
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Saturday, June 30, 2007

Terrorists Attack Britain

Photo Courtesy Sky NewsThere is a series of terrorist attacks underway in Britain right now, and I will be linking to coverage over at West Carolina Report as events develop this afternoon.24 Hour Alert TonesLuckily so far, they appear to be amateurs. Let's hope they don't trigger others sympathetic to their cause on this side of the pon...

Debate Thread 01

This for anyone over at Scrutiny Hooligans who wish to follow me home to continue the debate.I welcome the opportunity to do so, should anyone take me up on it.Cheer...

Across The Mountains 2007 Edition

A local newspaper, the Sylva Herald and Ruralite, has published an excellent glossy magazine, Across The Mountains, dedicated to the attractions of Jackson County, North Carolina.If you are not close enough to drive and pickup a copy, you may download a pdf version of this year's and last year's editions. I just got through reading my copy, and I highly recommend it for those who plan to visit the are...

The Truth About Cuban Health Care

Or, How I Quit Worrying and Learned to Love Universal HealthHillary CareOne of the favorite things by Lefties is to try to present Cuban Health care as a "Model System" for the rest of the world. They usually get away with it because Cuba has become a Hell Hole under Communist Dictator Fidel Castro, that no one in their right mind goes there anymore.The Cuban Government issues every tourist a "minder" while they are there, and interaction with the oppressed is severely limited. Nevertheless, word does get out, and so do photographs of the appalling...

Friday, June 29, 2007

Video: Hunting For a Red November


Senators Dole, Burr, and The Daily Planet

I'd like to thank both of North Carolina's US Senators for voting against cloture on the latest Amnesty attempt by those who would destroy America.Who' would have thunk that Dole would be more sensitive to her constituents than Burr, who has been touted as more conservative than Dole.This is a victory that belongs to the conservative grassroots movement, and is but one of many to come. 2008 is looking better all the time.The Asheville Daily Planet has published an article about the Rally to Stop Illegal Immigration, and did a much better, and...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Is Elizabeth Edwards a Hypocrite?

Remember the Nutroots blogger hired by the John Edwards Campaign?Check out this video of Elizabeth Edwards call-in to Hardball the other day, and an entertaining remix at Hot Air embedded below:I am sooo glad that the HildaBeast is waxing the floor with the Breck Girl...I really think he is the most likely to win in 2008 if he could get the nod from the Primaries.I think there is nothing so intolerant as a tolerant Lefty. [Link to an example]Local Lefties on the kerfuffle:Where's The Outrage?Scrutiny Hooliga...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Asheville Rally Report part three

This is part three in a series about the Rally to Stop Illegal Immigration held Saturday in Ferguson Auditorium on the campus of AB-Tech in Asheville, NC.Dr Carl Mumpower part 1Dr Carl Mumpower part 2Ron Woodard, of NC Listen, part 1.Ron Woodard, of NC Listen, part 2. Ron Woodard, of NC Listen, part 3.William Gheen of ALIPAC part 1William Gheen of ALIPAC part 2William Gheen of ALIPAC part 3and, below are placeholders for two more videos, featuring Lee Anthony Nievez, of You Don't Speak For Me, which are awaiting review from Revver.Lee Anthony...

Put Senator Burr on the Spot

LIVE CONFERENCE CALLwith current Amnesty SupporterSenator Richard Burr's officeWinston-SalemThursday, June 28th8:00-10:00 amAll legal citizens of North Carolina WelcomeBe there to encourage our Senator do the right thingHelp make Richard Burr's unscheduled conference call on June 28th a successIf a sufficient number of citizens show up at Senator Burr's Winston-Salem office on Thursday from 8:00-10:00, it is likely that his staff will be able to locate him in Washington such that he can afford those he was elected to represent a few minutes in...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Asheville Rally Report part two

This is part two in a series covering the Rally to Stop Illegal Immigration put on Saturday by the Action Club of Buncombe County Saturday in Ferguson Auditorium on the campus of AB-Tech in Asheville, NC. part oneFern Shubert, former District 35 Senator, spoke about a misleading study by UNC professors that downplayed the high cost of illegal immigration in North Carolina. The professors were selected by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Mexican Consulate. part twoFern Shubert continues with how North Carolina newspapers worked...

Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst 062607

Domestic terrorism in California!Arson on the border!100% Preventable!I know how sick I am of saying it, so I can only imagine how sick youare of hearing it but, please take the time out of your busy schedule tocall your congresscritters! NumbersUSA gots the good stuff.BFBVB member ThunderPig sent me video of an Pro-legal immigration (Imtired of calling patriotic Americans who are against ILLEGAL immigrationanti anything) rally in his neck of the woods (North Carolina) afterthe show had already been put to bed. Videopost here, he will be updating...

Monday, June 25, 2007

Asheville Rally Report part 1

This is part one of a series, including video and numerous photos of the event and people attending.***Slide Show added to bottom of post. --TP 805am.[Videos will be added later this morning when I get access to a fast internet connection. --TP]Mobile Rally BannerI attended the Rally to Stop Illegal Immigration held at Ferguson Auditorium from 2 to 5pm Saturday afternoon on the campus of AB-Tech by The Action Club of the Buncombe County Republican...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Stop Illegal Immigration Rally in Asheville, NC

The rally is tomorrow at AB Tech. The red tape has been cut through, speakers lined up, Invitations sent, and other things I can't speak to just yet...just show up!Saturday, June 23, at 2pm Ferguson Auditorium Laurel Building AB-TECH on Victoria Road Asheville, NCPS A couple of our speakers will be on Take A Stand with Matt Mittan on WWNC-AM 570 sometime between 3pm and 6pm today.WWNC Live Stream (Seems to only work in Internet Explorer for me)Take A Stand WebpageI will be posting photos and video...

The Do Nothing Congress

The 110th Congress has passed 71 bills thus far. 31 of those bills have been signed into law. Of the 31, 17 were to rename federal properties.Source: RedstateSome people might complain about a Congress that does nothing. Not me! I am very glad that Congress remains in a multi-year deadlock that has existed for at least since the 107th Congress, and very glad that the Democrats will get a taste of just exactly what a slium majority in both Houses really means, and whet their appetites with seeing a President who has finally found his veto pen.Sure,...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Ice Age Cometh!!!

The Human-caused Global Warming crowd keep telling us "the science is settled," and are so fearful of their "facts," that they will not debate the thing, and expose it to criticism, like real science is conducted. The Global Warming hysteria is being pushed on us for political reasons, not scientific ones.Now, more research is being devoted to the global climate, and the truth is coming out: we are headed for another ice age...perhaps as early as...

Behind Illegal Immigration & Amnesty

According to the press and liberals, greedy corporations and their friends in Washington, specifically rich white capitalist Republicans, are the driving force behind Senate efforts to legalize illegal immigration through S.1348 – the Senate Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007. We know for certain that at least one rich white "compassionate conservative" is behind the anti-American Amnesty Agenda - President Bush. But who else is driving this agenda? S.1348 was sponsored by new Senate Majority leader Harry ...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Peace Activist Gets 16 Years for Beating Dear Friend With Bat & Throwing Another Woman Through Window

I shamelessly stole the title for this post from Gateway Pundit, where he details the story of a violent peace activist.I can report that most peace activists I have known are mean, nasty, and very unhappy people. I have also noted that heartfelt, derisive laughter has been known to cause a violent reaction in these same people.I'm just sayin'...Have You Laughed at a Peace Activist Toda...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Opera Guy

I first heard about The Opera Guy on Quinn and Rose the other day.Amazing! I will see if I can get the recording up in the morning of Quinn as he describes the video, and expounds on i...

Monday, June 18, 2007

A Taste of Scotland Photos

A gentle reminder to check out my photos of "A Taste of Scotland" in Franklin this past weekend. I have selected about 40 photos to post, and will be posting them for the next couple of days or so at my photoblog [Link], which is a pixel hog because I can't stand small pix on a computer monitor!I have several video clips to upload, and will be working on that when I get access to a high-speed connection. I have at least a dozen of those I will post at my You Tube Channel [Link]I won't feature all of them here, so be sure to keep checking You Tube.Thanks...

Bar Fight in the Blue Ridge: Screwy Responds

Screwy Hoolie has taken up the gauntlet thrown by John Armor.This could get interesting should John respond.Here is a partial response by me...Here is more information on Union Card Check procedure that Screwy leaves out:The union is conducting a "card check" organizing drive at my workplace, and I am not interested in union representation. What are my rights?If a union collects signed "authorization cards" from 50% plus 1 of the employees in a particular bargaining unit, your employer could declare that the union is the exclusive representative...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

A Taste of Scotland: Dancers 1

These girls are The Scottish Highland Dancers of Greeneville, TN.This is the first of three videos of them at the "A Taste of Scotland" festival in Franklin, NC.I also have taken many photos which will be available at my photoblo...

