Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A New North Carolina
The SSN-777 will be commissioned Saturday, and her name is North Carolina.Here is a series of three videos about he...
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation Has Switched To Cold
Brrrr!....sounds like more cool weather headed this way!A cool-water anomaly known as La Niña occupied the tropical Pacific Ocean throughout 2007 and early 2008. In April 2008, scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced that while the La Niña was weakening, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation—a larger-scale, slower-cycling ocean pattern—had shifted to its cool phase. This image shows the sea surface temperature anomaly in the Pacific Ocean from April 14–21, 2008. The anomaly compares the recent temperatures measured by the Advanced...
The Final Solution
Tomorrow is Yom Hazikaron la Shoah ve-Gvuta, or Yom HaShoah for those of us can't speak Hebrew. It means Remembrance Day for the Holocaust and Heroism. Schedule.Tomorrow at 10.00am Israel Time everything will stop for two minutes during which time air raid sirens will sound throughout Israel to remember the 6 million dead Jewish victims of Adolf Hitler.Six million Jews, among them one-and-a-half million children, were murdered in the Shoah while the world remained silent. The worldwide Holocaust memorial project “Unto Every Person There is a Name”,...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Nation of Islam Provides Security to Obama's Pastor

Speaking before an audience that included Marion Barry, Cornel West, Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party and Nation of Islam official Jamil Muhammad, Wright praised Louis Farrakhan, defended the view that Zionism is racism, accused the United States of terrorism, repeated his view that the government created the AIDS virus to cause the genocide of racial minorities, stood by other past remarks (”God damn America”) and held himself...
BSG Embed S4x06 "Escape Velocity"
The SciFi Channel pulled the old switcheroo on us last week, and did not shoe the full show last, only the fist 20 minutes. I'm glad I missed that...I might have gone off the deep end. Any how, here is the Battlestar Galactica Episode "Escape Velocity" I'll be watching it as soon as it's embedde...
Monday, April 28, 2008
NC-11 Candidates at the 11th District Convention
4/28/2008 09:13:00 AM
Carl Mumpower
citizen journalism
john armor
Spence Campbell
cross-posted on WNC Citizens Blog.Here is the entire debate in an 11 video play list. I edited the candidates last question and closing remarks as separate videos because I could not fit them on one video.I would have had these up yesterday, but my internet connection died on m...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
NCGOP Chair Linda Daves Addresses NC--11 District GOP Convention
**another update** I am not happy with you tube video quality, and have been testing check it out below.**update** Monday Morning...Richard Bernier was able to secure an interview with NCGOP Chair Linda Daves. I have added that video at the end of this post. **note**uploaded at 1.37pm. Give it a few minutes for youtube to process.This lady is a fireball !!!Help keep the ad on the air!!!...
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Congressional Candidates Debate at the NC-11 District GOP Convention
4/26/2008 08:22:00 PM
Carl Mumpower
john armor
Spence Campbell
Here is the first video of the debate among John Armor, Spence Campbell and Carl Mumpower.I will post others to this post as I edit them. This is the second one. There will be no more tonight because I am going to bed. I'll post the rest here tomorro...
(Live Event) NC-11 2008 GOP Convention
If I can establish an internet connection, this is where the video player will be embedded. So, please stand by for further developments.I anticipate beginning the live feed around 11ish am, and starting the pre-game show at 11.30 am.**update** 11.00am Live stream should be working.**update** 11.53 The signal strength has dropped too low to stream video, so I'll have to beg out. Sorr...
Takedown of an Obama Apologist
WARNING! If you are an Obama fan, stop reading now. You've been warned:Obama’s problem associations with Wright, Rezko, and Ayers have really got the creative juices flowing on the left as they twist themselves into rhetorical and intellectual pretzels trying to downplay or dismiss, their candidate’s monumentally poor judgement in hanging around with these folks for much of his adult life.Some may read this apologia for Obama’s associations from Reed Hundt at TPM Cafe and shake their heads in wonderment at the cluelessness of the author. Others...
Friday, April 25, 2008
Israel Saved The World Last Fall

