**note** I'm still processing the video from Monday night's meeting, which ran a little long, so it is taking longer than normal to edit the video. The video player below will rotate through recent meetings until I upload video of the meeting to YouTube. --TP

TheFranklin Town Board of Aldermen meets tonight at 7pm, and I'll be there to cover it. You can watch the meeting live on the video player above, or follow along using your favorite Twitter client using the hashtag #MaconGov. I'll be tweeting the meeting on my @wpig account.
Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen
Monday August 1, 2011 - 7:00 p.m.
- Call to order - Mayor Collins
- Approval of the July 5 and July 21, 2011 minutes
- Public session
- Set Public hearing for Chuck Holland re-zoning request
- Fish and Wildlife contract regarding Duke Power settlement- John Henning Jr
- Street Closing request: To close Iotla Street from Main Street to Church Street for Vintage Rock Concert- The Arts Council
- Presentation on Macon County, Franklin, and Highlands Comprehensive Transportation Plan-Ryan Sherby
- Presentation from the Fire Equipment Committee
- Discuss Samsung Tablets
- Flood Plain Discussion- Mike Grubermann
- Adjourn

I believe your video for the august 1 town board meeting is of an older one. Because Jerry Evans and mike decker are in the video. So you might want to fix this.
The videos rotate through all of them that I have recorded.
I have tried watching the august 1, 2011 Town board video on your ustream account and it doesn't have any audio. Will you be adding this to your youtube account. or could you upload it again it if didn't upload correctly Thanks.
I will as soon as I get through editing the video. Since the meeting lasted twice as long as normal it will take longer for me to process it, plus I am adding the slides in the power point by Ryan Sherby to the video, so it will take even longer than normal. I am hoping to have it done by Monday or Wednesday.
Thank you I'm glad some does this.
Did you ever get this added to youtube?
Nope. I've had a very busy couple of weeks producing and editing videos for paying clients. I'm even behind in getting the commissioner video out. :(
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