Thursday, July 31, 2008
Any Way You Like It (Unless You Are A Christian) in Asheville, NC
This is the second installment in a new series devoted to pointing out the principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness that has laid claim to Asheville, NC...and operate from it as a stronghold.Asheville is famous for being a center of satanic New Age activity. The folks at the Buncombe County Tourism Authority want to present Asheville in a positive light, with the newly minted motto, Any Way You Like It, complete with advertising campaign.Last weekend, Asheville celebrated it's 30th Bele Chere, and people came from all over to the festival,...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
John Armor Article in Human Events
7/30/2008 08:04:00 AM
conservative talk
Fairness Doctrine
Free Markets
john armor
neo-Stalinist Tacttics
Local author, raconteur, and former primary candidate in the GOP NC-11 race, has an article on Human Events entitled, "Anybody Remember The Red Lion Case?" and here is a snippet to whet your appetite for more:...What Justice White does not include in his opinion is the relative availability of media when he was writing his opinion. There were slightly more than 4,000 daily newspapers in the United States, then. Most major cities had competing dailies. Some cities like Chicago and New York, had more than six competing newspapers.At the same...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
LA Earthquake Data
Now Called Chino Hills Quake
An earthquake hit Los Angeles this morning (5.4 Magnitude), and here are a few places on the web you can go for more data:USGS InfoUSGS Main WebsiteKNBC Live Stream (LA TV Station)LA Fox 1 Live StreamLA Fox 2 Live StreamThe Live Streaming pages require a broadband connection and probably Windows Media Player. **update** 5.04 PM I noticed on the live feeds that the reporters are calling this quake the Chino Hills quake. Also...LA Fox 2 is not active currently. It may be brought back up in case of breaking new...
Quiz: Nerd, Geek, or Dork?

As I was taking his quiz, I kept thinking to myself..."Have I taken this before?". I looked it up, and sure enough, here are last year's results, (78 % Nerd, 73% Geek, and 26% Dork). Here are my results this year:Your result for The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test...Modern, Cool Nerd83 % Nerd, 70% Geek, 30% Dork For The Record:A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.A Geek is someone who is passionate about some...
Obama's Prayer Approved For Publication
A Ma'ariv spokesman was quoted in the Jerusalem Post as saying that "Barack Obama's note was approved for publication in the international media even before he put in the Kotel, a short time after he wrote it at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem." The paper added that is was "pleased" with its "journalistic accomplishment."The campaign might be less pleased with another pronouncement by Maariv: "In any case," the spokesman said, "since Obama is not a Jew, publishing the note does not constitute an infringement on his right to privacy.Source:...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Is Abu Khabab A Shish Kabob?
A Pakistani intelligence official claimed al Qaeda weapons expert Midhat Mursi al Sayyid Umar, better known as Abu Khabab, was killed in this morning's airstrike in South Waziristan."We believe he was killed in this strike," a senior intelligence official told AFP on condition of anonymity. "It was his hide-out and information that has been shared with us says he was targeted in this strike."Six Pakistanis, including three foreigner terrorists, were reported killed in the airstrike, which hit either a madrassa or a home next to a mosque.Abu Khabab...
HuffPo Tries To Soften The Blow For Edwards By Asking
"Could Infidelity Save Your Marriage?"
7/28/2008 06:01:00 AM
exposing hypocrisy
John Edwards
Lefty Sex Crimes
Lies From The Left

And then, for the first time in 10 years, I silenced it. As Alex placed his hands on my hips, I knew with absolute clarity that I was about to have an affair. I knew it was a decision that could unravel even the strongest of unions. I never could have guessed that it would save mine.I had felt this kind of passion only once before, when I first encountered the man who would be my husband. I was wandering my college campus, terrified, when a gorgeous...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Mudville Gazette Launches MilBlog TV
7/27/2008 10:36:00 PM
citizen journalism
Counter Jihad
New Media
World War IV
Greyhawk continues to be a leader in reporting the news of our efforts in World War IV when the anti-American Legacy Media types won't. ...
Jihadis Bring Polio Back To Children in Pakistan
Second polio case in SwatISLAMABAD: A second young girl has tested positive for polio in Swat valley, where militants have warned against vaccinations, health officials said on Sunday.They said security fears were preventing health workers from carrying out a new anti-polio campaign. A three-day polio vaccination campaign for children aged less than five years is scheduled to begin in the NWFP on Monday.But the campaign will not be carried out in two areas of Swat Valley, Kabal and Matta, due to ‘uncertainty’ and deteriorating security in recent...
Record Setting Chill in Anchorage This Summer;
Global Temperature Continue Decline
The coldest summer ever? You might be looking at it, weather folks say. Right now the so-called summer of ‘08 is on pace to produce the fewest days ever recorded in which the temperature in Anchorage managed to reach 65 degrees.That unhappy record was set in 1970, when we only made it to the 65-degree mark, which many Alaskans consider a nice temperature, 16 days out of 365.This year, however — with the summer more than half over — there have been only seven 65-degree days so far. And that’s with just a month of potential “balmy” days remaining...
Unarmed Sheep Shot (One Dead) in Knoxville Church