Online Videos by Related: BreitbartCommentaryIf you recall...there was no outcry last fall after Israeli jets struck the facility.I think we all owe Israel a debt of gratitude.Previously: Black News for Black Friday--The Syrian Bomb From AMIA To Armagedd...
Friday Morning Blogburst
One of the Scrutiny Hooligans captured audio of the Hilda Beast last night, and promises photos... [Read post]Read a report on the Buncombe County Democrat Convention that was held last Saturday from a progressive point of view. It also contains a letter written by Buncombe Commission Candidate Cecil Bothwell... [Dancewater] Operation C.H.A.O.S. is bearing fruit among the Democrats as they grow to dislike Hillary more and more everyday. This, in my opinion, could help knock Hillary out of serious contention in 2012 as well as cause those who...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Cult of Sincerity
Here is the first full length feature film to be released to You Tube, Cult of Sincerity...with a catch. To help the makers of the movie out, please go to Aimee Street and sign up. The film makers will get $2 for every person who signs up for the service. Watch the movie, and help them out. They explain it all in the 2 minute and 15 second intro to the movi...
Program Note (Updated)
4/24/2008 05:07:00 AM
citizen journalism
conservative activism
Live Event
self promotion
I'll be running a live webcast from the NC-11 GOP Convention this Saturday, from at least 11.30 am until the end of the convention. So, if you plan on being in the area Saturday, drop by and we'll talk. And if you have a group or candidate you want to promote feel free. If you give me a heads up in the comments, I'll design a graphic I can put onscreen during your appearance to direct viewers to your website.I'll embed the stream on all my websites, and if you want to be added to the network, contact me in the comments, or swipe the embed code...
NCGOP Receives Infusion of Fighting Spirit
The NCGOP has apparently received an infusion of Fighting Spirit from my new heroes, the Carolina Stomper...
Moore and Perdue Update
4/24/2008 04:42:00 AM
Beverly Perdue
NC Governor
north carolina
Richard Moore
WNC Citizen Blog
Cross-posted from WNC Citizens Blog:Tweedledum and Tweedledee continue their battle in the NC Gubernatorial primary race...with Richard Moore's campaign pointing out an endorsement that Beverly Perdue seems to be hiding. The National Rifle Association has endorsed Bev Perdue for North Carolina Governor. I would think that would anger more NRA members than it would gun-hating Democrats. That is one reason I have never joined the NRA...their consistent endorsements of Democrats in North Carolina. If they ever want a membership from me...they'll...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Terrorists Join Progressives Against Blackwater (updated)

One of the memes I've been pushing just got a lift:Insurgents have put together hundreds of propaganda videos ranting about how oh-so-terrible the American troops in Iraq are. But this is the first flick I've seen that directly and exclusively targets the private military contractors like Blackwater that have become a hallmark of the Iraq occupation. Earlier this week, the Sunni insurgent group Islamic Army of Iraq released "Bloody Contracts,"...
Obama Says "Nukes Are Off The Table"
4/23/2008 02:49:00 PM
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
hn McCain
John McCain
World War IV
Barack Hussein Obama says he will not use nukes to defend Israel, or under any circumstance. I guess that makes him the modern day Jimmy "Held Hostage" Carter.Presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday he would not use nuclear weapons "in any circumstance" to fight terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan, drawing criticism from Hillary Rodham Clinton and other Democratic rivals. "I think it would be a profound mistake for us to use nuclear weapons in any circumstance," Obama said, with a pause, "involving civilians." Then he quickly added,...
The Action Club April 2008 Meeting
Richard Berner has knocked another one out of the park with his production of this month's Action Club meeting for his URTV program, Sound Off Buncomb...
Pauleroids Still Plan Disruptions For The GOP Conventions
The Pauleroids (see Ron Paul r3VOLution) have come up with another plan to seize power, and mount another Beer Hall Putsch so their man can become leader of this Republic.Don't believe me? Read on, and learn what is being planned for the GOP Convention...A StrategySome Meetups are already giving up hope, but there is a way for us to get Ron Paul the nomination, and it is absolutely doable.In a nutshell: If enough delegations sit out the first and second vote, McCain won't get his required majority, and the national convention will become a brokered...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Earth Day Sky

I took this photo a couple of years ago while burning off about three hundred acres for a subdivision. Doesn't the sun look beautiful through the smoke of progres...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The John Batchelor Show for April 20th

