their bandwidth. (I use HTTRACK to download websites that take too long to download at home, and read them offline.)
Well God love ya.
I'd rather watch Charles Taylor do his morning exercises than wait on 28k...
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