Multiple people have suffered gunshot wounds in what witnesses describe as a mass shooting inside a church in West Knoxville Sunday morning.The shootings happened at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church on Kingston Pike.A witness who spoke to 10 News said police had arrived and one person was being detained at the scene.A children's production of "Annie" was taking place as part of the normal Sunday service at the time of the shooting,...
Barack Obama Loves Communist Ideas
7/27/2008 02:57:00 AM
Barack Obama
John McCain

For those who claim to love liberty, consider these words of Barack "Fidel Castro" Obama:Basically, what Obama is talking about is creating a Committee for the Defense of Liberal Ideology and Political correctness funded by a half trillion taxpayer dollars. National Security for this crowd is not about stopping terrorists from killing our children. National Security means to teach our children to understand the terrorists and their motivations so...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday Matinee:
The Desert Rats (1953)
7/26/2008 02:40:00 PM
Online Media
Saturday Matinee
Rommel has the British in retreat on his way to the Suez Canal. All that stands in his way is Tobruk, held by a vastly out numbered force of Australian troops. Richard Burton leads these troops on daring raids against Rommel, keeping him off balance as they earn the nickname 'The Desert Rats'.Wikipedia Article on the British 7th Armoured Division.Find movies, video and more at Hulu.These types of services works very well for me, because I live out of range of over-the-air television signals and have no interest in purchasing a satellite receiver....
Is Snopes in the Tank for Obama?

Ever wonder if something silly that came in the mail is true or not? If you have, you may have headed right on over to Snopes.Com to check it out. See if it was valid. See if it was a hoax. You trusted the trusty debunking of email myth by the Snopes.Com tribe. Well, you now have to be careful what you believe from Snopes.Com. Obama wound up canceling a trip to visit wounded soldiers in Germany when he learned he could only do it in his official...
Friday, July 25, 2008
Randy Pausch Dead at 47: The Last Lecture
In honor of Randy Pausch, I am embedding his famous Last Lecture:The video is 1 hour and 16 minutes long. PITTSBURGH, July 25, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Randy Pausch, renowned computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University, died July 25 of complications from pancreatic cancer. He was 47 (b:10/23/60). Celebrated in his field for co-founding the pioneering Entertainment Technology Center and for creating the innovative educational software tool known as "Alice,"...
Ratio of MSM contributions to Democrats is 100-1
But then you already knew they were hostile to Republicans, and covered for miscreant Democrats, didn't you?Read more at Investor's Business Daily.Hat Tip: Sister Toldj...
535 Neros Fiddle While Rome Burns
7/25/2008 09:41:00 AM
110th Congress
Heath Shuler
Patrick McHenry
Virginia Foxx
WASHINGTON - House Republicans on Thursday scuttled a bill that Democrats hoped would help lower gasoline prices by forcing the Energy Department to release 70 million barrels of oil -- about a three-day supply -- from the national stockpile.Democrats vowed that the action would have produced immediate relief at the pump, as was the case with similar releases in 1991, 2000 and 2005. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve now holds about 700 million barrels.Despite winning a clear 268-157 majority, the measure still lost. Democratic leaders had brought...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
How Many People Read Blogs?
The short answer, according to PEW, is 11% of internet users regularly read blogs, and 58% don't have a clue. The funniest observation is that 5% of internet users blog on a daily that means about half of people who read blogs have one themselves.
Okay, fine. 11% of what number?
According to World Internet World Stats, that would be about 247 million Americans who use the Internet, which would lead me to the number of 27 million daily blog readers in North America. I find that hard to believe.
The last time such a study was released,...
Democratic Activists Store Urine To Attack Police
7/24/2008 05:33:00 AM
anti-American protesters
Party Conventions
!-- -->Just how sick are these people?A new kind of warning has come up about protesters gearing up for the Democratic National Convention. Denver firefighters have learned of a house full of urine being stored to throw at police. An internal memo is warning first responders that disgusting acts are a significant concern. Protesters in other cities have used urine and feces filled balloons to throw at police and there are concerns that could happen during the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Denver City Councilman Doug Linkhart...
Media: Sexual Impropriety Is Okay For Democrats
Why They Refuse To Cover Edwards Love Child
7/24/2008 02:30:00 AM
John Edwards
Lefty Sex Crimes
Legacy Media
Yesterday, I ran a story from the National Enquirer (courtesy The Drudge Report) about John Edwards spending the night with his mistress, and the Legacy Media did not.Jack Shafer at Slate has a story on the non-story:When the original Enquirer story about the affair with Rielle Hunter came out, Edwards categorically denied the relationship, stating: "The story is false. It's completely untrue, ridiculous." As he rejected the Enquirer's charges, Edwards was making his wife and their marriage a central component of his campaign. If Edwards had...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Transformus 2008
I posted an article on the Neo-Pagan Religious Festival called Transformus on WNC Citizens Blog yesterday, including a photo of last year's temple burn, and videos a participant posted to you tube.The festival is based on the Burning Man that takes place every year in the Nevada desert.Asheville is really living up to their new motto (Any Way You Like It) designed to bring in the tourists, and this Neo-Pagan Festival seems to fit the bill.I wonder how many of the Pagans who cast spells to protest their Magnolia in front of City Hall went to this...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
John Edwards Caught With Mistress And Love Child!
7/22/2008 07:33:00 PM
Barack Obama
John Edwards
1 comment