It's Sunday night, and that means it's time for John Batchelor!If you can't listen to him over the air, you can listen to him from 7pm to 10pm Eastern Devil Time on WABC.The main WABC Stream is not working this week, try this one.Another backup is here.Then, he switches over to KFI for the 10pm to 1am Eastern Devil Time slot.His blog.Enjo...
North Koreans Pay Tribute to American Progressives
I have held the position that lefties (including progressives, code-pink, and Ron Paul Supporters) are useful idiots for our enemies, if not in league with them.Any question...
Candidate Videos on WNC Citizens Blog
Here is an updated list of recent candidate videos from the April meeting of The Action Club:Eric Gorny for Bill Graham (GOP Primary for Governor)Paul Purdue (NC House #115)Joe Dunn (Buncome County Commission)Don Yelton (Buncombe county Commission)Mike Fryar (Buncombe County Commission)It's an odd thing that there are few videos of the Democrat candidates. The only one I am aware of is the one filmed for Sound Off Buncombe of Holly Jones at a Citizens for Change meeting. Of course, it is my contention that putting Democrat candidates on video...
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Battle of Lexington and Concord
Here is a GREAT two-part video that was an entry in the National History Day Project in 2007:"I, Sylvanus Wood, of Woburn, in the county of Middlesex, and commonwealth of Massachusetts, aged seventy-four years, do testify and say that on the morning of the 19th of April, 1775, I was an inhabitant of Woburn, living with Deacon Obadiah Kendall; that about an hour before the break of day on said morning, I heard the Lexington bell ring, and fearing there was difficulty there, I immediately arose, took my gun and, with Robert Douglass, went in haste...
Happy Patroit's Day!!!
This is from Theodore's World:The incident that precipitated the Alarm was a British raid on the colonial powder stored at the Powder House on the Somerville/Medford line. It was one of several "alarms," including ones in Marblehead and Portsmouth, NH, that let the Provincials know the British were clamping down on them, militarily, before Lexington and Concord.People armed were vital to this nation gaining freedom. Now, it's vital to KEEPING it. One of the reasons the colonists were so pissed, was the British had come to confiscate their guns....
The Action Club Aprill 2008 Meeting Videos
4/19/2008 10:50:00 AM
Buncombe County
Sound Off Buncombe
The Action Club
WNC Citizen Blog
At the April 2008 Action Club meeting, some candidates spoke before the group, and Richard Bernier, co-host of Sound Off Buncombe (airs on URTV), was there to record them.I will add the videos as they are uploaded into playlists to WNC Citizens Blog, and linking to them from here.The list so far:Mike FryarDon Yelt...
Soyuz Spacecraft Malfunctions,
Astronauts Safe

The third malfunction in the last five flights sent the Soyuz Space Capsule into a 'ballistic re-entry' that subjected the astronauts to up to 10 gee's and nearly 300 miles off-course:The Russian Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft ferrying Expedition 16 commander Peggy Whitson, of NASA, and her crew to Earth touched down about 295 miles (475 km) short of its target zone on the central Asian steppes of Kazakhstan."The crew is alive and well. The landing was...
Friday, April 18, 2008
Battlestar Galactica 405 "The Ties That Bind"
The SciFi Channel is livestreaming the latest episode "The Ties That Bind" every hour on the hour from 9am to 4pm today.So head on over and watch it if you can't see it tonight at 10p...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Watch Barack Obama Townhall Live
Coutesy Raleigh News & Observer
Updated with Audio of Speech
Apparently I'm not the only one ramping up to provide live coverage of political events. Witness:!-- -->Event is over...processing audio. will have a video clip overview...The event will start at 12.30pm, (now they are saying 1pm) and is in Greensboro Raleigh.Hat Tip: Under the Dome**update** 4.09 pmHere is the audio of his speech:I am very glad to see more people starting to realize that they can webcast events live on the internet, and, despite very little warning, the News & Observer managed to score a peak of 275 viewers (give or take)...
Ambassador Keyes Leaves GOP
HAZLETON, Pa. (AP) — Former Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes announced Tuesday night that he has left the GOP and is considering joining the Constitution Party. Keyes, who also ran as a Republican to challenge Barack Obama's U.S. Senate bid in Illinois in 2004, says he is talking with leaders and rank-and-file members of the Constitution Party. "They're considering me, I'm considering them," Keyes said in a conference call late Tuesday night. "We have so much in common that I find it hard to believe we won't be able to work out a common...
Last Night's Democrat Debate on ABC
Source: You Decide 2008, where you can find a treasure trove of information about this election season, and video of most of the debates. Add it to your bookmark...
Ric Flair Honored in Congress?
I kid you not...Maybe I need a trademark yell.Ric Flair on Wikipedia**update** 4.20pmHere is how it's done:Hat Tip: Tom ...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
WWNC Radio Debate Videos for NC-11 GOP Primary
4/16/2008 05:35:00 PM
110th Congress
Carl Mumpower
john armor
Spence Campbell
Whew!The playlist below is all ten videos covering the entire two-hour debate.Candidate WebsitesJohn ArmorSpence CampbellCarl MumpowerAnd the show website that they candidates appeared on:Take A StandI might just take tomorrow off, and goof around all day, or go look for a job that's easier than this internet stuff.**update** 7.01 pmGo here, if you want to see the videos individuall...
The Pope Says, "God Bless America"
Obama's Pastor of 20 Years Says, "G--D---- America"
WASHINGTON (AP) - An enthralled South Lawn crowd of more than 9,000 sang "Happy Birthday" to Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday—twice—and President Bush said that the first papal White House visit in 29 years was a reminder for Americans to "distinguish between simple right and wrong.""We need your message to reject this dictatorship of relativism and embrace a culture of justice and truth," Bush said in brief remarks welcoming Benedict to the White House. "In a world where some see freedom as simply the right to do as they wish, we need your message...
Local Blogger Pleads: "Leave Barack Alone!"

