This is part one of a series, including video and numerous photos of the event and people attending.
***Slide Show added to bottom of post. --TP 805am.
[Videos will be added later this morning when I get access to a fast internet connection. --TP]

I attended the Rally to Stop Illegal Immigration held at Ferguson Auditorium from 2 to 5pm Saturday afternoon on the campus of AB-Tech by The Action Club of the Buncombe County Republican Party.
Bill Fishburne was the Master of Ceremonies and provider of factoids between speakers. He opened the meeting in Spanish.
The Reverend Dr. J. Wendell Runion, of WKJV Radio, led the Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and the singing of the Star Spangled Banner.
Dr. Kathie Lack, President of The Action Club, welcomed everyone for their attendance on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. (There were at least 100 in attendance).
Kathy Rhodarmer, Vice-President of The Action Club, showed the famous gumball video 'Immigration By The Numbers," by Roy Beck, of NumbersUSA.
Andrew Dunn, of The Eagle Forum and Action Club, spoke to Illegal Immigration, including a quote of President Teddy Roosevelt on the importance of assimilation of new immigrants. He also addressed the importance of calling your local elected officials and voicing opposition to Amnesty for Illegal Aliens.
I will end part one with a link to local coverage, which will become more important when you see the video of William Gheen of ALIPAC.
AC-T Coverage
The Asheville Daily Planet had reporters in attendance, but their report is not online yet, and WLOS had a camera there, but I do not know if they aired any footage. If they sent a reporter, he/she/it kept a very low profile, and they left early in the event, before the keynote speakers spoke.
As per William Gheen of ALIPAC's request, please call Senator Richard Burr's DC Office [202-224-3154] and ask that he meet with William Gheen, and remind him that you are watching for his vote to oppose the Motion for Cloture, and to vote No on the Comprehensive Immigration Bill. 2010 is not that far away, and his vote will give us an indication to start looking for a replacement.
Slide Show
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