I kid you not, and they prove it by coming up with an article entitled Ten Things You Can Like About $4 Gas.
Here are their ten things (read the article for their excuses):
- Globalized Jobs Return Home
- Sprawl Stalls
- Four-Day Workweeks
- Less Pollution
- More Frugality
- Fewer Traffic Deaths
- Cheaper Insurance
- Less Traffic
- More Cops On The Beat
- Less Obesity

All these things add up to one thing, the TIME is in the tank for the Democrats, and the Democrat goal of controlling every aspect of your lives. Remember how the Legacy Media strated running stories about how good it was to lie, and the benefits that came from lying when it became apparent to all that Bill Clinton was lying about Monica Lewinsky?
This is the same sort of thing. Expect future articles on how sitting down with muggers over a cup of coffee is good for you and the mugger, and how Obama bin Laden is just a misunderstood Freedom Fighter who should be invited to sit down with President Barack Osama to "find common ground". (Yes, I really wrote an intentional Spoonerism).
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