Ever wonder if something silly that came in the mail is true or not? If you have, you may have headed right on over to Snopes.Com to check it out. See if it was valid. See if it was a hoax. You trusted the trusty debunking of email myth by the Snopes.Com tribe. Well, you now have to be careful what you believe from Snopes.Com.
Obama wound up canceling a trip to visit wounded soldiers in Germany when he learned he could only do it in his official capacity as a Senator and he could not bring along his blabbering, loving horde of media. He worked out instead during that time. A fact.
But now, the 'Progressive Regressive Immature Children of the Scorn' PRICS are quoting a Snopes.Com article to say a 'blow off' isn't so.
Never mind the topic. For that matter, never mind the country. To PRICS, context has a way of just getting in the way. After the PRICS have changed the context to match the topic (a favorite pastime for them, otherwise known as 'spin', perpetrated by SPIN PRICS) they are proceeding to act as if it matters, which is how SPIN PRICS manage to justify themselves.
We have Snopes.Com accepting an email forwarded from one of the Democratic Underground SPIN PRICS, writing up a nice 'debunking', and the SPIN PRICS grab it as if it was real, to point out how 'Obama never did 'blow off' soldiers. Very few of them bother to notice it was in Afghanistan, and the context in the news is Germany, of if they do, it doesn't matter.
To determine whether Snopes.Com is in the bag for Obama, just take a look at their items. Look at 'The Natural' from an email in July 23, 2008 an old topic, just now being reviewed? Or how about July 9, 2008's 'Campaign Contributions' a false article gave Snopes.Com the opportunity to push the Obama line. "57 States" is not only true, it is true more than once, but instead of stating whether it is true or not, Snopes.Com gives excuses for Obama, he was tired. 57 and one more to go, and he was tired.
Source: Lee Hempfling on Red State
If this is true, it would ruin the reputation of Snopes. Of course, it would lend credence to the whole Obamessiah meme.
I have inquired as to the disposition of this...let's see if I hear anything back.
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