Let Asheville Vote!

A Group of people are upset over the return to partisan elections in Asheville, and have started a petition drive, and now have a Yahoo! Group and a website called, Let Asheville Vote.The Asheville Bloggers I am familar with have been silent on the issue, but not the Mountain Xpress, home of socialism in Asheville:In a split and controversial vote, the Asheville City Council on Tuesday, June 12, decided to make the city’s mayoral and Council elections a partisan affair, pitting Democrats against Republicans (not to mention lesser parties and independents).Mayor...

Murder of US Naval Officer Provided a Window into the 21st Century

I remember the brutal torture and murder of Robert Stethem by Muslim Terrorists 20 years ago. I was angry at President Reagan for his lack of response. While we were doing good things in Nicaragua, I felt betrayed. I thought he had learned the lesson of dealing with nasty nastier. It works every time.I was reminded of those days when I ran across a post on the Northeast Intelligence Network on my morning rounds:15 June 2007: Twenty-two years ago today, U.S. Navy petty officer, Robert D. Stethem was savagely beaten, executed and thrown...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Bar Fight in the Blue Ridge: The Coming Battle for NC 11 by John Armor

Guest CommentaryBar Fight in the Blue Ridge: The Coming Battle for NC 11 by John ArmorYou'd think that what happens in western Carolina, in the 11th Congressional District, isn't very important to the powers-that-be in Washington. That's usually so. But not now. And two extraordinary events that have occurred a year and a half before the 2008 election for that seat, prove the point.Some of you are aware of the TV ads now being run by AFSCME that paint freshman Congressman Heath Shuler, NC 11th, as a good guy. The ad sponsor's full name is American...

Taste of Scotland Festival in Franklin, NC

Scotland Rules in the Smokies!!!Friday Night Ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee means party!)Food and Entertainment at the Big Bear Shelter on the Greenway.5.00pm...Bagpipe Music with Jean Hayes6.00pm...BBQ & Music by Patton Valley Strings6.45pm...Performance by Kula & TruenSymposiums— Friday, June 15, 5 p.m. - “So You Want to Play the Bagpipes” Speaker: Piper Jean Hayes.Jean Hayes is the official piper for the Tartans Museum. She pipes on Fridays throughout the summer for parades and events at the museum and competes at the Grandfather Mountain...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Local Talk Host Forcibly Removed from Asheville City Council Meeting

My previous post on this subject(mysteriously, or negligently!) disappeared.So, here goes again:Hat Tip to Tim Peck for the video, and Sandra for the alert to listen to WWNC.Background:The Asheville City Council has been on a tear to change over from non-partisan elections to partisan election. Specifically, Shadow Mayor Brownie Newman has been pimping for this idea.I have supported it, because I see advantage to the GOP in this situation due to the neo-Stalinists on the City-Council showing their hand too early.Tim Peck posting on issue.By a...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Iraqi Freedom Journal #666


Video: "Tear Down This Wall"

Today marks the 20th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's challenge that marked the climax of the Cold War, or World War Three. We beat them so badly, they changed their nam...

The Most Ethical 'Democratic' Congress Keeps Slush Fund for Secret Earmarks

I am sure we all remember Congress Critter Nancy Pelosi stating that the 110th Congress would be the most ethical Congress in History [Lefty Link]. Hopefully, none of you were driving, or had food in your mouth when you heard it. In my opinion, the most ethical Congress would be one that was composed entirely of Freshmen in their first term as public officials, but I digress...on to the story!After election year promises of “the most ethical and open Congress in history,” transparency, House Democrats will include slush funds for billions in secret...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Video: Fred Thompson on Plutonic Warming

I'm neck-deep in a series of projects for the 2007 and 2008 Election Cycles, and found this while looking for something else....

Monday, June 11, 2007

OBAMA: The Musical

I still like the Sesame Street Version bette...


Guest CommentaryReading the news about the latest detainees of the Iranian government almost makes me laugh. We are somehow supposed to get concerned and upset, but I have a hard time doing so. The Iranian-American peace activist from California, Ali Shakeri, is none other than the founding board member of the University of California at Irvine - get this - Center for Citizen Peace Building. He joins fellow peace activists in the custody of the Iranian not-so-secret police. So far, his mission to have ordinary Citizens build peace bridges...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Looney Liberals Lose Again!