Local Obama Supporter Gordon Smith has made a video and sent it to me to plead with me to "Leave Barry Alone!":Source: American DigestHat Tip: LawrynI couldn't resist putting these words in Gordon's mouth!...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
NC-11 GOP Candidates Debate on WWNC-AM
4/15/2008 05:24:00 PM
Carl Mumpower
Heath Shuler
john armor
Spence Campbell
The GOP Candidates for the NC-11 Congressional seat debated on the radio today on Matt Mttan's "Take A Stand" Show, which airs on WWNC-AM 570.It usually takes them a few days to put up the podcast, so here is the debate with the commercials edited out.Download Hour OneDownload Hour TwoCandidate websitesJohn ArmorSpence CampbellCarl Mumpow...
Why Barack Obama Will Not Win in November 2008
Some liberal commentators have downplayed the effect of Barack Obama’s fundraising speech at a San Francisco fundraiser last week. But that’s wishful thinking. Along with the revelations about Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright, his remarks in San Francisco will haunt him not only in the upcoming primaries in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia, but also in the general election against John McCain, assuming he gets the Democratic nomination. To win in November, a Democratic presidential candidate has to carry most of the industrial...
John McCain Begins To Court Conservatives,
Calls For Summer Gas Tax Holiday !!!

Yaay!John McCain called today for a federal gasoline tax holiday this summer, his latest proposal to shore up the faltering economy and show he is in touch with struggling Americans. The suspension of the 18.4-cent federal gas tax and 24.4-cent levy on diesel fuel would go from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Gas prices are headed to record highs this summer approaching $3.50 a gallon for regular unleaded. "The effect will be an immediate economic...
Barack Obama, The Bitter Presidential Candidate
by Conservative Voice USA
4/15/2008 10:46:00 AM
Barack Obama
citizen journalism
guest commentary
Christian Churches Begin To Stand Up To Federal Oppressors
Kenneth Copeland Ministries, one of six so-called mega-churches at the center of a U.S. Senate Finance Committee investigation, has informed the committee that it will not cooperate with the probe, citing its concerns about the government targeting certain Christian churches, as well as concerns about privacy and potential First Amendment violations. “The church is deeply concerned that the information Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is seeking could be used to subject the church and its members to public stigma, scorn, and obloquy,” Lawrence Swicegood,...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Obama Going Down in Flames
Or so says the latest figures from Rasmussen: Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters nationwide disagree with Barack Obama’s statement that people in small towns “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 25% agree with the Democratic frontrunner while 19% are not sure. Partisan and ideological differences suggest that the comments are more likely to be a factor in the...
HuffPo Calls McCain Conservative
Here is a little gem I found at the lefty website, Huffington Post:WASHINGTON — The independent label sticks to John McCain because he antagonizes fellow Republicans and likes to work with Democrats. But a different label applies to his actual record: conservative. The likely Republican presidential nominee is much more conservative than voters appear to realize. McCain leans to the right on issue after issue, not just on the Iraq war but also on abortion, gay rights, gun control and other issues that matter to his party's social conservatives....
Sunday, April 13, 2008
SpaceVidCast 003
One of the joys of now having DSL, is that I can keep up with so much more stuff on the internet, and this is one of them: SpaceVidCast WebsiteAnd (if i can remember) I'll put up a reminder or embed the show every wee...
The Seeds of Destruction

The ongoing destruction of Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential continues... Rezko Watch has a wealth of interesting video, audio, and links to more information about Snobgate, where Obama's remarks have revealed how he feels about rural Americans."One of the great pleasures of running for president is to go to some tiny town in Iowa and you've got some guy in overalls and a seahat to say what do you think about the situation in Burma, and you're thinking...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I Am Such A Nerd...

But you probably already knew that if you've read this blog for any length of time!Here are the results of a quiz I found on Hillbilly Politics:Now, the only question remaining is, should I proudly display this on my sideba...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Bob Barr at 7 Percent, and the Libertards Rejoice!
An Essay
I just received this Press Release from the Bob Barr Exploratory For Immediate Release – April 11, 2008 Contact: Audrey@AdvocacyInk.comPh. 703-548-1160 BARR POLLS 7% IN POTENTIAL PRESIDENTIAL BID;Numbers Boost Exploratory Committee Action Atlanta, GA - In a survey commissioned last week by the Bob Barr 2008 Presidential Exploratory Committee, seven percent of likely voters responded that they would vote for the former Georgia congressman for president if he were on the ballot in November....