The married ex-senator from North Carolina - whose wife Elizabeth continues to battle cancer -- met with his mistress, blonde divorcée Rielle Hunter, at the Beverly Hilton on Monday night, July 21 - and the NATIONAL ENQUIRER was there! He didn't leave until early the next morning.Rielle had driven to Los Angeles from Santa Barbara with a male friend for the rendezvous with Edwards. The former senator attended a press event Monday afternoon with...
Henderson County GOP No Longer Co-ordinating With Mumpower
7/22/2008 11:21:00 AM
Carl Mumpower
Heath Shuler
Henderson County
The Hendersonville Times-News is reporting that the Henderson County GOP is distancing themselves from congressional candidate Carl Mumpower:Danos provided no other details for the decision, though he had said that party officials were increasingly frustrated in recent weeks with Mumpower's positions, including his support for impeaching President Bush over border security, his opposition to the domestic surveillance bill and his threat to suspend his campaign if mountain counties did not endorse his "Principles First" campaign.CommentaryFor the...
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Battle of Frog Town
Cross-posted on WNC Citizens Blog:This is "The Battle of Frog Town" mock battle by members of the 25th NC Infantry Civil War re-enactors as part of the 5th Annual Franklin Folk Festival in Franklin, NC this past Saturday, the 19th of July.It was tremendous fun.For more information visit:Folk Heritage Association of Macon CountyMacon County Historical SocietyThe Battle of Iotla Ford25th NC Infantry Kirk's Raide...
Kirk's Raiders Attack Our Boys Near Franklin!
7/21/2008 07:13:00 AM
Civil War
Macon County

This is one of the photos I took of the dastardly Yankee criminals as they attacked the 25th North Carolina Infantry in FrogTown near Franklin, NC on Saturday. I will have a full video and photo report of the battle later this mornin...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Pat McCrory Speaks At Mars Hill
7/20/2008 07:48:00 PM
Madison County
north carolina
Pat McCrory
Pat McCrory was in Madison County, and Richard Bernier was there to capture it.Richard is the co-host of Sound Off Buncombe, which airs on URTV. URTV is channel 20 on Charter Cable in Buncombe and Madison Counties.Pat McCrory Campaign Website.Madison County GOP Website (in development)Buncombe County G...
July 20, 1969 "The Eagle Has Landed"

Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon. The first steps by humans on another planetary body were taken by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on July 20, 1969. The astronauts also returned to Earth the first samples from another planetary body. Apollo 11 achieved its primary mission - to perform a manned lunar landing and return the mission safely to Earth - and paved the way for the...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
McCain Throws Phil Gramm Under Bus
What is he doing? Competing with Obama on who can throw the most people under the bus?Phil Gramm made the mistake of correctly identifying Americans as whiners, and John McCain could not take the he tossed Gramm aside.A local lefty, Errington Thompson, has the MSNBC video.I will say that the McCain Campaign is appearing to be the most poorly run affair since the Fred Thompson Campaign. At least Fred let people self-organize, and I was proud to be part of that. I have tried to get in touch with the McCain people about organizing a ground...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Old Glory Radio Live Show For July 18th
If it's Friday Night, It's time for Tom Fredricksen to host "The Old Glory Radio Show"! Tonight, he will introduce us to Uncle Abdul's Madrassa:Turn the player on at 9 PM Eastern Time, and sit back, and enjoy! From this player, you can also watch past shows, or visit the Live Show Page, and use the calender to select the show you wish to watch.**update** There will be no live show this week due to a power outage in the area the show originates. Tune back in next wee...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
National Press Conference.... Oil Price Spurs ANWR Action

To pay less, save the environment, and stop sending trillions to foreign dictators. “We can’t drill our way out of our energy problem.” This daily mantra underscores an abysmal grasp of economics by the politicians, activists, bureaucrats and judges who are dictating US policies. If only their hot air could be converted into usable energy.
This is from Syrin, who hosts a radio show on Blog Talk Radio. She will be broadcasting live at 2.30 PM Eastern...
The American Phsyical Society Reverses View On Global Warming,
Will Sponsor Debates To Test Validity
The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming. The APS is also sponsoring public debate on the validity of global warming science. The leadership of the society had previously called the evidence for global warming “incontrovertible.”In a posting to the APS forum, editor Jeffrey Marque explains,”There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who...
Six NC-11 Counties Support "Principles First Campaign"
7/17/2008 09:03:00 AM
Carl Mumpower
Heath Shuler
WNC Citizen Blog
I wrote about it on WNC Citizens Blog.I am really surprised at how everyone has misinterpreted this move by Mumpower, and misunderestimated him. Just ask his former opponents in the GOP Primary. I know I did.In my opinion, the core of his support comes from people seeing him portrayed on WLOS as the sole adult on City Council (not on purpose, to be sure) all these years. Take this video I posted of Mumpower making Mayor Bellamy (and The Fab Four) look like idiots on the matter of partisan elections in Asheville. He was vindicated by the voters...
TIME Magazine: "We Love High Gas Prices!"
7/17/2008 08:12:00 AM
Barack Obama
economic socialism
Legacy Media
Lies From The Left

I kid you not, and they prove it by coming up with an article entitled Ten Things You Can Like About $4 Gas.Here are their ten things (read the article for their excuses):Globalized Jobs Return HomeSprawl StallsFour-Day WorkweeksLess PollutionMore FrugalityFewer Traffic DeathsCheaper InsuranceLess TrafficMore Cops On The BeatLess ObesityObaMarx Campaign LogoAll these things add up to one thing, the TIME is in the tank for the Democrats, and the...
Cool Nights, Refreshing Mornings

This has been a cool summer for the most part. The nights have been cool in the valley, and the mornings have been refreshingly cooler.This morning, I was reminded of a fall morning when I stepped out at 4 o'clock to listen to the birds cheerfully greet the dawn. It was one of those moments that I wanted to last forever, wishing that I could somehow save it for later recal...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Hamid Karzai: Pakistan Is The Source Of Terrorism In My Country
7/16/2008 08:22:00 AM
Barack Obama
World War IV
A portion of the transcript:Hamid Karzai: The problem of terrorism, as it is affecting Afghanistan, is not entirely an Afghan problem. As a matter of fact, a greater part of this problem is a regional problem, and a greater part of this problem is unfortunately coming to us from Pakistan. So the Americans, the international coalition – when they say they are continuing to work in Afghanistan, and yet the security is not there, they are right, because they have not gone to the right place to fight terrorism.Interviewer: Which is?Hamid Karzai: Which...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Watch Those Trendlines!
This is Brian's analysis of today's action, ignore what the Legacy Media is screaming, and don't forget to check out this oil price chart. Brian blogs about the market trends at Alpha Trend...
Not Dead Yet

I'll be back tomorrow. Until then, you can read about North Carolina wanting to put a meter on your wel...
Dangerous Drought Bill Advances Past Second Reading
This post archived from WNC Citizens Blog.
House Bill 2499 [HTML Version] [PDF Download] has advanced past it's second reading in the General Assembly.
In the following article, all sections in red are direct quotes from the legislation.
The bill has the innocuous-sounding title "AN ACT to improve Drought preparedness and response in North Carolina, as recommended by the Environmental review commission."
Here are just a few of the more egregious...