One of Quinn's Laws (the first) states that "Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent. Similarly, government bureaucracies never solve problems, they manage them and exacerbate the ones they created by interfering with market forces and processes. "In 1972, enviroweenies decided to make an artificial reef out of old tires, even receiving an okey dokey from the Army Corps of Engineers. Now, 35 years later, the tires have created a dead zone in the ocean and some 700,000 must be retrieved from the sea.An excerpt from the...

How Many Islambergs Are There?

The story of Islamberg is finally breaking through to the Legacy Media after more than two years of awareness in the blogosphere. Shoot, even a local radio show addressed the problem of Jemaat al-Fuqra in October of 2005, and I have the CD to that show around here somewhere when the Baron discussed it in some detail.An excerpt:a school bus located within the compound of Islamberg - a bus like our children ride to school, we need to be paying close attention to what is taking place inside America and in our own back yards. This bus appears to hold...

Friday, June 8, 2007

The POSTED PENALTY for Illegally Crossing the Border

ALL Current ILLEGAL ALIENS GUILTY OF A $5000 FINEIllegal Entry Into the U.S. is a Felony subject to a $5,000 fine, or imprisonment for no more than 1 year, or both.The law has been confirmed. It does, indeed, exist. Illegal Aliens are ALREADY subject to a $5,000 fine. Why should we trust that the government will... enforce THIS NEW fine when they have ignored the one already in effect? Why do they have to write A NEW LAW, when one already exists?...

The Battle Against 21st Century Communism

Fjordman is blogging at the Gates of Vienna again, so go read what he has to say on a series of subjects near and dear to my heart, Defending Liberty and Resisting Oppression:Perhaps the new frontier of liberty in the 21st century consists ofbattling for national sovereignty in legislation, for a nation’s right to decidehow much immigration it wants to accept, if any, and the fight against theimposition of quotas, hate speech laws, hate crime legislation and other threatsto the individual’s right to free speech and to defense of his own property,...

North Carolina Mental Health Mess[BUMPED]

This was first posted on June 5, 2007. I am bumping it back to the top due to the local paper finally getting around to printing the story. Excerpts and link to the story are after this post. [TP]I've seen article in newspapers [News & Observer] and read blogs [Scrutiny Hooligans] that have addressed a need for state funds for a state health system.Yesterday, it became real for me as far as possible consequences of not funding the mental health system. I sat in a courtroom in Macon County, and witnessed a man being sentenced to 288 plus months...

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Ron Paul Teleconference Tonight at 9pm

Wanna hear 9-11 Conspiracy Kooks?Call (605) 475-8500 and use Code 592984 at the prompt.The Teleconference will begin at 9pm, so get in early and be prepared to be entertaine...

What if D-Day Happened in 2007?

Only too true...just look at the lopsided reporting, and editorializing about Iraq....

Quiz: Nerd, Geek, or Dork?

I found a link to this quiz on Ogre's Politics & Views, and unsurprisingly, finished in the 99 percentile in all categories! Your Score: Modern, Cool Nerd 78 % Nerd, 73% Geek, 26% Dork For The Record:A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.You...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Blogs For Borders Video BlogBurst 2007 0605

Check out the post at Freedom Folk...

Video: Remembering D-Day


Flash Traffic: The Invasion of Europe Has Begun

Part OnePart TwoA 7am News Report from June 6, 1944 ripped from XM Radio Channel 4 which is running an all-day Special Report, in real time of the reports from Fortress Europe, as they become available.I thank God we had such men, and still d...

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Insight on freedom Back in Business!

Attention: "INSIGHT on Freedom" readers and commenters! INSIGHT on Freedom has been reviewed and released (UNLOCKED) by Blogger effective today, 6-04-07! Is this record time… or what? Thank you for your moral support, and your concern, and for standing with another Blogger. It matters not which side of the political spectrum you inhabit, Bloggers truly do form a tight community stretching across the web. It has proven to be a caring community and one, which is quickly moved to support other bloggers, if, and when, the need arises. ...

Remembering Tiananmen Square

I remember the students massacred at Tiananmen Square by the Chinese government. I also remember the weak response by the West in general and President George H.W. Bush in particular. Not one of the leaders of Western governments possessed an ounce of the courage that filled the students in that square.I wonder how many were killed, how many still languish in prison? How many still perform hard labor?A Photo Essay can be found at Christus RexThe National Security Archives has a Declassified HistoryWikipedia has a page as well.I tend to have a...