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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Saxby Chambliss Defeats Jim Martin in Runoff

This is very good news indeed!

The libertarians very nearly spoiled this race...and the US Senate by forcing a runoff in the US Senate Race between US Senator Saxby Chambliss and Challenger Jim Martin.

Here are the numbers as of 3.20am:

57.4% 1,220,854 Saxby Chambliss
42.6% 905,637 Jim Martin

Source: Georgia Secretary of State
Related: Senator Chambliss
Related: Chambliss for Senate
Related: Martin for Senate


America dodged a bullet in this runoff. The President-elect Obama has been denied his fillibuster-proof majority in the US Senate.

I hope that this will help Senator Saxby Chambliss grow a spine, and move to the right, and dispense with his previous RINOism...and to give hope to the base of the Republican Party that we can defeat the Obamites at their own game.

So far, to my knowledge, there are no maps showing results by county on a map. I am sure that later this morning, someone will produce that map (if they haven't already) and I'll post it (or a link to it) here.


Excuse me, but it was the libertarians who saved the race for Republican Saxby Chambliss.

1. Libertarian Republican Sarah Palin came to the state on the final day to make 4 campaign stops for Saxby.

2. Libertarian Presidential candidate Bob Barr endorsed Saxby at the last minute, sending out an email blast to all registered Libertarians in the State urging them to get out and vote for his old friend Saxby, according to the AJC.

3. The Republican Liberty Caucus issues a press release on Nov. 22, officially endorsing Saxby for reelection.

Yeah, there was one doofus Libertarian Party guy Allen Buckley who refused to back Chambliss. But almost the entire libertarian movement besides him, backed the Republican in the end.

Eric Dondero, Publisher
Libertarian Republican blog

Eric Dondero:

Good to see you comment. I enjoy your blog.

Pardon me...but if Allen Buckley of the Libertarian Party had not run in this race...there would have been no run-off, and no need "to save" the Senate from a Democrat Majority.

In our political system (first past the post), two parties is the only stable solution. Third parties are merely fringe elements or transitioning to replace one of the two power parties. (GOP replaced the Whigs 19th century)

All third parties do is "spoil" the results, and elect the very opposite philosophy to office.

Calling Sarah Palin a "Libertarian" Republican is laughable. If your "Libertarians" are like the "Libertarians" around here...they despise anyone they call a "theocrat" Sarah Palin, a Pentacostal Christian far to the right of where the "theocrat" George Bush was as a stodgy Methodist.

Good news indeed! Now, if the Republicans will just stay on the reservation and not eagerly leap across the aisle to embrace the Democrats. In order to prove just how non-partisan and un-offending they can be. Forget Conservative Principles when that happens..

>>>Calling Sarah Palin a "Libertarian" Republican is laughable. If your "Libertarians" are like the "Libertarians" around here...they despise anyone they call a "theocrat" Sarah Palin, a Pentacostal Christian far to the right of where the "theocrat" George Bush was as a stodgy Methodist.<<<

Hear, Hear TP! Absolutely, right on the mark!!

The Libertarians don't seem to realize that the moral code of Western Civilization is Judeo-Christian, precepts. And those of us that embrace that belief, or philosophy are some of the most staunch supporters and defenders of the Constitution's articulated Liberties, and Freedoms. When Libertarians, dismiss, denigrate, and malign social Conservatives they are cutting their nose off despite their face. If the Libertarians continue in antagonizing and disparaging,what could be their staunches allies, then they do so to their own, and our detriment, and to the Liberty they espouse.

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The modern crop of "Libertarians" seem to be as anti-Western Civilization as the progressives are...and should be treated with as much disdain.

I see no reason for us to tolerate them in our party.